>Be Slovakia
>Russian tricolour to scare off sandniggers
>Small and easy to travel
>Cheap labor force from Ukraine
>Mafia boss arrested after killing a journalist
>Nationalist party getting stronger everyday
>Ideal climate
>Beatiful nature
Come visit us Jow Forums you won't regret it.
Be Slovakia
Get ready for a stream of shitskins since pol is 50% white
I thought all our drunkard construction workers usually go to Czechia or Portugal. BTW, what's the "must see" place in your country? Any skiing resort?
mostly nature and mountains so yea, but watch out for resorts under tatras they are known for their ridiculous prices.
Met this 9/10 slovakian girl this summer and we’re going to buy a sailboat together and travel the world
Agree 100%. Thanks for all the beautiful prostitutes you are sending over here
>Mafia boss arrested after killing a journalist
based. got some info on this?
I was thinking about visiting but idk.
I will one day brother
>be tót
>be hungarian for a thousand years
>chimp out when they ask you to learn the language
>steal clay and iconography from hungary and tricolor from russia
>immediately cucked by bohemians
>doom all of carpathia to being irrelevant puppet states
Half of country is gypsies
Slovakia was a playground for mafia bosses and corrupt politicians in the 90's,mainly during the period known as "mečiarizmus",named after former PM Vladimir Mečiar,link below explains.
You have an EU puppet Jewish female president with a falsified career history.
they were hungarian for more than a thousand years
shame it's a gypsy shithole. but good try
Half of your country is Germany
yeah, she's a puppet but she hardly has any inpact on the country, as everyone east of capital is a stubborn conservative, and many right-wing people don't give a shit anyway.
it doesnt matter they are mainly controlled by us
they only redraw the borders not the culture economy geography etc
also the european union lifted all sanctions and borders between the 2 countries
What the fuck are you doing??? We don't want more filthy foreigners here. I keep a nigger once a day while walking through our capital
These, stay away from our country
*I keep seeing a nigger
based kokot
based kokoti
Can I move there entirely? Also, what's your issue with the Czechs? I have a really old pellet rifle and a machete that are stamped "Made in Czechoslovakia" but you guys are two separate states now. Yet, you both make really great firearms. What the fuck?
Depends, on where you live
People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? wasn't he exposed for fucking his underage fans?
lol what the fuck
youre so strong bruh
tell em
youre a lion rawr
Fuck off you faggot fucking hipster
Czech jews stole half of slovakia's industreal power for themselfs
>Czech jews stole half of slovakia's industreal power for themselfs
No issue with based working class czechs however
Wut? We never had any industrial power, we were always an agrarian nation. Czechs benefited from already having their industry be built by hasburgs, they have been a powerhouse for a long time.
This fragmented central Europe thing is not working for any of us, where's Franz when you need him?
>Time to move to slovakia to be with my fellow white brothers. Us whites must stick together afterall
Slovakia could still function without Capital and its shitty city centre.
I don't know how Czechia could survive without the tens of millions dollars tourists keep spoon feeding into Prague.
franz caused it to collapse
why do you want him out of all people?
Together we create a hope for White Western Christian Civilization,little carpatian brother
By Franz I meant Austrians in general, you know, how you sometimes address other anons with names from their language, calling a German user, Hans etc
austrians caused it to collapse
why do you want them out of all people?
We had a good going with them, besides, me, you, Austrians, Czechs and Slovenians are very very similar genetically and quite close culturally as well. And last and but not least, Austrians don't act like germans, it's strange but they don't share the same mentality.
You guys wanted independence now you are a weak 5 million people country able to be raped by foreign powers. Congrats for falling for divide and conquer instead of staying allied with based Hungarians.
No one asked you for an opinion, heathen, at least our cities aren't swarming with Arabs and niggers
let me add more Jow Forums flavor to the pot.
Your cities are swarming with gypsies, there are more gypsies in Slovakia than arabs in Netherlands
>Russian tricolor
You’re not a Slovak, you’re a LARP. Any real Slav knows those are the Pan-Slav colors
Oh, fuck, really? That's not cool. My knowledge of both Czech Rep. and Slovakia amount to
>Grand Power is a Slovakian company. They make great, affordable firearms.
>Czech Republic is home to CZ. They make great, affordable firearms.
That's Canadian education for you though. Just a bunch of anti-white propaganda and brainwashing. I've been feeling the urge to move to Europe lately.
I want to visit your country one day for sure.. Pretty much all the V4 countries are great and I can imagine what a nice and comfy place it is.. I rented apartments for a lot of people V4 countries and they were all very friendly.
The entirety of your (our) country is Native American clay.
At least Poland controlled those regions prior to German control and they are called the RECOVERED Territories for a region
also cope harder nigger. Slovakia was a country created by kikes after WW1. (((Benes))) (((Masaryk))) and (((((((Stefanik)))))) were kike agents sent by french and the eternal angloids to weaken austria-hungary.
When you you lose your NWO guardians you will be split again between Czechs Austrians and Hungarians.
Gypsies live in their own segregated villages in the east, while 3 of your biggest cities are only 50% dutch
>We had a good going with them, besides, me, you, Austrians, Czechs and Slovenians are very very similar genetically and quite close culturally as well.
By Slovenians you mean Poles?
Slovenian are South Slavs and Balkan with Illyrian generics, Poles are West Slavs related to Slovaks and Czechs.
Half of students in my uni are slovaks and everyone Ive talked to is not going back.
That's kind of a issue of when your future elite is leaving already.
Slovenians cluster with us, not with Croatians
Because he’s a cuck LARP
ye, those spilled from hungary, red zones are those occupied by gypsies. Then again i will rather take a gypsy than an invader.
>We had a good going with them
they stole everything they could
falsified history
tried to genocide us
caused our country to collapse
hungarians are scythians
slovakians are "slavified" hungarians
celts are scythians
austrians and bavarians are germanized celts
thats why, were all connected and related
the entire regions official "history" is fake and was falsified from 1800, but mainly after 1850
btw you mean habsburgs and not austrians
An autosomal map suggests otherwise.
Cope. Then why is bratislava and Kosice full of gypsy beggars. Based Slovaks deported Hungarians and Germans from Pressburg and Kassa and replaced them with gypsies and slovak untermensch.
Moving there already
>they stole everything they could
>falsified history
>tried to genocide us
I doubt this one since you entered a personal Union.
>caused our country to collapse
That was Jews.
>Hungarians are Scythians
You mean Sarmatian?
>Slovakia’s are "slavified" hungarians
Wrong, Slovaks and Hungarians are genetically no different.
>thats why, were all connected and related
Yes, it’s pretty obvious West Slavs and Magyars are related..
>gypsies arent invaders
is your IP address from Lunik 9?
>arrested after killing journalist
ya almost had me
Cigans are subhuman invaders from india
Slovenians are the genetic link that separates West Slavs from Balkans, just like how Ukrainians are the genetic link that separates West Slavs from East Slavs. They’re West and South Slav mutts.
Slovaks are generically close to other West Slavs (obviously) which are Czechs and Poles first and foremost as well as Hungarians, Sorbs (not Serbs), and Lusatians. Where did you get the idea of Slovenes being genetically or culturally close to them? They’re not.
>Yes, it’s pretty obvious West Slavs and Magyars are related..
Because there is no difference on a genetic level. When the Seven Magyar (Hungarian) chieftains come to Hungary, they assimilated the West Slavic tribes living in Pannonia rather than ethnically replacing them.
the SHILL strikes again
oh no hungry remembers its history stop quickly
>Russian tricolour to scare off sandniggers
why do you react so quickly????
what is your job
Lands which they took from Germanic Tribes living in the area before, and land which was never slavic.
Two can play this game Jan.
How does Hungary treat the Austrian union? Do you see it as legitimate or an occupation/invasion?
My favorite points in Hungarian history are when you guys had a personal union twice with Poland. It was badass seeing Hungary and Poland under a common border stretching between three (or two?) seas.
oy vey shut it down xd
seriously wtf
Construction worker, why? And I react quick because I type fast and am involved in this thread? What kind of question is that, friend?
This land belongs to Pannonian Illyrians.
>never Slavic
>Poland creates the city of Gdańsk (Danzig) as its main naval port in 997
>Poland starts Prussia as a vassal state where they let the Germans live and mass immigrate to "do the jobs nobody wants to do!" (sound familiar?) and let them live in Gdańsk
>Polish knights save Vienna and thus all the Austrians/Germans from Islamic conquest at the Battle of Vienna
>A couple hundred years later they are "rewarded" for saving Europe from mudslimes by Germs constantly trying to fuck with them
>Prussians long declared independence and chimping out, became the majority in Danzig from breeding like roaches
>Germans buttfuck Poland and the Baltics along with Russia and Sweden at the same time and completely abolish the nation of Poland when they win in Poland’s moment of weakness unable to fight 3 enemies at once
>Move in millions of autistic Germans to settle the land
>Frederick the Geeat (literally a confirmed fag) keeps "pushing towards the east" to in his own words remove the "Polish trash"
>The fake state of Prussia starts oppressing Poles, forcing them out of their homes & cities during their "kulturkampf" and Bismarck himself tries to genocide them saying "Hit the Poles so hard that they despair of their life; I have full sympathy with their condition, but if we want to survive, we can only exterminate them; the wolf, too, cant help having been created by God as he is, but people shoot him for it if they can." in a letter to his sister
>Germany fucks up in WW1 & Britain and France let Poland become a state again to end the Prussian autism but still lets them keep East Prussia, built on stolen Baltic & Polish lands
>Poles rightfully try to expel the German cockroaches that tried to genocide them & exterminate their language and culture for 400 years and take back their city Gdańsk from the German faggots
>Hitler chimps out about MUH ETHNIC GERMANS on "German" land that THEY stole
It's simple really. That land is Polish and Prussia was a meme.
There was no Austria. The habsburgs were legitimate successors to the Hungarian throne and was supported by most of Hungary's nobility except some areas (Protestant) in the East. Habsburgs did not "occupy" Hungary they were the legitimate Hungarian Kings.
Never been in New Hungar- I mean Slovakia but all "you dirty hungar rape babies" and "Tatras= czech tourist cemetery" bants aside, I like you, your language and your country. Good to have you as our ally.
Since when the fuck are German, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian lands Illyrian, dumbass?
Was 3 times near Banská Štiavnica. Great country, beautiful old buildings, real European nature. If somebody asked where I would live except my country, I would chose Slovakia for sure.
That’s not how many Hungarians see it.
i dont even care about Jow Forums im genuinely curious why did you react so quickly when i started to say some truth
what is your order why cant i talk about hungary?
hungarians have always known that they are scythians, even leftists know it its not a secret
Interestingly enough, I visited western Ukraine and the atmosphere and vibe doesn’t feel too different from eastern Slovakia
halohen is conan o'brien
thx bro
But you didn’t say truth, I corrected your mistakes. Hungarians aren’t Scythian
It was an ironic comment since slovaks say that this land is theirs since "they were here first" even though they werent, many tribes were there before them and slovakia never had a state there.
Scythians from south Russia and were Iranian, Hungarians are Finni-Ugric with West Slav genetics
bro i just said everyone knows it, we openly claim it we have claimed it since forever wtf man
think whatever you want i dont care im just asking why did you jump on it so quickly
Sorry for calling you a dumbass then. However the furthest north illyrians got to was south Pannonia. Nowhere in Slovakia
I’ve seen Hungarians claiming to be Turan, NEVER Scythian
Tell me you have as many blondes as north europeans but without them looking like cows and Im moving in imediately
But this is the historical reality. Many Catholic Hungarian noblemen sided with Habsburgs and supported their accession to the throne and they were legitimate rulers in accordance to Hungarian laws and customs.
Slovakia has many blondes, the vast majority of the country is fair haired and eyed, and their women are very feminine. How’s Bulgaria when it comes to this matter?
Key word: nobleman
Not common folk
ok fren