Trump's DHS recognises white nationalism and white supremacy as a major threat in the U.S. Finally minorities wil be able to sleep more peaceably. Are we tired of winning yet pedes?
Fucking based
based, i'm a terrorist now.
What a bunch of niggers
those patches are clean as whistle.
Naww. You're a bonafide threat to the Government. They can kill you without warrant. That's all.
Who here /terrorgang/?
I bet his Nazi flag he's paid to wave a rallies has nice creases in it, too. Fresh out of the package!
>implying I care
if I am a terrorist for not wanting to live with subhuman shitskins that rob and kill then I am terrorist
This thread is getting slid hard by the MAGA (((shills))). Have a bump OP
No shit. They're the absolute worst and don't seem to realize it.
fuck yea finally we can destroy the white people just like Israel has been demanding for decades!!!
Now Zion Don has a legal basis for grabbing our guns.
Fuck the government!
you cant tell them to fuck off back where they belong?
Obama's deep-state communists in the DHS, FBI, and other agencies carrying out his agenda.
the kikes are afraid
Jow Forums played right into the glowniggers hands by worshipping their false flag shooters.
this place won't be around for much longer i'm afraid.
oh man those cville flags. im still convined they just offered some free pants and $50 to a bunch of drugs addicts down at the methadone clinic to carry a flag around for a couple hours
Terrorism implies using fear and violence for political purposes. NOT A SINGLE SOUL on the right has done this in YEARS, yet the left does it on a daily basis.
>major threat
well to bad antifa is already a domestic terrorist organisation, so some steps ahead there sven.
I think this is likely what happened. Nobody has ever been able to locate any of those people. These "activist" organizations have admitted to recruiting the homeless because a lot of them are mentally ill and will accept payment like new clothes or a night at a hotel.
Well if the GOD EMPEROR says it then I have no choice but to agree
bump. seems Zion Don was no different than Killary after all
When we werent pushing for revolution they said we were weak, cowards, a tiny fringe, etc.
Now they are saying we are a big scary terrorist bogeyman.
The bottom line is whether we are weak or strong they will fight to keep us out of power, so we might as well be strong and not disavow our soldiers
Reporting, for bump and victory \o
For my ameribros. Open your eyes.
This is unconstitutional. An attack on you similar to the un"patriot" act.
>based, i'm a terrorist now.
this........ want to see a real terroist? push it.
Well said user. If we're fucked either way I'd rather fight.
And who is harassed, who is ignored or even supported by your gov?
Same here btw, in case you wonder. Antifa are the globalists hounds, they'll never crackdown on them except when they bare their teeth at the rich, which is rare.
Nationalists and patriots? Very different.
He does suck and is senile, but he seems really in love with the replacement wall and if he does build 500 miles by election day it won't matter if he loses, he will have served some purpose.
This. Fuck it. They absolutely should feel threatened cause when you keep poking the bear, over 50 brown scum get killed in mere minutes.
They didn't need us. Just the falseflaggers. The anons walking into the trap were just the cherry, they still had the cake. The kikes and freemasons accelerated their attacks on our people. Same here, with Macron signing the Morrocco pact and unleashing riot police on all gatherings.
>Post "its ok to be white" on faceberg
> Glownigger AI script combing big data for "extremism" catches it
> Get red flagged by local police
> Militarized Police raids your home, handcuffs your wife and kids, shoots your dog and grabs your guns
Such is life under ZOG
He was Mossad/CIA
good post
>Obama's deep-state communists
Lmao boomer cringe lmaoooooo
I'm a literal "terrorist" because I feel that Whites should be allowed to live where they want and not be replaced. And I am aware of Jewish history and tricks by Jewish interest groups!
>Muh God Emperor
>Trust the Plan
This lady in paticular is the one that really got my attention and made me think some of these dupes were just recruited at a homeless shelter or some group home
Meanwhile, in Baltimore...
Haha, the Frenchman has the nerve to complain.
How did those yellow vests get shut down again? Your country is closest to collapse, and the last dying breath of nationalism, which IS patriotism, got shut down hard.
France will be the first to fall, you are the globalists' Guinea pig.
It’s not listed as a terrorist organization officially and i don’t think it ever will. Republicans care more about being accused of racism than ever keeping their promises.
Inb4 new waco
No he wasn’t.
Basically this.
Even die-hard Trump supporters basically said FUCK TRUMP after this.
Who's "homeland" are they really defending?
France is actually having more success electing nationalists than the US has. People like Steve King have been shunned in the Republican Party.
4 posts by the time you posted your shit...yeah that's totally 'slid hard'...kys
Go put on that star of David and miga that, faggot boomer
the intelligence agencies and their politian friends probably looked at the downside and benefits of having some golem blow away a few muslims. They checked the numbers and realized there were no downsides. Everything would work in their favor.
and you dumb ass are all "wowwww he shot some muslims wwwoooowwww 1488 maaaan check out the meme I made"
and they laughing their asses off at people like you
>They can kill you without warrant.
If you had been paying attention you would know cops already do this.
Luckily I'm not a white nationalist I'm a "good person" nationalist. The racial breakdown of good people is coincidental.
>100% white
based on what numbers?
How the fuck are they coming to these insane conclusions?
I would like to see the data they used, how many attacks by who
Everyone right of Marx is a white nationalist/supremacist in the eyes of the fucking establishment as it is
I guess over half the country are terrorists now
fuck me
Can you imagine just how terrible grug-brain government propaganda on this will be? They'll end up doing 2/3 our work for us:
>1. calling attention to the "issue" and
>2. framing the debate in the stupidest way possible with easily debunk-able points.
All we'll have to do is:
>3. point out how they don't make any sense under the slightest bit of scrutiny
and you'll have whites everywhere saying "Hey, wait a minute, buddy!"
Close but nah it's glowies.
>the kikes are afraid
Of what? Whites are finished
they'll just cope post and say it wasn't Trump that did it.
Why is he doing this? One of you burgers gotta explain this shit to me.
How is "white nationalism" a threat and Antifa isn't?
wouldn't be surprised if they included hispanics lol.
Because Trump is a kike neocon and just more of the same wearing a mask.
Who here /terroristboys/?
I am afraid you are wrong. We do not have children drag queens, we are not very fond of Israel, and the population, both left and right, local or imported, remain quite conservative. We, Europeans, are still a majority on national level at every age. Half of our elites are old school chauvinist catholics.
And we can gather numbers to fight, ultimately, we had black blocks and Nationalists fighting together, because we have a deeper political culture and a more rebellious tradition. And when we riot it hurts. And despite the memes, we are the bravest soldiers in history, and one of the most armed people in the world.
I do not say this because I hate Americans, quite the opposite. But you are our polar opposite in all but number of guns. You are completely owned, half of whites worship israel, rest worship foreigners, you are cowards, lazy and disorganized. You have feral darkies killing people by the thousands each year. Some African Civil wars cause less casualties. While our police and army are deeply nationalist, even the non whites, yours will do anything for the next pay day. It's time to wake up. It's not us, Sweden or any country that is the most fucked.
It's yours. By far. Very very far. Stop pointing fingers out of misplaced arrogance and look at your country. I say this not to humiliate you, because the US are a great country, but because it's true. And it hurts me to see this and having morons spamming "Whiter than you Mohammed" while their sister overdose on opioid.
>a bunch of disorganized, random white guys posting their frustration about the insanity of the left and the blatant racism that non whites display on a consistent basis
>potential terrorists whos rights can be stripped from them instantaneously
>antifa actually goes out and commits violence against anyone they consider political opponents
>not terrorists
remember that if you believe the constitution should be protected at all costs you will be labeled a white nationalist terrorist. since the majority are a bunch coddled retards this can only end 1 of two ways: either submit or fight back. if you choose the latter, you will be labeled a hate filled terrorist. this isn't about protecting the innocent but rather it's about protecting traitors who won't be voted out because the majority of people are emotional dipshits
Not supremacy, but nationalism?
Are black nationalists considered a terror threat? Genuine question.
I dont thnk they are all feds. have you ever taken a good look at some of those mutants in the crowd? I bet if you found on the names of a bunch of these loser looking people, they'd all have big long police records
So why are white nationalists only a threat to the government after Trump became president? Wouldn't they have been more so under a black president?
Is Trump more anti-white than Obama?
saved and lmaopilled
ok fine but the event is set up by feds
you mean like >pic related
blaming the crimes of shitskins on whites
like this
No he's just incredibly pro-kike.
yea I wont argue that
They moved the goalposts so far nailed it user
those lazy data entry temp workers
Wow I'm sure you'll outsmart them and they'll leave you along, good plan
> This story was reported from Los Angeles.
You idiots didn't even read the obvious fake news article.
Those are some ugly Americans.
>weight 140 lbs
>weight 145 lbs
>weight 150 lbs
And I thought Americans were fat
Deep state gives him the tempo. Whether he was genuine or not in his intentions, one man cannot overthrow a system without bloodshed and absolute resolve. He is just a businessman. Not Napoléon, Hitler or Caesar.
>oppose globalism
>become terrorist
The new nationalists are now an OFFICIAL threat to the NWO. Anyone in this country who does not want a one-world government, who opposes fiat currency, who sees migration as the tax scam it is, and who opposes the American-Jewish Empire has been recognized as a REAL threat to their vile schemes.
You should be celebrating.
Apart from gypsy subhumans we don't really have any shitskins hungarybro. We should be glad for that at least. However I envy Pooland, they have like no gypsies, meanwhile we are drowing in them.
Antifa are the deep state army of drugged up kids. You NEVER see Antifa protesting war hawk journalists and politicians. NEVER.
Anyway, white America is getting the Assad treatment. Watch as the red flag laws are only used against patriots whereas black and latino gangs get away untroubled.
I keep getting reminded about how delusional Jow Forums every single time I see a thread desperately trying to spin a clear loss into a win for Jow Forums you guys are unbelievable. Like why are you happy that your entire worldview has been defined as a terrorist ideology???
slandering an entire faction of this country just to appease niggers and spics who have butthurt feelings over their inferiority complex
Slandering an entire faction of this country just to make white liberal feel good about themselves
I fucking hate our institutions, they are worthless
So being a constitutionalist paleocon is akin to being a terrorist now?
They're manlets.
Its sarcasm you literal autist
Remember that Marius, Sulla, and Caesar were NOT trying to destroy the Republic. They just wanted to avoid prosecution and help the masses, but they, in justly protecting themselves so, destroyed Rome's democracy.
Trump isn't Caesar, but he's akin to Caesar's populist predecessors.
Yes they appear to be that too