Its the EU's fault that 40 hours a week doesn't always cover the food bills
Its the EU's fault I pay bank charges when I can’t cover the bills
Its the EU's fault my rents gone up again
It's the EU's fault my youngest couldn't get into the local school
It's the EU's fault I’ll never own a home
It's the EU's fault my eldest still live at home past their teens
It's the EU's fault the kid got stabbed in the park the other night
It's the EU's fault my parents couldn't see a doctor for 6 weeks
It's the EU's fault I cant find them good social care
it's the EU's fault the main road into town is congested every morning
Its the EU's fault I spend fifty five pounds on train tickets each week
Hunter Rivera
Shut the fuck up and watch the video in the OP to be reminded that you are on the side of a lying elite.
Jason Peterson
guys I didn't really know who Peter Hitchens was other than being editor for the Daily Mail so I assumed he was neocon-y but I followed him on twitter anyway because a friend said he's good and it turns out he's mad based like wtf I'm going to start reading the Daily Mail now
Jayden Murphy
That is very true. The EU erodes the very democratic system we have created over a thousand years and all those examples you have provided would easily be fixed by a system with a lower democratic deficit.
Robert Bell
When the sherbet dip hits
Ian Collins
> we cringe
Benjamin Williams
>227513509 Please correct any inaccuracies in the description.
>A postgraduate student is considering flying to Bristol from Amsterdam every week for his course after failing to find housing for the past six weeks.
>Sohail Braakman said this was an "extreme case which sounds crazy" but was cheaper than renting in Bristol.
>First-year students left with no halls places said they felt abandoned by the university's lack of help offered. The University of Bristol has been asked for comment. It has placed some students in Wales to cope with demand.
>Budget flights from Amsterdam can be as low as £20 for a one-way flight.
fucking hell
Carson Foster
>Since 2013 we have imported the equivalent of Icelands population every year. How are we not at breaking point already?
People in full-time work voted for Labour over the Tories in 2017 if I remember right.
Mason Gray
Did they all walk out in the end?
Tyler Kelly
Composite 13 was to make Labour take a full remain stance. It failed, and composite 14 (Corbyn's neutral "let the people decide and go with that" stance) was passed.
Jose Brooks
>referring to yourself in the third person Cringe
Carter Myers
Because your prejudice for private schools for the public probably is really difficult to implement with legislation due to its specificity, I imagine.
Ethan Bennett
is that the dead one
Josiah Morris
>Labour pledge to give all foreign nationals living in UK right to vote in general elections
Why stop there? Why not allow tourists to vote too? What are they, bigots?
Easton James
I see you have backed up your point with a real photograph from 1000 years ago so I cant really dispute what you say.
Why would i bee intimidated by a fat mental persons noodle?
Camden Turner
what exactly are they trying to do with that though it just seems utterly pointless
Liam Ortiz
Everyonefrom Africa should be allowed to vote on what happens in the UK but not Russia because they are all evil and get their orders from Putin telepathically.
Jayden Parker
Post body incel, you won’t
James Watson
Are Labour deliberately trying to lose an election?
>Seizing private property >Le 4 day work week >Letting non-citizens vote >banning meat
Colton Ramirez
>Irish nationalists that sound funny and completely non threatening when they talk
Thats pretty much the entire population of Ireland.
how well did they portray him in the peaky blinders do you think? i liked the episode where he gave that speech, it's funny how they tried to use that as if what he was saying was a bad thing.
Charles Jones
Fucking this. We’ll see how much Hattie loves refugees when they’re groping her in the corridors.
Christopher Cook
A ge will be polarised around brexit, that retarded "fight for a deal then campaign against accepting it" will piss everyone off.
Christopher Thompson
sprayed anti persperant on my crack, stung a little bit and didn't even work.
Cooper Diaz
I quite like the idea. Its like the modern concept of (((gender))). In Corbyns utopia every person can decide whether he or she is inside the EU or not based on how you feel at any particular moment.
James Long
who did she boat ride with anyway? I thought it was just her and her parents or something
Ryan Russell
>intimidated No >cringe Yes
Julian Baker
Easton Mitchell
Considering most of you retards know literally nothing about him other than le ebin British Hitler man, it’s a pretty stupid place to ask if his portrayal was accurate you fucking spastic
Brandon Adams
what are you doing about it then
Luke Gray
Why won’t you post body then? Lol Get mogged
Ryan Campbell
You have to be pretty upper middle class to afford a private school.
Grammar schools like I went to force middle class kids to mix with us working class kids. And Labour are opposed to those because muh meritocracy is bad.
Henry Gonzalez
>cringe >verb >to suddenly move away from someone or something because you are frightened
Carson Richardson
source me on the meat ban
Aaron Ortiz
The speech was based. Aside from that, his writing was kind of lacklustre - portrayed as a bit of a moustache twirling evil rich boy. However, he did a lot of fucking (quite Bateman-esque) and the actual acting from Claflin was great - had a real presence around him whenever he was on screen.