I just counted 21 Greta threads in the catalog. What are they sliding?
What's being slid?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just BBC threads.
>What are they sliding?
Seriously. Fucking 21. I wish infinity would come back. I hate you faggots.
Ever consider it's mouth breathers who are too stupid to check the catelog/think their thread is more special? You ever consider killing yourself?
I think it's the fact that Ed Buck was on the 2016 California electoral council. That's getting scrubbed everywhere. Seems (((Schiff))) placed him there.
No /egg/ thread in sight, wtf do you THINK has been slid? Epstein is still big.
Just wait for it to be over and come back in a bit.
Everything as per usually.
There's no present happenings, apart from the big UN meetings.
Plenty of stuff to be memory holed though.
Jow Forums is feeling really light weight on traffic. Not many of us here fren.
me too fren. This place is a virtually pointless clusterfuck.
>Epstein's grave found, Florida man en route
>Oil false flag detected, may actually be aborted
And most of all
>Global Warming and Climate Change are not the same thing, yet both are propaganda
Oh no, I posted it. Now watch as this thread disappears!
I don’t know, I also shillposted one Greta thread just to make more of em.
Im going to bump this because I, too, am annoyed at this greta shit. Filtering the catalog isnt even working with the number of these shit threads.
Agree. "Everything is a slide thread if it's not about my pet topic." Waaaah
i'm pretty sure some kind of new AI has been deployed
>I just counted 21 Greta threads in the catalog.
And so you decided to make another one
Sliden Biden
Don’t slam the door on your way out niggers
Ukraine, you dumb faggot. Shills shilling shills shilling shills...
Biden/Ed Buck/Bill Weld treason talk
I thought it was because Shia LeBoof is obviously on roids now. He will rage very soon. Screencap this
Hello fren
You get that cab I sent the other night?
greata == un
bump for Biden/Ukraine treason
bump for Schiff picked Ed Buck to be an elector in 2016
bump for Bill Weld priming normies to accept execution of demonshits
This, his campaign is done and he may in fact face criminal charges for extorting the Ukrainian government.
The democrats have no viable alternatives so they are panicking
Hollow Earth/planets
Nothing they're just parroting MSM craplines
Fake photo
it's no fake
Does the BBC hate sharing a title with a porn genre?
Greta posters should be gassed
Take, the meds
I will as soon as you drop the memeflag.
Take, the meds
>drop memeflag
>star of satan
It's. Always. The.
stfu leaf, I only use the memeflag cause you spergs can't control your fingers from insta-typing kike and I never get a chance to actually discuss with people
gosh i wonder why
This thread
>i j-just want to actually discuss with people
>only post in thread is "take, the meds"
Clottin eyed Joe's corruption
Oh yeah! That too.
this must be that jewish IQ they talk so much about
You think that the earth is hollow, you need some fucking meds
that shit was even covered by tim, nobody is covering that shit up, there's something up and i want to know too.
Yup. Biden got caught in extortion scam and he and his idiot crackhead son are about to go to Federal Pound You in The Ass Prison.
I wonder if Biden will keep his mouth shut or he'll go talk like the fucking senile idiot he is. If narcs on the Clintons it might get real interesting.
There is no physical evidence that supports a solid earth with a molten core.
probably those 2 niggers killing that guy. i saw the video and it was more like 6 niggers. maybe they're afraid it will inspire more old people to bait getting knocked out and murdered and expose the nigger epidemic to normies.
what about plate tectonics?
Declas is imminent
Here. Mountains of discovery. New drops.
>Follow the links. Follow the bloodlines.
Fucking dig Jow Forums. FUCKING DIG!
>some autistic teenage girl is saying things some people don't like
>they make 21 fucking threads about it
Fuck this board.
Actually they were gretta hate threads. They were trying to slide the gretta threads with responses they didn't like.
Please can someone explain this hollow planets thing?
That's just as embarassing as one of our political parties doing a hip and cool promotion video for the youth where all they're doing is bashing other political parties and the already mentioned autistic girl. The one time they talked about any of their political achivements it had nothing to do with what they criticised the other parties for.
Prince Andrew fucked Epstein teens for MOSSAD
Its not hollow hollow,
Just a cave the size of Manhattan at the North Pole. and many more smaller ones all over the place
holy shit you are going to be suicided very soon
You want treason?
Schiff chose a serial killer
>Schiff chose a serial killer
Schiff chose a serial killer
>Schiff chose a serial killer
Schiff chose a serial killer
>Schiff chose a serial killer