If race-mixing is bad for the species, why are so many men attracted to women of other races?
If race-mixing is bad for the species, why are so many men attracted to women of other races?
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Men like to possess things. Attraction is possession. It's power more than procreation.
Biology is stronger than ideology
You wouldn't think so...but that girl in the vid above is about 1 in 100 broads...that means you'd have to bring in 100 mutts to get just that one gem. So no, fuck off. Go there and bring her back lol.
Racemixing is not bad and is in fact necessary for good evolution. It's just that you can't only race mix. You have to do both. Some individuals mix, some individuals dont. Good genes get conserved and rewarded in both instances.
Just because you want to fuck something doesn't mean it's a good idea. Survival is too important for your body to be rational about choosing sexual partners. That's why you have to have logic and self control.
race mixing is great if your own race isn't in danger of being wiped out already which it is. 700m europeans vs 1.2 billion poos, 1.3 billion chinks, 1.3 billion nigs etc
It’s not.
See heterosis
its all pink in the middle
Thats me. Im a 6'1" white guy who has 0 (zero) attraction to white women. Inhave 3 kids with black women and 1 with a hispanic
The instinct exists for a reason. There may be good genes in other populations you can snag for yours through mixing.
So you're breeding and subsequently abandoning a parade of children? Wtf is wrong with you?
Low hanging fruit
Forbidden fruit angle, exoticism, rejection from one's own race, simple arousal, basic attraction. The penis knows no shame.
That's your average 23 year old Viet gook in a bodycon dress.
Natural selection.
He fucks apes and his kids are just stuck to a life of poverty and crime. Hes probs himself part nigger and therefore wont see the error of his ways till 50 or so
Brown girl masterrace
>what is only applicable to severely inbred individuals
Why can’t commies ever do science.
I have a weakness for pinay
any healthy male should desire to soread their genes as much as possible
back in the day people went to conquer foreign lands just to get some pussy agter the battle
only morals and retard logic like racism is getting in the way nowadays
Natural selection might look for genes that contribute to survival or sexual selection, but the point is that humans (whites) should manually select for genes that drive intelligence and pro-social behaviors. The ones that natural selection sometimes doesn’t care about. Then when gene editing is perfected you can splice in health-promoting genes and take out the maladaptive alleles
No of course not.I raise my kids and give each $500 monthly. I live with one of the mothers of my kids. I have a great job and live within a 3 mipe radius of them all. Sometimes I sleep with the moms
She is honorary Aryan
Jews, OP, Jews.
>why are so many men attracted to women of other races?
[Citation Needed]
>1 post by this ID
I'm not going to get that citation, am I?
Have you ever dated white girls?
I thought "like" and "literally" was something Hollywood made up, but they do use it unironically.
because we are biologically programmed to spread our seed as far as possible
>Jewish feminism increasingly ruins White male/White female relationships
>horny MGTOW incels scream "I HATE WHITE WOMEN! I LOVE DARKIES!"
>Jews rub their hands with glee
You are the literal definition of the good goyim.
because attractive women are attractive. And it's something new, race difference can be hot etc.
cause many of man tired from girl's of their race and they want a new cocksucking machine but not same color
>ass hanging out of her dress
Holy fuark brehs..
>because attractive women are attractive. And it's something new, race difference can be hot etc.
Okay, now justify non-Whites residing in White nations.
I wonder how many mixed race couples get past the meeting the family part and the culture barriers that can come with stronger family ties?
Im 100% white, my kids are taken care of. The idea a dad has to live with someone just because they havena kid is a judeo christian outdated idea. Seems like you have some growing up to do
>judeo christian
There's no such thing.
You could also make a kid who can't get donor organs. How would you like that?
The Jews pay at least. And they pay good if they think you are valuable.
All you offer me so far is whining and rhetorics.
Sorry, but I am picking the winning side.
I think the short answer is, our DNA or whatever makes us tick only cares about one thing: survival. Whether your genes get passed on to a person of your same race does not matter. In fact, with white women turning against us in droves whatever driving force inside us may already know this hence the attraction to other races. Remember, politics, race, religion all go out the window in the face of survival.
There absolutely is. America is polluted with judeo christian concepts that have no place in the modern world
technology is stronger than biology
Women aren't capable of acting in their self-interest, user.
Our dicks are smarter than our brains. If my brain always made my decisions I would never reproduce.
source please
>There absolutely is. America is polluted with judeo christian concepts that have no place in the modern world
I mean to say, judeo christian doesn't actually exist in Christianity. just because some jew lower claims judeo christianity exists doesn't mean that it exists.
Wrong. That's called mate guarding and has procreation purpose - to make sure your woman is not mating with other men.
So you don't care about your race and you're fine with it being destroyed by the jew just as long as you personally benefit from it?
Cute tranny
From an 8 year expat, that is not 1 in 100, more like 1 in 100,000. Those proportions are rare for any female.
jessicababyfat for those interested in cooming
Statistically speaking race mixing isn't even that great, and could be good to curtail other races. Nogs would be fine by now if we just intermarried them. The problem whites have is nobody is having children.
That said, you niggers better start having children because my yellow fever has me high as a kite and I don't want to settle for a white woman. Inb4 vice article, hypocrisy etc. Etc
No you don't.
There is no race solidarity. What are you, a communist?
good luck finding blood and organ donors
That makes you an anti-White race traitor.
>There is no race solidarity.
Race is the basis for civilization.
>What are you, a communist?
Communism wishes to destroy race.
so you're deadbeat dad?
we didn't need to know it.
Firstly it's a minority of men who racemix. People tend toward their own because they inherently recognize the preservation of their own phenotype
Secondly it happens at all because there is variation in how accepting of the boundaries of acceptable phenotypes to breed with, and it is technically possible to racemix.
It's not a good idea but it's possible so people do it, just like any bad decision in life.
Source: me.
You can't get more scientific than that.
Humanity is the only race. Being the same skin color as someone nis meaningless. Theres nothing special or unique about being white. I cant imagine caring about being white let alone taking pride in it
Perversion. A lot of people are attracted to things they shouldn't have. It's a form of degeneracy.
Human society is so far-removed from nature as to render any argument based on nature to be utterly irrelevant in nearly all aspects. In nature things like rape, recreational murder, cannibalism, infanticide, and among others are perfectly normal. Yet, anyone with enough brain cells to rub together knows that these things are unequivocally BAD for society. So then why for the love of god would you use a nature-based argument, you absolute fucking mongo?
Really varies by region and age, user.
They come up with the weirdest larps sometimes.
>that attention whore in the back
We noticed faggot
They don't. These women are loners that fuck around until they find a man that makes middle wage and doesn't beat them to a pulp in the first 6 months.
Looks like plastic surgery and fake eyebrows
Skin color isnt the basis for civilization. America is the founder of modern civilization and we are a multicultural natioj with 0 racial basis
That explains why I'm so into Italians.
They aren’t, they’re brainwashed
Its pathetic. Imagine taking pride in the achievements of others because you arenthe same color. Theres a reason only dumb white trash cares about white nationalism: Its for losers
>you're black and thats a good thing, you should be proud of who you are and what "people" like you have accomplished
>you're asian, you should be proud of what asians accomplished
>you're indian,...
>you're "native" indian...
>you're jewish...
>you're white you should hate that you accomplished more than anyone else. how dare you be proud of your heritage and aspire to achieve great things? you should be ashamed of the things your race accomplished
Le literal 56% burger here
It's a living hell. I appear white, but people can tell theres something different about me. I envy europeans for their pure bloodlines and direct connection to the soil they live on. It's something I will never have. Maybe i can serve in some sort of handschar merimutt division when the day comes. Dont subject your offspring to this.
Also, being half asian I dont find asians attractive at all. I'm actually kind of grossed out by them.
There's not even a consistent line on what race mixing is. A white guy with a dark black woman is obviously race mixing. What about the English with the French? A North Korean with a South Korean? Most don't have a defined line and the ones that do don't agree with each other.
I'm counting white people as well. No malice either. Quite often when I see interracial couples in the UK I think the class barriers can be difficult enough, probably because my own experiences involved both.
I found the speculation put on you at family events interesting and honestly think it's a good filter to weed out shitty partners.
> Hyuck hyuck look at ke ma, Im just like Thomas Edison!
Fuck you and fuck white pride, Cletus
Based colonizer
Fake tits, fake lips fake ass, no personality, looks like a Kardashian Instagram drone. So sick of people idolizing these pathetic whores
broken branch
>girl is probably under 1.60m