Where's the whole clip?
whoops sorry kike
wow, he doesn't give a fuck about Greta. he doesn't give a fuck about our planet!
frick drumpf amirite
dont reply to kike threads idiot
look who is against fun
>he doesn't give a fuck about Greta
He doesn't give a fuck about some publicity stunt.
sorry i am not a pedo i am an elite hebephile
There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down
When the man comes around
This funny and scary at the same time. This is the sort of recorded moments in history that will be looked on when Greta becomes some world dictator err leader.
I tried to get an angle to kill her but she's pretty well protected.
What a strange fetish.
in much the same way that africans would use child soldiers to fight their battles
the west uses child soldiers to advance their political agendas
however instead of guns they give them microphones and beat you over the head with the programming
Naw I'll find a hole in their security long before then.
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
is this pro-wrestling?
Who the fuck up there is writing the script for this shit?
Get dunked on blockhead!
Every time this little muppet says the science is clear, I think, she deserves to feel like a doomed wretch for buying that garbage, and then I get pissed at the junk scientists who provoke gullible children into parroting their bullshit. The same thought process, every fucking time.
>Also why the fuck are there 10 of these threads still up
literal autism.
What’s with all you fags shilling this tween girl
Does anyone really care
Jesus were adults here we don’t give a fuck about this girl
Fuck the Jews are pushing this whore out on here.
There are literally at least 4 threads about this bitch 24 hours a day
That’s not possible unless it’s a paid operation
op ur a fag for posting this thread
Look at him walking towards people speaking at the same time, not giving a fuck. What an absolute Chad.
Can I get a QRD??
What's wrong with her face?
>turn left onto MLK blvd at 3AM
>See this
it's not her fault her antifa parents couldn't stop banging fat rails of ketamine for a few months
Look here you piece of shit glowie, don't even talk about hurting that poor kid. This is a peaceful board and I don't care if she is a Soros puppet no one here wants to see any harm come to a kid. Seriously go neck yourself for even typing that!
>>false flags and manifesto posts are posted by clowns for the purpose of saying this basket weaving forum is violent and to try and shut down our free speech.
We are on to your tricks you filthy spook
Based Fritzl.
How ugly are the women in your country if you think an ugly fucking fetal alcohol syndrome goblin looks attractive ?
>her face
Good. Trump acknowledging her presence would give her incredible clout to promote her handlers faggotry. Good on Trump.
Trump knows how to deal with these trolls, starve them of attention.
is this the power of the coombrain
He should just revoke her visa live on TV right there.
her handlers were trying to force an encounter with Trump perhaps? He's way too crafty for that lol
She's so disgustingly autistic
Here's an article on her handler. They stole her childhood. SAD!
I wish german politicans would ignore her like trump.
you burgers should thank god every single for trump
HAHA, the antichrist will not be ignored. She pissed.
Imagine 10 years ago that someone from today told you that reality TV star and annoying teen are enemies.
God i love being alive.
Hi there, CIA / Mossad poster
lol the butthurt on her downie face is priceless!
he is a publicity stunt.
We do. No joke
Let's get a head start. Tell her we elected her Emperor of the world.
>and beat you over the head with the programming
says the faggot
She wanted to bite him i bet. All that contained brainwash mixed with puberty and autism can only lead to animal tier violence
this guy is in every thread about her
nice to hear
>1 post by this ID
>having a President that doesn't give into the demands of literal whos
Feels good to finally have a leader worth respecting.
That girl hates him and doesn't know why
Muh feelings
Based Trump
He's the President of the United States!
Satan for Peace and Love?
It turns out they tossed her out of the UN
Why is it always braids?
You guys shouldnt blame the girl
I feel bad for her, she’s probably been brainwashed since childhood, we should find a way to help her, she’s being used and it’s in front of everybody’s face
That is the face of impotent rage if ive ever seen it lol
BERG, people not giving a damn about her is the funniest thing.
I do.
>uses publicity stunt meme flag
>says others are publicity stunts
Tucker is right. The only thing liberals do is project their own insecurities.
Fuck that, and fuck her
Do you think Greta has ever rubber one out at night thinking of the Drumphster?
Send her facts on Twitter
It was her turn.
Is Greta new Malala?
I mean the pattern is the same.
But lower left is actually based and beautiful
Fat rich gentile white men ftw. They hate us cuz they ain't us.
>Projecting this hard.
You're on Jow Forums thinking you're being redpilled by a bunch of literal losers. Go fucking kys you waste of human life. Every big talking point of the right can easily be countered, you just don't want to open your eyes. You know you're biased so shut the fuck up and don't call others biased you faggot
Is there some context missing here? what is so significant about Trump walking into frame. Was he supposed to acknowledge Greta or something?
I don't get it
Impeach this mother fucker. Nobody ignores the queen.
Frankly no one gives a fuck about Swedes
Porn when?
Ehh i mean, at least Malala wasnt a privileged cunt and she Is actually from one of the worst places to be a woman. This kid Is just a brainwashed unlikeable potato
Omg y’all he fuckin showed her didn’t he. I’m deff voting for trump again. I wasn’t gonna since he’s done shit for us and everything for Israel but fuck it I’m voting trump 2020 even if I have to rite in his name
Greta hates le ebil drumpf man look at her face
where is the full clip?
she looks like some cartoon character, only steam comming from her ears misses, while Trump looks like he's talking about massive burgur he had before to his guards who are ignoring him
Malala is now rich as fuck.
Greta will be even more.
It's all about profit.
I haven't slept right ever since that piece if fuck "won" the election. I fear for me and my wife's son safety ever night.
>literal shill posting
oy vey
yeah he only gives into the demands of literal jews