Indian meltdown on Twitter after Trump meets Imran Khan
Indian meltdown on Twitter after Trump meets Imran Khan
Trust a liar, get fucked. This is not rocket science.
He's been throwing his American supporters under the bus, why would he give a shit about Pakis or Indians.
welcome to America. your actions in America matter to America. the rest of the world doesn't give a damn what you did, stop acting like the rest of the world matters.
>Indians think they matter
I really enjoy how mad Trump makes people.
no bully pls
Stay mad poo
Why do pajeets bring their politics to another country? It goes to show that they will never be real Americans, just permanent economic refugees. Assimilate or go home.
Chad cricketer btfo dwarf chaatwalla
>1 person
lmao, pakis gotta step their game up.
Look at how bad your prime minister was screeching, like a child in his recent speeches against modi. Hindu Nationalism truly scares Muslims to death, because when Hindus get ready to chop chop we gonna chop you all.
Did they think America and India would be best friends?
Most Indian Americans are huge Liberals so they don't even matter when 99% of their pop votes Democrat
they actually believed trump memes!!!
some people are really stupid
I’m glad to see that Mark Wahlberg has gotten a new gig.
Poo's are the biggest uncle toms of the planet. Hindus constantly grovel at the feet of whitey to be accepted, how do you think the british ruled over them for 200 years without any major problems?
>Paki pm screeches like sjw
This is your state when we have simply acted on our own territory. You send Jihadists across the border daily and they get shot and shown their place.
We haven't even claimed half of what is ours. Yet.
him and his whole family have such great character. He doesn’t even have to work cuz whalburgers are so good but here he is
Some more indian meltdowns
When you gonna annex Pakistan?
Knowing how absolutely shit poo's are at warfare I don't have a hard time believing this. Although their "vessels" were probably small boats.
Cope. Muslims were always ass licking the British, nearly all freedom fighters were Hindus.
Pakistan was created by asslicking Brits.
The whole time I was watching the Modi thing, i was thinking, "wasn't Imran Khan just at the White House?'
Figured people didn't care and I misjudged India's ideas on him. Seems like not. Whatever, fuck em both.
Pakis are pussies who act tough in a group. Meet one alone and he'll run like a dog with his tail between his legs
Pls do the culling that we aren't able to
Whatever makes you feel better poo. The Muslims ruled over you street shitters for hundreds of years not the other way around. It was the british who created your meme state for you. Your entire religion is based around caste and worshipping animals, do the world a favour and kys.
>He's been throwing his American supporters under the bus
exactly. trump is a lying cuck
Here's a friendly fucking reminder to your sand dune coon worshipping ass, you were merely barbarians with no history, culture or any thing redeemable. All you ever did was leech off other civilizations.
You and your tribe of fucking savages has had a great run, I admit. But now it's time to pay for your pedophilic admirers.
So as I sit back, relax and see Muslim lands being ravaged by our hordes, while you can do nought but sit in Ireland, in white man's country, calling me uncle Tom while you gotta lick his ass to let him stay because you can't go back to Buttfuckistan because it's a fucking warzone.
Also, when was ever your people constructed something like pic related? Oh wait, you can only blow things up. LMAO.
Pakis can't even post here after this lel
>Very aggressive
I believe that was the point?
Also, the British invented Hinduism as a tool of colonial rule.
Seethe harder poo. Wait until Muslims come from around the world to participate in Jihad against you piss drinkers.
POOCELS BTFO for all eternity.
Why are Muslims so fucking delusional? LOL
hindutva is the only way india will ever be powerful
otherwise all that will happen will be a communist/atheist hellhole where the highest ideal is racial equality
the caste system must be enforced harder than ever!
It's all right here:
If India is a "nation," then so is the EU.
The poos have been fired
How will we ever recover massive propaganda victory for pakistan shame shame indians ecs dee
If you keep repeating it it will become true dae meme magic ecs dee
People don't forget about their roots, dumbass. It's natural for an Indian to care about India.
They don't just bring it from India. Just look at the next years presidential candidates in both Canada and USA.
You got Jugmeet Sikh lined up ready for Canada. And Tulsi gundam a BJP supporter lined up for USA.
The poos are cucking the west and probably super power 2020 Might actually happen next year but not in Asia.
look how much the bad guys hate peace. sucks to be them.
Modi's Speech was total CRINGE he was doing his lifes best BALLLIFTING effort while Trump was just was standing there for hours lmao
>what is diplomacy
this might end up in someones kringe compilation video online.
Are you supporting Radical Islamic Terrorism?
Paolo is that you?
fuck poopjeets, no one respects you sycophant eternal slaves
Yes, trump has disappointed many people that previously had supported him. Nothing new.
Poos are indeed sycophants
Low iq punjabi never fails to amaze us
fyi it's a well known paki lurking in antima india thread or probably a bangaldeshi.
Although Paolo was at least funny
poo in loo
You poo's are so delusional are more Muslims in India then in any middle east country or Pakistan kek.
Gottem haha lool *dabs*
Pakistan is big gay
Send vagine
Imran Khan's 3 wives.
Hinduism is one of if not the oldest religion(s)
Based Trump doesn’t like poop people
>this is pm Podi's wife.
Reminder the black sun flag is just the indian flag scalarized
Fellas, he meant to say “ street shitting winners “
Hugo, Do you care about Mongolia?
Jagmeet has approximately a 0% chance of gaining any power.
Good, stay in your own fucking country street-shitters. It pisses me off Trump cut a deal with curryniggers to import millions more of you shitskins with your fake as fuck "degrees" from Ganges U because he's a stupid boomer cuck who thinks nepotistic, foreign fucking indians will become a reliable ally of the republican party or something who knows what goes through the heads of boomers who sold this country and their kids out to jewish globalhomo inc.
It's different in every village. I don't see how that can be called a religion.
>praising a country for cracking down on terrorism offends the street shitters
Pajeets really are the dumbest people on this planet.
Jesus christ, every iteration i see of white vs mud race, its an overwhelming white victory. These niggers really are gas lit for a race war
>nazi aryan supremacy
>this fucking street shitter isnt aware of what Hitler did for India
Fucking wow.
I think what he means is that the bongs called all the non muslim religious practices in India by the umbrella term Hinduism. At least that's what I was told in school, but I went to school in shitlib California is maybe it's just fake SJW bullshit.
Jokes on her, she just literally committed terrorism. Lock her up.
wtf i love poos now
Also if anyone is seething and coping in this thread its the sudden influx of Indian flags and damage control lel. Yall too sensitive, you get riled up real quick.
Remember the Awans
Census: More than 19,500 languages spoken in India as mother tongues
Does this sound like a "nation" to anyone here?
>gives even more money to Israel
>says that the American army is at Saudi Arabia's disposal
>praises Pakistan
I'm sorry, where is she wrong? If you support Trump at this point, it's only to own the libs. Don't expect this guy to do shit for our side.
Imagine getting mad at a push for peace.
Yeah imagine getting mad at Obama moving for peace with Iran
The Iran Deal was leading to war, not peace.
Which was (((their))) goal anyway.
Im out of the loop.
What is this Trump-India-Pakistan shit?
Pakis gonna send more ATGMs to Bosnians.
Modi was at a Trump rally.