How dare you steal her dream?
How dare you!?
Who gives a shit, fuck the elite and their global gov plans
She perfectly encapsulates Sweden.
What does a potato dream about?
firstly i need to get rid of that sassy attitute she has, she is an abused child so she is already broken inside. One could probably just have to look at her in the eyes and say "WHY DONT YOU GET OUT OF THAT JABRONI OUTFIT" she would submit instanteneously, just pick her up throw her anywhere really, i'll just go around looking for places where to bend her over. Then just sustaining her with a belt so i can fuck her hands free son!
she a good girl, she just needs the redpill on who actually pollutes ASAP
i myself will deliver it to her, i will push that redpill all the way into her being, by force if neccessary
just put the pill in the tip of my dick inside my forskin (inb4 angry mutts) and position it inside her womb, from this holy union comes her enlightenment
there wont be any moment where she isnt birthing, thats the way nature intended, women are to have all the children God delivers, no "protection" what so ever
or atleast, thats what i would do
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
Queen Potato Head is PO b/c she realizes that since her periods stopped, she got preggo on the way over in Das Boot.
Soon... to protest against harmful farming practices she will refuse to eat anything from a farm for an entire month, she will sustain herself on nothing but protein deposits form her army of male supporters. To aid her during her feeding hours her pants all have knee pads inserted in them.
All of Sweden supports her unique protest.
>How dare you steal her dream?
I'd steal them if I could find a buyer, but there's really no market for fetal alcohol syndrome dreams.
At least, not yet.
How dare a 16 year old girl presume to dictate to the leaders of other sovereign nations how they should run their nations.
It's not her fault, obviously; it's the people who are propping her up that are to blame for this farce.
good job manmade climate change alarmists
you have ruined this sweet little retarded girl with your bullshit
>be climate "activist"
>look 12
>have legit downs
>get "invited" to testify before Congress
>nobody can make fun of me or else!
>get memed into the retard you are
>Soros plan backfires
>Climate Change looks like a joke
>Redpills drop even in Europe
Bring me more Greta memes gaybois!
when do you think she will be culturally enriched by a group of muslims
Bitch is too young to have any realistic type of dreams.
Why are we being told to listen to a stupid bitch who quite clearly shows textbook signs of fetal alcohol syndrome?
this is her school
reminder she most likely got fucked by some arab from her class
But stealing is my hobby :(
She’s 16 she’s old enough to know better do you remember being 16 user? I do, the last thing I wanted to do was conform to my parents worldview this bitch it not above criticism especially when she is trying to change the way you life your life freedom is paramount not the 3rd world
This isn’t real. Tell me this is photoshopped.
Greta Thunberg is two steps away from “the west is dead, we’re a generation of revenge.”
Isnt her daddy rich? She should convince him to use all his mlney to save the planet.
Why waste out time when shes sitting on a piggy bank asking for our sheckles instead.
Kek welcome to reality
Looks like my school
Even looks like the first semester economics before they all dont pass the first examens
Verpiss dich Gretchen
no wonder the little tard doesn't want to go to school anymore
Her dreams are greed.
She doesn't care about the environment. The organization she does PR for (We Dont Have Time) is trying to make bank from carbon credit trading. Their 2-step business model* involves:
>1) passing legislation to create a cap-and-trade marketplace
>2) building a social media/rating system to evaluate public and private sector entities on their carbon footprint. Those who rate poorly will have to choose between getting carbon-taxed to death, or paying for carbon-offset credits.
Since Greta's handlers will control both the carbon credit market AND the social media that ranks everyone, they'll always win and can do shakedown operations whenever they want.
*This scheme only works on liberal Western democracies. Countries like China or India would just laugh Greta out of the building.
i wish to steal her virginity
Oh look, a rich kid with rich parents talking down at the generations that gave her the highly sought after but rarely privileged platform of international news outlets worldwide. DREAMS STOLEN, CHILDHOOD RUINED.
She should be thrown overboard when this is all over like a worn out tool lost at sea. She'll be just as forgotten once she's out of the 24 hour news cycle. What has she done besides parrot other peoples words? What has she built? When she's gone what will people point at and say "Hey Greta got that built.?
Obviously paki
>Fridays for the future, and also to stay away from my shitskin classmates
Wasn't there a Fringe episode about a curry nigger stealing people's dreams? Is Greta rainsing an alarm about that being a real possibliity?