She's right. About so many things. I for one want to live in a cleaner, healthier earth. What's so wrong with that?
Greta gang
I want to live in a world without niggers and kikes but we can't all have what we want can we?
Nothings wrong with it if you’re on the right side of history.
Yo white people, stop having kids.
Nothing...taxing Americans more, however, will not make the world cleaner.
gangs are for niggers
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
why is she so hot you guys?
What are you willibg to sacrifice to get it?
Life is full of decisions user
The real polluters are China, India, Brazil, Russia etc. Heavy industrial nations pump out all the CO2 yet this cuntrag comes moaning to the West to shame us for leaving our heating on
Fucking short sighted virtue signalling middle class lefty liberal wankstains lap it up
Ayn Rand would disagree. You need to selfish yourself. Capitalism is the only way out. More power to corporations and trump.
America should pay ME for living here
>we're doing it, but not fast enough to suit yurop
>they send a pigtailed schoolgirl as a cat's paw
>a 11y/o girl is yurop's enforcer
wtf happened to you guys? we're fracking our enemies into submission. get on board or get left behind.
Because if she went to any of those other countries she would be arrested or murdered. You think China would let her speak?
I've never seen anyone shilled so hard in my entire life, it's unprecedented how bald faced you guys operate
> (OP)
>I want to live in a world without niggers and kikes but we can't all have what we want can we?
True bro
The quickest path to reversing CC is nuking the shit out of China and India. And that's probably the current plan.
Shaming the West is dumb af but you have to be deluded to think that America isn't important when it comes to climate change
The virtue signaling is liberals telling people to eat vegan and carpool
Saying that we need to change industry from the ground up in order for our grandchildren to have a future isnt virtue signaling, it's realism
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body
>I want to live in a world without niggers and kikes
pretty brave of a fellow bongistani to say something like this
do you want this to the be the opening defence in your trail when being charged under the malicious communications act?
It's not in my interests to want my homeland to be prosperous and healthy?
Nothing; people hate women and to a lesser extent: young women.
Just do the same as our god emperor.
Ignore her and watch her seething
I can foresee a Trump vs Greta SUPERPOWERS stand-off coming.
This is gonna be FUCKING EPIC.
Westerns country pollute more per habitant actually . Not to mention they polluted so much since industrial age.
Side note: Give back colizations artifacts Christie's sells.
colonisations *
shes right. but we are fucked. to many brainlets