How is white genocide considered a conspiracy theory when it's stated unequivocally every single day, that the West is become more and more brown, and will eventually be majority brown?
How is white genocide considered a conspiracy theory when it's stated unequivocally every single day...
They don't care about the truth anymore, they just wanna get rid of white people even if it means telling absurd lies.
You know the answer fag, it's because they don't want you to oppose it. They literally don't let you talk about it. It's been going on for nearly 5 fucking years already. We need to move to the next stage of FightBack. Alternatives to Cloudflare and hijacking famous twitter accounts.
>Hijacking famous twitter accounts?
Yes, if anons could hijack twitter accounts, not only would they automatically get past the blacklist gestapo on talking about Great Replacement and Islamization or globalist double standards, but they'd have an audience of fucking 100s of millions of normies. If they take away our voice, we just need to take their voice and use it ourselves. DC to AC.
Because, idiot, it's a misappropriation of the term "genocide."
You stupid cucks willingly importing a high-fertility horde of Muslims =/= Genocide.
The cleansing of Serbs that your country supported in Croatia and in Kosovo = Genocide.
Learn the difference, it might save you life dumb leaf.
>b-b-but muh joooooooooooz
Shut the fuck up faggots. You keep fucking VOTING FOR immigration and importing of big, Arab BVLLs. The last Swedish election and the French presidential elections are great examples. And the upcoming leaf elections will also keep cuck leftists in power, you can bet on that.
So no, it's not "genocide." It's just suicide.
>Because, idiot, it's a misappropriation of the term "genocide."
>You stupid cucks willingly importing a high-fertility horde of Muslims =/= Genocide.
You're a fucking retard and maybe you should look of the definition of genocide before you post.
>white women don't want me
Every time.
I don't give a shit. I follow a very simple logic:
The Turkish slaughter of a million Armenians was a genocide. Was this the same as what is "happening" to the Westcucks today? No. As such, it's not a genocide.
Not to mention that nobody cares. 90% of the world can't fucking wait for your hemisphere to burn down, me included. It can't fall apart soon enough.
I love how everyone can tell the fucking future
Bad optics
Der Ewige Zigeuner
The feeling is absolutely mutual, faggot.
no gypsy from your family here sorry
A conspiracy theorist is anyone who accused the rich and powerful of actually using their riches and power. It’s an easy and effective way to make people dismiss ideas before actually hearing them.
Because conspiracy implies it was planned dumbshit
Except conspiracy to the average person is a synonym for untrue.
More like
>they're importing millions of shitskins to replace us. We cant outbreed them
Fucking nigger leaf
Nobody wants to fuck you. Incest baby.
As long as white people are still the majority (which they are) then that's not a problem. It's more so white women flocking to men of color to mix.
it's the same nigger leaf that is schizo posting every thread.
I know.
The same nigger leaf who thinks egyptians are niggers.
It's a conspiracy theory because it's based on a really, really dumb idea of racial purity. The idea two white people must bone to oppose the genocide. "White" being amorphously defined by supremacists (are Italians white? Are Irish people white? Are Slavs white?) in order to suit an agenda based on excluding and subjugating people of other races. For instance, America is going to look like a white dominated country for the next century if your criteria is
1. Are there more light skinned people than dark skinned people.
But no, it's a skinhead trick to make you feel persecuted by programming your worldview into full-blown genocide alert unless insanely strict, ill-defined parameters are met.
The same exact thing is happening to people with red and black hair. Biology dictates that unless a ginger fucks a ginger, or a black haired person fucks a person with that gene, that physical trait is most likely getting tossed. You don't see a whole board dedicated to those people acting like autistic neo-skinhead faggots. Once you impose a one-drop rule, religious restrictions, and shit beyond white-passing, you deviate from most sane people's definition of "white" into schizophrenia land.
As Orwell fucking said "The war is not meant to be won... it's meant to be continuous". White genocide is a language virus that young, angry men fall for as a way to justify their mouthbreathing worldview.
This. West had its moments, and it gave us a lot of nice things like rational inquiry but democracy always dies in the end, trumpled by those whom it gave bread and free speech. As we sit back and watch, we should learn from their mistakes.
god damn she's ugly
Tyrone can have her, that whore ain't wife material. He better beat the shit out of her too, for daring to even touch any man of any shade or color. Fuckin ugly jewess
>and will eventually be majority brown
It won't. Whites are due for a fertility rebound in a few generations, and shitskins will inevitably succumb to feminism, degeneracy, and low birth rates.
It's hard to take posts like this crap along with a picture of an anime girl very seriously.
It's a conspiracy theory because it's based on a really, really dumb idea of racial purity. The idea two white people must bone to oppose the genocide. "White" being amorphously defined by supremacists (are Italians white? Are Irish people white? Are Slavs white?) in order to suit an agenda based on excluding and subjugating people of other races. For instance, America is going to look like a white dominated country for the next century if your criteria is
1. Are there more light skinned people than dark skinned people.
But no, it's a skinhead trick to make you feel persecuted by programming your worldview into full-blown genocide alert unless insanely strict, ill-defined parameters are met.
The same exact thing is happening to people with red and black hair. Biology dictates that unless a ginger fucks a ginger, or a black haired person fucks a person with that gene, that physical trait is most likely getting tossed. You don't see a whole board dedicated to those people acting like autistic neo-skinhead faggots. Once you impose a one-drop rule, religious restrictions, and shit beyond white-passing, you deviate from most sane people's definition of "white" into schizophrenia land.
As Orwell fucking said "The war is not meant to be won... it's meant to be continuous". White genocide is a language virus that young, angry men fall for as a way to justify their mouthbreathing worldview.
Cope. You wouldn't even have a chance with her.
why not say ZOG, Ivanko?
>let yourself be invaded by brown hordes or you're a supremacist
>what is even white, dude!
You're retarded.
Same reason race denial is so widespread. The jews have created a new religion centered around importing shitskins and feeling sorry for muh 6 million.
Because that would be double-speak. You and your neighbors voting is proof you have a chance to fight an occupation government. Thinking Democracy is something else is a paranoid delusion.
No matter what you call it. As soon as you give voting rights to everyone, even in an ethnically homogenous society, you open a portal to hell.
Said the guy who falls for an old skinhead trick like the white race actively having a genocide levied against it. Brown hordes? How fucking old are you, 16? Not get out much? There is no white genocide happening outside your basement, faggot. It's a myth people use to motivate others into doing their groceries. Every white supremacist is just a fail-son who wants to profit off the myth of a pyramid scheme where whites deserve to be at the top for some invisible reason unrelated to innovation or actual hard work. Anybody who falls for it is a fucking sheep.
why is it a conspiracy theory when it's well documented?
gingers are going extinct, the reason no one cares is because they are untrustworthy, like left handed people.
>How is white genocide considered a conspiracy theory
it isn't, only self-aware liars say it is. what they're doing is evil, so start revolting
It's hard to take posts like this crap very seriously.
>Brown hordes? How fucking old are you, 16? Not get out much?
nice argument, faggot.
>a pyramid scheme where whites deserve to be at the top for some invisible reason unrelated to innovation or actual hard work
So you claim only whites being in white countries is a supremacist plot from wich brown people will never recover? That sounds awefully white supremacist. kys dumb negro.
Fuck yeah gingers are going extinct. "White" people as some define them will eventually go extinct. Nobody with any brains cares because it doesn't matter if somebody's white, or has red hair, or looks a certain way. That shit doesn't effect their ability to help others with making a better world. Only dipshit teenagers with limited world experience cling to the narrow worldview that your fucking dominant hand can affect your--- holy shit, trustworthiness? You seriously said trustworthiness is correlated to which hand is dominant? Fucking fuck, there should be an age requirement for this site.
Is your third greentext retort excusing whites from having to innovate and do hard work by virtue of their skin color making them exempt? Pussy.
>Every white supremacist is just a fail-son who wants to profit off the myth of a pyramid scheme where whites deserve to be at the top for some invisible reason
Don't nations deserve to conserve their own power in the land they created? It's hard to believe someone like you would advocate that a whitening and increase of "white people" of some shithole African country would be chalked up to innovation and hard work.
Isn't that considered neo-colonialism in your part of the thoughtosphere?
>race is only looks
you would like that, ugly, smelly, dumb negro
>only whites are allowed to be in white countries
>this means somehow whites don't have to work hard
retarded lolbert detected. white countries are not public toilets where people from failed cultures and races can walk into and shit their trashy genetics into.
I think you're ignoring the 3 centuries where white people ducked into Africa, did a whole bunch of fucked up shit, took resources and dipped. But it's popular on this board to assume parts of Africa suck because of some reductive take like "brown people stupid". So all's forgiven. And by all's forgiven I mean eat shit with these mental gymnastics. My point you're greentexting is that white supremacists are con-men who perpetuate a shitty myth. Then you extrapolate on what me authentically believing that shitty myth implies, as if my original stance wasn't that it's a shitty, dumb invention. Get fucked unless you can point-a to point-b better.
agreed, why people use genocide never made sense to me. Don't know why WNs get so triggered when people say this, it's still not a good thing.
Your master race stops working if diversity is afoot? Pretty dumb master race you've got there.
Funny how every time a White Nationalist is doxxed, he doesn't fit this bill at all. Kill yourself shitskin
Still better than browns, shitskin
What bill does he fit, cunt? Deeply cucked failson with schitzo tendancies who's failed to integrate into the job market properly without using identity politics as a crutch?
Because peaceful migration isn’t genocide, interbreeding isn’t genocide, and your insecurities aren’t genocide.
>will eventually go extinct.
if I use that logic on an individual can I kill them because they'll die at some point anyway?
Wahhh mommy those mean chocolate men want some of my tendies! I don't like the chocolate nigger people! Waaah! Why can't vikings just live in peace far away where I can watch hentai and pee my pants on the train without getting laughed at by girls?
>your organism stops working once it's been injected with poison? pretty dumb master race you've got there.
... What the fuck are you on? Everybody eventually dies. In no court of law on the planet does that give you the right to murder them.
>White race encounters people who look different
>It's a critical hit!
Yeah, this version of Pokemon is cucked. I bet only weak brained autists play it.
so is genocide okay or not?
I get it now, we're allowed to white any country as long as it's done through a peaceful process.
Genocide is bad. White genocide is a myth. Not happening. A ploy.
Actually I agree with this. Make it peaceful and convince everybody it's fine and that's actually ethical by my standards.
>posting anime girls
>refferencing Pokeman
what else are you gonna do?
They say it's not on purpose but clearly it is. It's just a coincidence goy just happens to be happening.
as you pic clearly shows they are not
minority kids are the majority in murica now
The term is forced in order to make this easy argument possible
>convince everybody it's fine
explain. why would you need to convince anyone that nice people are a benefit? something you're not telling us here
I was thinking of a reference to Yu-Gi-Oh for my next act. But I'm not sure. Nobody's activated my trap card yet.
Nigger detected.
You're saying "white" and "nice" are direct synonyms. That's not linguistically honest. People of all races have the capacity to be nice.
>What is Agenda 21
>What is Kalergi Plan
why don't you stop peddling bullshit and answer my reply? why would you need to convince anyone that foreigners, regardless if they're white, are a benefit? Why are foreigners a benefit? Quanity please.
it does matter though.
>Because peaceful migration isn’t genocide
translation : you should let every piece of trash that can walk on its two legs can stay on your property because it's peaceful after all.
>interbreeding isn’t genocide
translation : you should let every piece of trash that can walk on its two legs can stay on your property because it's peaceful after all, then you should let them fuck your daughter.
You aren't convincing anyone here with your retarded bullshit, shitskin trash.
Yeah, we don't want underevolved humanoids to come to our lands and breed us out, how cucked we are!
>my 85 IQ brain can't into abstract thinking
Alright, but no getting fucky about the wall of text I'm about to type for you. That's low-tier bullshit and I hope you're better than that.
- Sometimes population growth is stunted for a number of reasons (old people die less quickly and their benefits rob young people of economies stable enough to start families in) but in Capitalist structures endless growth is expected. To sustain this, foreigners are imported to fill out the job market as native population stagnates.
- Disease immunity. There's not one credible medical journal from the last 20 years that will tell you mixed race kids have WORSE disease immunity than kids from less broad genetic backgrounds.
- Shared culture. When you throw two parts of the world together and impose laws to stop the seriously bad stuff, all you get are fusions of perspectives that lead to inventions in culinary arts, performative arts, schools of thought, etc.
- The global market is big while the national market is small. Making the market more global aids capitalism. Helping foreign countries strengthen the same bonds that ship boats full of goods.
They're only foreigners until you give them a second to speak your language and adapt to your customs. Then they're citizens, just like you. A restrictive worldview is often talked about in scientific journals as the result of a low IQ. You only want to interact with people just-like-you because your brain's too poorly wired to deal with a little diversity.
When we talk about this we consider the leftists as a separate entity from us. Obviously if you look at the 300,000,000+ Americans as a single entity then it's "our fault" but if you get any more specific then yes there is a massive coalition within our countries built to destroy us.
>linguistically honest
typical low IQ shitskin trying to sound smart but saying nothing pertinent in the end.
>They're only foreigners until you give them a second to speak your language and adapt to your customs. Then they're citizens.
>monkey speak english, monkey now english!
lel, off yourself you brown leach.
... Did you just say that a parlor trick about teaching a literal chimp a few words stops PEOPLE from adopting a country's customs and living there peacefully under the law?
Then you begin your comment with an empty jab about how calling you linguistically dishonest isn't an acceptable retort?!
You fucking suck at this.
Hahahahaahahahaahahahahahaaha. And he assumes the "high IQ" position while saying this shit. Just fucking end it bro. You are the quintessential American idiot.
And I'm not even touching that race-mixing stuff, I don't care. Your views on nationhood and global affairs are fucking hopeless.
Unironically neck yourself.
That's a lot of words to say "I don't have an actual response to any of your points user".
Can you fucking answer my questions?
I have plenty of fucking responses you stupid fuck. I'm just not gonna bother cause you're obviously not at a level of either knowledge or intellect sufficient to discuss matters of culture, nationality, and globalism.
You said this:
>Shared culture. When you throw two parts of the world together and impose laws to stop the seriously bad stuff, all you get are fusions of perspectives that lead to inventions in culinary arts, performative arts, schools of thought, etc.
This is one of the dumbest things I've read on Jow Forums. You literally have no comprehension of the planet you're living on, let alone the intricacies of history.
You also called the US market small.
What can I do other than recommend suicide? There's no hope for you.
I think you're one step away from tattooing "Exxon Mobil" on your forehead and literally throwing yourself in bondage to serve as a cum dumpster in Dick Cheney's personal dungeon.
Good day.
Genocide does not have to do with killing a populace outright. Do we really need to post all of the major media clips, magazines, articles, etc. written by jews which implore white people and only white people to stop having children, and to embrace the invaders to their lands? What you described, idiots willingly importing replacement races is part of the psychological/mental trauma inflicted on white people by the jews to get them to destroy themselves.
yes for sure and a lot of whites are leaving their religions and taking on brown ones.
I will now do what you idiots do, behold.
>In his 1995 book Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorism, Netanyahu strongly argued that tightening immigration laws in the West is the most effective method to combat terrorism. "This era of immigration free-for-all should be brought to an end", he wrote in 1995.[212]
As in, the era of unhinged globalism should end, nation-states are good.
>In 2012 the Netanyahu government passed the "Prevention of Infiltration Law", which mandated automatic detention of all people, including asylum-seekers, who enter Israel without permission. Amnesty International called it "an affront to international law".[288][289] Between 2009 and 2013, approximately 60,000 people crossed into Israel from various African countries.[290] Netanyahu said that, "this phenomenon is very grave and threatens the social fabric of society, our national security and our national identity."[291] Many of these migrants are held in detention camps in the Negev desert.[292] When the Supreme Court of Israel declared the "Prevention of Infiltration Law" illegal for permitting immediate and indefinite detention of asylum seekers from Africa, Netanyahu requested new legislation to work around the Supreme Court ruling.[293]
Living what one preaches. Seems pretty based to me.
>Netanyahu is critical of what he sees as the overly open immigration policy of EU nations. Netanyahu has urged the leaders of Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland to close their borders to illegal immigration.[294]
Huh?? Guess this means JOOZ are flawless friends and allies, cause I'm too dumb to perceive nuances.
I dunno about Sikhs, but I can tell you that white Muslim converts will be your greatest enemy in the future. They will be the first ones at your throat when it all comes crumbling down.
"If the Turk is bloody up to his elbows, then the convert must be up to his shoulders."
>restrictive worldview
The horror of people selecting out undesirable traits and racial memeplexes !
Also funny you talk about "restrictive worldvew" whilst you view any restriciton as being the consequence of low IQ when IQ tests are precisely about restricting potential answers to a correct one. Indeed evolution itself is about restriction. So you admit to being against evolution and progress in your endless quest to bring about "racial justice" by letting your underdevelloped people flood white countries and breed like cockroaches.
>teaching a literal chimp a few words
Not too far off from learning a bunch of humanoid leeches how to speak your language and imitate your customs and then considering them to be your equals.
>stops PEOPLE from adopting a country's customs and living there peacefully under the law?
Yeah they're PEOPLE man! we get it and that's precisely why we don't want them.
>hurr durr so you want to stop GREAT APES from adopting human words and living peacefully amongst you with your same legal rights I gave them because of some superficial, learned behaviour I just set as a criteria?
You just highlited one of my point, named a bunch of topics relevant to it, then called it dumb without a single example of why. If you know so much about culture, nationality, globalism, etc., what are you hiding?
- Multinational corporations bad? Commie fuck.
- No works of art, cuisine, or other cultural significance have been imported or learned and enjoyed? The nations of China, India, and Russia would like a word with you about America's development in the last 200 years.
- Globalism is just a slur for Jews, isn't it? This boards weird, schitzotypal expression for unethical plutocrats? Oh no, what about the unchecked plutocrats that are Bible thumpers. Guess we ought to stop harping on the Jews unless this is just some scapegoat scheme. (Which it fucking is)
Face it, you're just going to post long-winded nothings that dive into no specifics and then tell me to kill myself. You're Baby's First Jow Forums comment.
>You're Baby's First Jow Forums comment
>Jow Forums
Back to plebbit, you dumb nigger.
>jews in Israel
>international Jewry
You're too stupid to know that the left and right hands are moving independent from one another. While Netanyahu makes a fuss about illegal immigrants to Hungary and Poland, Polish jews and Hungarian jews hold roundtable discussions of how to get their governments to accept getting blacked. He only cares about strengthening his cause at home. You've refuted absolutely nothing about what I've said and implied that white genocide doesn't exist because the kike leader of Israel doesn't want to get invaded by Africans either. No shit he doesn't want to. He knows who is leading those invasions overseas and for what purpose.
>an anime girl
first off, this is an anime board. second, that is asuka you uncultured newfag. thirdly, you employed an ad hominem attack. congratulations
>Scottish porn
Correct, it's all about what seems instinctively good for their tribe, from the local input data. Wich is why jews in European countries actively conspire to genocide indigenous europeans because it seems to them like the best way for their tribe to survive.
>The cleansing of Serbs that your country supported in Croatia = genocide
Bullshit. Serbs are not native to Krajina. You came there as refugees from the Ottomans and overstayed your welcome
For Croats living with Serbs (gypsies, shitalians, albanians etc) in the same state without racial laws and anti-miscegenation laws = genoicde
Because A GENEtic drift of NATIVE Croats can occur
>thinking that there's a mainstream party in Canada that doesn't want infinite niggers and dildos
Big kek, Slav low IQ confirmed
>the best way for Jews to survive is to replace liberal, democratic, white Europeans with highly motivated MUSLIM ARABS
Do you retards listen to the shit you spew?
>it's all about what seems instinctively good for their tribe
>this is some uniquely Jewish, conspiratorial thing, not a normal thing for every nation/ethnic group
I was just making a point as to how you people always use circumstancial or anecdotal evidence to generalize shit.
You said
>Do we really need to post all of the major media clips, magazines, articles, etc. written by jews which implore white people and only white people to stop having children
And then I showed you a Jew (a powerful one at that) literally saying and writing the opposite. My evidence was as good as yours.
>Some Jews said something
I don't give a flying fuck when they came there you stupid mongoloid. If 8,000 fighting age male POWs being executed is genocide, then the purging of 200+ thousand people from their ancestral land sure as shit is as well.
I don't even need to get into demographic histories of regions to make this point you dumbass.
They're just shamelessly lying as usual.
Whites world wide are estimated to be approximately 10% of the Earth's total Human population. I'm pretty sure if you do the math that would equal 1/3rd of a billion or like 333,000,000 White people of European descent in Europe and their diaspora colonies world-wide (very very separated even within their colonies by distance)
The population pyramids for the age demographic is just like Japan's - I'm sure you've seen how Japan has their entire population being at the elderly age bracket and their younger population is not the majority, its the same for us.
If you count 333,000,000 Whites, cut it in half for Men, cut that in half again and take away children under 18, cut it again and take away the elderly above 55 years old, the remaining total of military aged males is probably not even 100,000,000 White people on Earth.
Now lets assume for the sake of this theory there are 100,000,000 White males of military age.
Cut out like 10% of them for people who are in jail or out of jail with a felony and can't get work, are homeless, can't buy guns, can't integrate.
Cut out like 6% of them for people who are chronically sick, diseased, disabled, mentally retarded or born disfigured.
Cut out like 1% of Whites as traitors who are working for the jews or the invading non-White groups for money.
Cut out like 1-3% of Whites who are not going to have any kids or are gay and/or sterile and cannot reproduce.
You are left over with like ZERO White people, virtually a cluster of White men are left standing.
>I don't give a flying fuck when they came there
Immigrants and immigrant-descendant population BY DEFINITION can’t be genocided because those are not NATIVES
ethnicity based culling =/= genocide
>the purging of 200+ thousand people from their ancestral land
Which wasn’t the case, since Krajina is not your ancestral land, servoid
>I was just making a point as to how you people always use circumstancial or anecdotal evidence to generalize shit.
>You said
>>Do we really need to post all of the major media clips, magazines, articles, etc. written by jews which implore white people and only white people to stop having children
>And then I showed you a Jew (a powerful one at that) literally saying and writing the opposite. My evidence was as good as yours.
>>Some Jews said something
I was merely pointing out that you're an idiot who doesn't understand the difference between Israelis and international jewry and I refuted your idiotic example while you have done absolutely nothing to refute my original point that you don't understand the definition of genocide is broader than literally murdering people, and you're just butthurt that other people are using your victim term, you don't get to hold the monopoly on kvetching about genocide like the kike jr. you are, you dirty little balkan nigger.