>have become more antiporn over the years
>started losing friends because of it
>on twitter earlier
>some faggot RTs lesbian porn onto my TL
>its some lady constantly edging a girl and slapping her pussy
>girl is flat out crying because it hurts and the lady doesn't stop
>comments are all about how hot it is
>mfw lost friends over this bullshit
I hate it man, I really fucking do.
Have become more antiporn over the years
Fuck off antifap JEW!
I don't even watch porn anymore. I coom to blonde, white sorority girls' instas
but jews own porn and want ur coom
If they want my coom they may get more then they bargained for!
You're still a cumbrain
Just find a girls pic that you love and offer your coom to her. Daily coom
>losing friends over pornography
Jesus, what sort of autism can make that happen? Or is filmed sex just ingrained in the French culture?
>t. OP
I feel you
>Gave up porn
>Gave up soda
>Gave up junk food
>Still eat pizza and taco bell on occasion but not the once a week I used to do
>Started working out regularly
>Went to full blown MAN diet, beef, chicken, and vegetables, no fruits
>Eat a cup of cottage cheese or yogurt every day for lunch
>Are 28 years old and have been doing this for almost two years now
>I'm growing in hair in the patchy parts of my shitty beard I couldn't before
>My man tits have completely vanished
>I don't have any kind of ridiculous sexual urges anymore and are focused more than ever while at work/school
>I went from being a dipshit who couldn't do basic algebra without a calculator to being able to do statistics on paper in about 10-15 mins
>I'm picking more fights and standing up for myself
>Friends don't want to see me anymore because "you're too different, you're not the user we know anymore"
>Random skanks who wouldn't even give me the time of day now want to hang all over me now that I'm "Chad"
I have a feeling this is going to be a joke thread anyway
The autism is undoudbtedly on the part of OP who probably brings up porn every 5 minutes and that's the reason nobody can fucking stand him.
of course it is! what do you think they talk about during family dinners? school? cars? recent politics? bah!
>oh Pierre, so how was your latest Pornhunb dive?
>not bad not bad, saw some hard interracial action.
>so, Isabeau, my beautiful daughter, have you gotten any good scenes today?
>oui, papa, I tried polepounder position. it was hard, but we both liked it! n'est pas, maman?
praise slaanesh
I am working towards almost same results, except I don't have any friends, so I won't have anyone to not wanna see me or say "you are too different, you're not the user we know anymore". FeelsGoodMan. On my third day of NoCoom. Considering that I coomed before multiple times everyday.
>on twitter earlier
>my TL
fucking neck yourself
*n'est ce pas
haven't used it for quite a while now. got horribly rusty
Can you explain what any of these things mean? Like RTs and TL?
>he loses friends because he stops liking porn
Lmao. Had the same story with my sòyfriends. They are too cucked to and afraid to hangout with a chad. Fuck em
>On my third day of NoCoom
You cannot be considered a ex-coomer but you're in the right path
Kek! Based and polepounderpilled.
Am going towards of not doing that ever again. Already have a lot of extra energy that is now getting out - legs keep moving back and forth.
When am I going to be considered ex-coomer?
When you'll be disgusted by porn and would not need to coom in your hand but in a vagene
>mfw I clicked on a sph video to see what it was
Porn is terrible because the girl isn’t enjoying it most of the time
So I can safely delete all my porn now as I won't need it?
No fap, no fap what you gonna do
what you gonna do when we coom on you
>downloading porn
t. professional coomer. Keep fighting against this sinn bro
Thank you. I am indeed a professional coomer in the past. The whole masturbation thing got to the point that I am not sexually attracted to female vagina anymore. I am not gay, though, as I am not attracted to males. I would say I am stuck in the middle where shemales and traps are located. Weird stuff. Hope it goes away the further I am in NoCoom thing. (((They))) got me good.