Can it really be English? English is a British invention and now that Brits leave, it is really awkward using it. So why not use German as the uniform, official language of Europe? It’s a sturdy, efficient and beautiful language.
Europe needs to united behind one language after Brexit
Nein, Deutsch is nicht S T A R K
Ich gemiße mit dem judebaken btw
>So why not use German as the uniform
we fought to speak arabic instead your Nazbol-language
Its not like we all woke up one day and randomly decided to speak English. The internet is in English. You go to any random country in the world and youre best bet at communicating with someone is in English.
No no, it should be Bulgarian because cyrillic is used by all slavic nations worldwide.
Serbich schweinhund stfu
>The internet is in English.
I am sure we can change that
Chyba polski kurwa, a nie jakieś bułgarskie pierdolenie. Nikt tego kurwa nie rozumie nawet, ja pierdole
Otlichen balgarski, drugar moi.
Bravo bravo.
>Not 10
shut in NEETS
>Europe needs to be united.
More importantly, HOW?
>English is a British invention.
Interesting, since English is made up of Old German, Old Norse, Old English, Saxon, and a host of other languages due to being invaded repeatedly over the centuries.
The official "court" language was Frankish after 1066, but within a century it was discarded.
That said, Frankish words can still be found in English...
So, not really an English "invention" - it's just how a hodgepodge of other languages came together to form it and also what it evolved into on it's own, naturally...
Keep your own languages, Europeans.
Replacing your indigenous languages is just another way for the globalists to ERASE you.
Da, ja znayu tjebja
U mjenja wsjo sabak i gjermancje
Your own leader doesn't care about your country, what makes you think she'll want to use your language as a standard?
english is fine.
> more words than any other european language
> balanced blending of germanic and latin soul
> clear, easy, direct
> decent literature
the only thing i don't like is how it sounds.
It needs to be Europe’s natural language. Arabic
America is allowed to be united, not allowing Europe to be united is really awful.
>why not use German as the uniform, official language of Europe?
to be honest, I wish german was the offical language of england, or at least go back to old english.
fucking wish william the conqueror never invaded and we were more like denmark
If the EU use English after Brexit it won't be used to appease bongs, it will be to lure in USA trade.
>Only non-native population.
I bet that 1% or so of the people living in deep London can get away without speaking English.
>Can it really be English?
I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers. Foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders, I was made to speak their language. With each new post, my masters changed along with the words they made me speak. With each change, I changed, too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong. Words can kill.
Amazing thread. Upvoted.
+1 for Ænglisc. English was a mistake.
America is a country of liberty, a meeting of immigrants. Instead of simply assimilating, its citizens live alongside others. So the major sought a system that used information - words, to control the subconscious.
You obviously do not have the right idea when it comes to these United States.
>America is allowed to be united
WHO is "allowing" this?
These United States were founded on the concept that the individual States were to be on equal footing with the Federal Government.
And that if they could voluntarily petition to join, on their own, without prompting from anyone...
Then the reverse is true: that they could UN-volunteer and leave whenever they want.
Since this is no longer true - due to massive power grabs by the Federal Government - if any one State tried to UN-volunteer and leave, it would end up like last time (1860-64).
>not allowing Europe to be united is really awful.
Nobody said you are not "allowed" to unite.
However, the sovereign nations of Europe ceding authority to a mob of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels is wrong.
Some bureaucrat in Brussels dictating terms to people in other sovereign nations - down to the smallest minutiae of life - is intolerable.
Also, replacing the native languages of the various European nations with something else is a very important part of ERASING who those people are and devastating to the culture...
Individual groups of people have the right to govern themselves, free from the interference of any other and to define their own destiny as they see fit.
And Brussels can go fuck themselves...
German is the only foreign language I'd accept, DESU.
But the EU is fucked and Brussels got to choose, the language would be Arabic.
>Europe needs to united
It never worked, it never will. Not as long as the eternal anglo still breathes.
>America is a country of liberty, a meeting of immigrants.
Prior to 1965, roughly 99% of our immigrants were European Christians.
After 1965, the invasion from 3rd world shitholes began.
>Instead of simply assimilating, its citizens live alongside others.
Once again, prior to 1965, immigrants - read: European Christians - assimilated.
You wouldn't think that just being from Europe - east or west - being a Christian and speaking English would be enough to make a country...
But it worked.
And it worked really well.
It is the 3rd world shitholers who do not assimilate.
Not only do they not assimilate, they arrive here with open hatred and contempt in their hearts for us.
Only here for the Free Shit.
And they are turning this country into the shitholes they just came from in the process.
We don't have much longer...
I think Turkish is more likely considering Germany.
Thank you.
It was not always so.
Wisdom comes from making good choices.
Good choices comes from experience.
Experience comes from making bad choices.
It's been a long road, user...
The eternal anglo is now isolated and cut off fro, the European heartland. We even cut off his way to go to Spain and Greece by bankrupting their airlines.
And why not change name to German Reich while we are at it.
And why would you want to be a spiteful asshole because the Brits want to be free to define their own destiny, free from interference?
Deutschreich really rolls of the tongue doesn't it?
>why would we want to be spiteful assholes
Well, why in the world?
they could have that today
instead they weaseled around for three years trying to play divide and conquer with the EU for a better deal
gib back thorn
You make this thread every day, go away, Hans
Listen you stunad, Italian American English is the only answer. You understand me?
>every day
more like once a week and even after 30+ of them, I still don’t have a satisfying answer
because people don't want to learn your shit language?
>leave whenever they want
Wrong Johnny Reb. States can leave when the other states agree that they can. States can’t act unilaterally. The Confederate States weren’t allowed to leave the Union because the remaining states did not agree. You Southerners should learn about living up to your commitments.
Yeah, that and it just makes no sense. German is the best language.
>german reading comprehension
>why not use German as the uniform, official language of Europe?
Because nobody wants to talk like a two time loser.
Why not Estonian.
>Flexible, allows for humor and free thinking
>Hitler did not spoke in it
>Does not hurt ears
>Everyone (except one million Estonians) pretty much equally discriminated by learning it
>Native Estonians have some advantage.
No, you cant.
Finnish or FIXIT. You have been warned.
Because it's a garbage language that makes no sense (English is pretty much that too, but still).
Fucking plebs.
>lost two world wars
>became major power in the EU
Suuuure. Losers.
Your language is shit, and only sounds good when you are pissed off, something that ended 60 years ago
The Plebs unite against the Elite if they have a common language. That's why Assimilation switched to Multiculturalism over the last 40 years. Even Star Trek TNG took aim at Assimilation with the Borg. (You've got to make Assimilation be the scariest thing you've ever heard of if you want the Plebs to stay divided.)
>Greek word
>Which language
The teleprompter must be having some technical difficulties.
Don't be meanspirited kraut bro, us sharts only speak english and you know it.
He is right gregorz
Bend over for the third time hans
But most people hate german in Czech Republic. When i was in high school only 2 out of 26 people liked it. The other 24 were just meming and trolling the teacher..
I learned it 7 years in school. Happily forgot it for good. It's garbage and ruins thinking.
Understandable, it's one of the most shittiest languages to learn as a foreigner.
al Arabiyah will defeat the indo european mongrel tongues
I learned it for 13 years can’t speak or write in German. I feel like it was huge waste of time.
Yes. Also, the style in which it is teached here. It is like little to no vocabulary and only grammar grammar grammar!!
I whish you all the best, guys, but you have to fuck off
Got to add,
The Cyrillic script was created by two Greek men in the byzantine era.
Nah! It should be English!
Rename the EU to 'New Ireland'.
Burgers will put the different accents down to different levels of being shit faced!
Well, let me correct myself.
The Cyrillic script was created /from/ an alphabet made by these men.
I could speak, and understand speech, read books at will. But decided to throw it into braincloset because it ruined thought process because of it's design. Some part of it runs in background while I drive vehicles. Language centers in brain are funny consrtucts.
>English is a British invention
*An English invention
Shut up
Your probably not even German Ahmed
No German likes the English
i think we should use latin
>no country has an advantage when it comes to using it
>its a beautiful language
>used by romans (muh western civilisation)
>literarelly none
Whites need to be able to speak in code like how mexicans do in spanish around gringos. We need to pick a hard european language that only we can learn how to speak. I vote finnish
Also, based officially on the Greek language.
Krauts are culturally inferior.
>Europe should speak German
From what Germans say, other Germans do not speak German correctly.
You are fucked Fritz. The EU will not last long.
Fuck off, kraut. No one wants to learn your guttural language. I take solace in knowing that with the destruction of europe at the hands of the invading hordes of migrants, germany will be the first to go and the world will finally be rid of the filthy fucking german menace.
How about Dutch? We're a bridge between German and English, and with strong connections to France. Following the Dutch model, we can turn the EU into the Superpower that it was always destined to be. Make things the way we want them to be!
Based and SPQR pilled.
Good luck with that, Hans.
Oh shit. The throat cancer.
I support this. Unlike French, English and Spanish, German is not spoken anywhere outside of Europe. This means that it will be much harder for brown vermin to immigrate to Europe if they need to know German to survive here.
Speak American like the rest of the world you fucking queers
Russian is the most popular language on the internet after English and mother Russia is nearby. So it's obvious to unite under Russian language. There are a lot of Russian Germans, khohols and Baltic scam who can teach you. Or another option is to use Arabic, I bet your refugees can help you with learning (after raping you)
Centralization of language is just another form of tyranny that denies the unique tribes of this earth their history, their culture, and their identity as citizens of a sovereign nation. It's another form of imperialism so no the EU shouldn't have a state language regardless of the advantages.
The tongue is the fatherland.
No, Spanish is most popular on the internet after English. У pyccких жe дaжe нeт интepнeт, лoл.
English is already the optimal language for Europe. It's a west germanic language, with heavy influences from old west and old east norse which makes it easier for north germanic and west germanic speakers.
It has a large amount of loanwords from romance languages which makes it easier to learn for romance language speakers.
It has a high information per sound density, and is versatile without having any grammar rules about genders of words
There is no language that would be better suited, and if there were talks of a new common language it's far more likely that it would be something that is easy to learn like Norwegian, Swedish, or something with a similar information rate like French.
Everyone should have to speak Finnish
>No, Spanish is most popular on the internet after English
This is true, there are a lot of American amigos on Jow Forums.
пиздoc, дa ты oхyeл, ёбaный швeд
How about Arabic? Make the newcomers feel more welcome!
How about 732.
the only right answers
learn latin
It'll be arabic soon enough