say that word again and see what happens
>be U.S Jow Forums poster
>paying taxes so that nigger who do not work collect welfare
>literally allowing a smelly, drunk, drug using and drug-selling nigger to reach into your pocket and take your money
>no, GIVING IT to him
I used to respect the U.S, now that i've grown up i've realized you're all a bunch of slack-jawed faggots who bow down to niggers.
I went to a graduation and a family of well dresses niggers sat in front of us. The nigresses purse fell off her chair and was on the ground. I tapped her on the should and said "Excuse me. Your purse in on the ground". She looked at me like I had called her a dirty animal, grabbed her purse and even moved her chair away from me. Didn't say a fucking thing.
what that black boi ?
This man is based af.
They've been training to see "corrections" like that as racially motivated criticism
I've been saying it for 25 years and all that ever happens is an online ban here or there and the occasional look of betrayal from some nog manlet who'll surely punch an old white man later for my insult, but ain't abot to say a fucking thing to me because my Bat Cape is bulletproof and my voice is gravelly.
>black fragility
The absolute state of cumskins.
lol look at this nigger
show us your leaf little niglet
get fucked nigger.
Beat me to it. The saddest thing is that he probably isn't even an actual nigger. I fully believe that he's some kind of subhuman shitskin, but i suspect it's a larping poo in loo or paki.
Black slaves
To America
Was a
ah, nigger fragility in full display.
Now that has some fucking potential
If you say nigger 3 times he might appear in your living room
Why so fragile
Fuck you, kike.
Lip Disk Level 55 Unlocked!
This is unironically one of the worst things I have ever seen. Not even niglets deserve this treatment, especially not from their own parents.
He wil be hung together with the nigress.
Fuck off, white supremacists!!!
Make this a reality, faggots.
You could make it even shorter, something like:
Imagine looking at that and saying:
> looks like a whole and complex man. Let's clothe it and call it a fellow man. Also, let's breed it all over the earth.
Is that Darrell from the office?
That's a half breed baby. That's why white guys are idiots for breeding with groids. Momma dun hate the white half
giving money to someone not to beat your ass, without being beaten. Honestly depending on how it started its probably the most based thing you can do.
Sorry slavery
what causes them to act this way?
There's an entire subgenre of niggers filming themselves torturing their children because they're bored or angry. I lost the folder, but it's a special experience.
There's worse - a black woman cuffing her kid around the head for no apparent reason. Don't have it with me though.
Niggity Noggity Nigger.
What are you going to team up to attack an old man?
Learn from our mistakes. Ban Jews and shitskins.
Stupid nigger. He could have beaten the dude and got all of his money.
Fucking niggers
Shut the fuck up. You are nothing, you nasty tar-skinned mistake of nature. Your skin looks like shit, your brains are full of shit, your "culture" is shit, everything about you is raw, filthy, stinking shit. You will never produce anything even remotely similar in value to what Europeans have produced. You are God's only regret.
Oh yeah, almost forgot to say nigger.
Whites. Unironically. The very worst and most arrogant of whites. Let me explain: congoids are a hominid subspecies that's obviously not the same species as Europeans or Asians (which includes Amerindians). Now, normal people would have let it be, or used it as cattle, whatever. Not progressives, no. Progressives, in their sickness and perversion, saw those poor animals and said: we will clothe you and make men out of you, for we are as gods. Now go forth and fill the earth.
It's not the niggers fault someone bred them outside of their natural habitat and demanded they behave like humans.
Let's give the whites a reason to be racist
Ancient homini genetics that no longer exists in Eurasian people, even amazon savages are not as subhuman and feral as blacks.There was a method to the carnage Aztecs did it wasnt just random torture which most african tribes had.
What you mean this word:
Stupid subhuman monkey nigger.
wow makes drinking water so much more convenient
>that pic
How in the fuck? I mean holy shit thats just wow wow.
That's where you're wrong. They hate the monkey half too. Does anyone have the video of the negress picking up her niglet by the ankle and dropping it headfirst a d then stepping on it, while some chickens run around?
Imagine being unable to feel empathy for your infants, niggers are truely a failed species.
this video is old user why the repost
Since documenting niggers objectively is taboo, look at chimpanzee documentaries. You'll see that they hang around and kill each other for seemingly no reason, but there's actually a lot of cues and subconscious rules that the researchers explain pretty well. You'll see the parallels with niggers clearly.
What amazing is that they know what the concept of "bigger number" is.
nogs ruin EVERYTHING
It's new to me
Porch monkey says what?
I have a very hazy memory of how this happened, I could be wrong but if I recall correctly, what happened was the Rhodesian men there had dressed up like ZANLA troops and drove vehicles that looked like ZANLA vehicles into a camp/base whatever that belonged to ZANLA, someone blew a whistle which ordered all the nigger troops to line up and at that time the Rhodesian boys popped out of the vehicles, and into the turrets of the vehicles, and unloaded on all the ZANLA they saw.
Niggers kill less than chimps meaning their brains are superior but they still have an intraracial murder rate that is so high you might as well call it natural behavior not crime.
>When your race has not invented anything but peanut butter
So that’s what he’s grouchy about
Fuck off. Whites didn't make blacks act the way they act these days. That was Jews in media hyping up murder, drugs, and gangs as part of black culture and the CIA by flooding black areas with drugs and guns.
Whites nearly had blacks civilised by the time WW2 started, in America at least. Colonial Africa was a clusterfuck of Jew influences ruining any good aspects that white colonial rule brought.
Know your fucking history, you insectoid kike!
He was a good boy loved his mama n was turning his life around how else he gon get his money
Their village shaman who figured it out and taught it to the others must have been a genius by nigger standards
the left cant meme
democrats cant do math
niggers cant fight
I don't know whether you didn't read the post or just didn't understand it. In any case, negros in America were "civilized" only as long as they feared the noose.
they are much more fight than flight as a result of not living among interdependent individuals, civility is a collection of behavioral traits and africans just happened to not be selected for them
that's how you end up with people who fly off the handle when they hear one word or after one wrong look
they also are much less likely to have inner speech, next time you watch two nogs argue, observe their speech patterns, they tend to repeat the same thing over and over
this very primal thought process that makes them ignore social cues that would otherwise compel someone (say a white or asian person) to tread lightly and think twice before assaulting someone or committing a crime of any kind
so interestingly it's not so much about IQ because if you don't care about the consequences of your action, your ability to reason is probably not going to be affected much by your predisposition to violence. it would be more interesting to measure the violent response and urge to attack in individuals as well as other traits that make someone more apt at living peacefully with other people
>say that word again and see what happens