How do we deal with climate change?
inb4 hurr durr the climate is always changing.
How do we deal with climate change?
inb4 hurr durr the climate is always changing.
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By fucking you in the ass.
by "cleaning" your entire continent alongside chinkland and pooland
1.) Total ban of all gaz-guzzling shit cars. No exception. Brutally armed SWAT commando goes from door to door and confiscates every single car worldwide.
2.) Total ban of meat. Killing animals for meat, dealing with meat, possessing meat, aiding someone in dealing or possessing meat: Life in solitary. No parole.
3.) No flights. Ever. There is no necessity for it. Meetings can be held via internet. Cargo can be transported on sail ships.
4.) Rationing of electricizy. Everybody has a certain wattage per month. They exceed their quota, it goes dark. No exceptions either.
5.) Rationing of real estate. Nobody has a right to large shit like 1000sqft apartments. 250sqft per person, no exception.
6.) No luxury. No fireworks. Every electronic product must have a 20 year warranty with the stuff actually phsyically enduring that timespan. No matter the cost.
And that's just the next 20 years.
flat eric :3
>ban everything
Worked well for alcohol, works well for armed crime. KYS Orwellian scum.
By gassing all kikes, starting with you first.
let loose tesla's experiments so we get free energy so we can heat our asses when the sun sleeps
i smell an urban rat
Yes. Unapologetically. You think there's a RIGHT to live on the fucking countryside? It's a privilege. Which will be swiftly taken away. Or at least you better be prepared for long walks in the future.
Probably just planting trees. Same as always.
First by understanding the difference between narrative and science.
Second identify what is science (measurement) what is narrative (predictions, anecdotes) and what is manipulative (emotional pandering, unbacked assertions, fallacious appeals).
Third discount all that is not science and be suspicious of anyone who uses non-scientific reasoning on scientific subjects.
And fourth, actively call out anyone found being disingenuous with their claims, such as people trying to increase someone's political or capital power by pushing false narratives and faulty ideologies.
can i get some redpilled information regarding global heating? my gut tells me that it is basically a NOAA nigger glowop designed to line the pockets of the wealthy by inducing people to vote for clean energy subsidies with the global catastrophe scare
what are the facts though? is the earth warming in current year? is it caused primarily or even significantly by humans?
It's China burning coal, everyone is too chicken to fucking say it tho.
Step 1: don't give a shit about it
Step 2: if a hot chick is talking about how bad it is, say "yeah it sucks"
Hansen's GISS black box was used to extrapolate polar temps to such a degree that they used antarctic peninsula data to say that the entirety of antarctica was warming.
"Statistically speaking" it was "true" but that's kinda relying on Obi Wan's certain point of view
>what's 2 + 2? And none of this 4 shit.
Carbon emissions don't cause climate change so your entire plan is stupid.
Funny thing is, if climate change is actually as bad as it is portraed in the media (which it might actually be), then this is unironically that type of shit that needs to be done. Since all of thee options are completly unrealistic, why don't we face the fact that were completly fucked? The only thing that could help us at this poinz is fucking geo engineering.
the theory these days is that climal change is abiotic. we should have no fear
By killing kikes hiding behind meme flags.
>carbon emissions don't cause climate change
I hope you live in the south, they are the first to get fucked the hardest.
bomb the third world and let nature recover.
Know that the people who claim we're all going to burn/drown are lying. They cherry pick their data to fit their narrative, which is manmade global warming. They might call it different shit, but their premise remains the same.
everyone above me is a retard.
the ONLY viable solution is government bounties on technological advancement. the free market typically fails when it comes to pollution, which is why the government needs to subsidize it, but the government fails at anything except funding, which is why it needs to let the free market compete for a government prize.
game theory tells us trying to "limit output" is worthless. no one is going to cooperate with their political enemies to lessen their own power and influence. the only solution is technology
>t. non-retarded conservative
additional learning:
Switch off the 'climate change' echo and increase conservation and industrial cleanliness.
I'm actually 100% convinced that it's a thousand times worse than portrayed in the media. I think that it is almost impossible at this point for anybody surviving post 2030.
Carbon means more food, retard. All the historical shit times are associated with cold temperatures, warm periods are associated with golden ages.
the only thing that could possibly fuck us at this point is geoengineering.
or a comet, asteroid, or other cosmic cataclysm.
if, find the nearest doorknob and do the world a favor
hotness of woman in pic proves this post
Because this pic.
You know what's funny? I have been ridiculed a thousand times for this. Zero. ZERO! times was there a counterargument.
Gee I wonder why that is.
Genocide all nonwhites.
So what has you so convinced?
Tell me where the V8 exhaust woke you up?
it would help if you did more than toss a single word in the air and think amirite?
it's ridiculous because you're just talking out of your ass and even the scientific literature does not back you up. is that enough of a counter argument?
this. Japs and based Asians can stay though...r-r-right, user?
Perhaps what troubles you is not how you will deal with change, but how change will deal with you.
This Earth will not last forever, but humanity might if we conquer the stars. THAT is what we should be looking towards. “Climate change” is just an excuse used by totalitarians to justify controlling every minute detail of everyone’s lives.