I win.
I win
Change it to "CHRIST IS RIGHT ABOUT JEWS" and it works
NOT based, jesus had nothing against jews. He loved them and wanted them to follow him. If you have hate towards jews then you are NOT christian.
Fun fact, the whole "synagogue of satan" meme comes from Revelation. No christcuck can say why they prefer this book of fanfiction that contains dragons and unicorns, etc, over the four gospels that actually deal with Jesus's teachings. He was a pacifist to the extreme, when guards came to kill him he healed them when one of his followers attacked.
You are not being like Jesus if you oppose Jews, but that's a good thing! Jesus's actions got him executed without a fight. Fuck that.
nice try JEW but JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR flipped a table over once. He was a warrior.
More like it really won't... With everyone hounding Christianity and Christians as a general cultural trend, this will be a pretty easy target for them to side against and bust...
Actually, Revelation is about the Mass.
stick with the program for now, it's reaping its fruits
Actually book of John also reaffirms the Jews tie to the devil. And suggesting to remove the last book is hearsay , and your only argument for it is adhoms which means I'm free to ignore your nonsense.
They didn't call him King of the Jews for nothing I guess.
>He was a pacifist to the extreme, when guards came to kill him he healed them when one of his followers attacked.
because he had to be crucified that was the whole plan you dolt
You got it king.
They don't have a flag for what I am. I figured a meme flag was bretty gud
>is hearsay
Not at all, my argument is that christianity is weak and pacifistic. You haven't rebutted that, at all, and neither have the other anons. Then again, you never do.
>to suggest to remove the last book
Do you even know how the bible, as it exists today, was formed?
>that was the whole plan
Great plan! Did it also include the part where he was buried in a privately owned tomb? You realize most common criminals would be buried in mass graves or cremated, right? Kind of convenient he was buried in a private tomb with a boulder and so on. But I'm sure he really resurrected. He really did that.
You'll fall in line when the time comes.
That's not the mission goal of these posts. They're supposed to redpill normies by combining two opposed statements (Islam is right about women = Islam is either right about their treatment of women and feminism therefore is wrong or feminism is right about the bad treatment of women in patriachal societies and Islam is therefore wrong/ they can't be both true), or force the NPC left to expose their hand (It's okay to be white = the left thinks it's not okay to be white and therefore have to disagree and expose themselves in the public).
Jesus view on the Jews would only aid those, who wish to undermine and delegitimize Christianity even futher.
>You are not being like Jesus if you oppose Jews
Are you retarded? Jesus is very clear about those who oppose christ and the talmudic jews oppose christ. Christ was only ok with jews who accepted christ, who are not jews today. Kys schlomo.
begone jew
>If you have hate towards jews then you are NOT christian.
This right here is proof you know nothing. The Talmudist despise Christ.
Wanna really fuck with boomers? Put these on every protestant church there is. Im serious they worship Israel and defend them and would gladly send their children to die for them. So let them know what Jews think of Jesus.
>Fun fact, the whole "synagogue of satan" meme comes from Revelation
Wrong. The first reference to Jews as the children of Satan comes from the Gospel of John, aka one of the four Gospels you imply should have precedence over Revelation, AND CAME FROM CHRIST'S OWN MOUTH WHILE HE WAS STILL ALIVE.
Repent of your heresies and read your Bible, brother.