Greta Thunberg tells UN, 'you have stolen my dreams and childhood'
Tell her to get the fuck in the back of the line.
exactly what an android would say when they find out their memories were implanted
I am waiting for her to kill herself to save the planet.
no one cares kike
give it up you fags
>Accusing others for "fairy tales"
This reality is just...
tell her to get fucking and make white babies
Lol agree
Then go back to school, ya dumb bitch. No one is telling her to be a spokesperson for (((climate change))) except for daddy Soros
the globalist have stolen the fact that as an aussie i can never own a home
war is desirable
Wouldn't mass extinction be a good thing in her mind? Everyone would be dead and therefore no more pollution to destroy the planet.
Imagine thinking the shitskins at the U.N. care what some spoiled little wh*toid thinks
As soo as a war against the chinese breaks out
im signing up they have stolen my future dream with a property
my government enables them
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
>gradually i began to hate them
this is the plan actually. thats what the elite wants.
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body...
Shut the fuck up coomer
Did the world care about the illuminaty back in 1920
thats because there were no active forces fucking with them
I want a house
The UN didn't do that Greta, your tard handlers did.
I'm all for the abolishment of the united nations
She really just needs to be killed to send a message.
>Calling out the money-grubbing Globohomo UN
unintentionally based?
This shit will backfire terribly. You can see that even normies are starting to get sick of this potato
The federal reserve is negetive yet the cost is
>'you have stolen my dreams and childhood'
Does she not realize that children never had those centuries ago due to war and disease? If you were 15, you were enlisted or forced to marry.
>rhetorical question, I know exactly (((who)))
Bitch they're the ones funding your stupid little trip around the world.
yes but only white people.
LMAO. Imagine all 4channers listening to this bitch cry on and on about HER childhood. OH LORD
By not mandating abortion for autistic children, they have
I heard that 5-6 million showed up for a march the other day in her favor. They want change and they want it immediately. They don't think we have much time left.
god please kill us all, just in spite of this little girl. world wide apocalypse please, god, please save us from this torment.
omg this fuckiing cunt
normies love this shit, leave your basement faggot
t. assblasted degenerate with nothing and no one to live for
based if true
>Dear Greta,
>Im sorry your parents are wealthy celebrities
>im sorry you dont have to go to school
>im sorry you have to travel the world
>im sorry you live in a small homogenous country with a pop of 3mil.
>im sorry Im not better like you
that flack
that post
If I was a dictator I would hire a large assembly of children hand-picked to defend each one of my policies so my opposition would have to debate literal children instead of me or my cronies. This strategy is not unlike Nero putting a horse into senate. It’s both a strategic and mocking political move against the opposition. Same shit. Normies cant see the play though.
She’s so cute when she’s angry :3
Kek. She actually is having her best time. Not to forget that she even has fucking wealthy parents. What the fuck is she crying about? Most people would kill to get to that public position she now is in.
It's all just PR. The same happened today when Trump walked past her and when the cameras immediately turned to her, she suddenly changed her face expression to her orange man bad face. It's all so tiresome.
How long before she does a Clinton-style suicide?
Media and lobbies. In Germany, they've already planned to make diesel cars more expensive and flying literally unaffordable for the middle and lower class. Those laws would normally take decades and endless debates to pass but this shit gave them a blank cheque. She only cries at western countries while China and India are the main culprits of this whole "climate change". Besides, she and her followers are becoming a sect.
What did china do to you?
thanks for reminding me of how much a coward i am that i can't even bring myself to KYS myself
Middle class is getting too smart, too aware, too collectivized and is a threat to the parasitic state and their cronies. Quick let’s remove the middle classes ability to communicate, organize, and even move. Just keep those taxes coming!
Nothing to see here, just parading a child around parroting talking points that she obviously didn't write and topping it off with a super hyperbolic "REE YOU STOLE MY DREAMS AND CHILDHOOD."
Been lightly following the whole Greta thing and it's just so ridiculous.
What's gonna happen when she stops getting covered / she goes back to here normal school life? Forgotten in the memory hole ofthe 24 news cycle.
Idk how more people aren't just non-plused by the fact that this movement is just using a child to generate outrage.
Give it time burger. It will happen soon.
>Go play is a sand pit with your dollies then take a nap.
Childhood regained, dreams inbound. Problem solved.
Her English is really annoying to listen to
I said it was a rhetorical question, user.
I know that it's Jews and Jew proxies pushing her.
But thank you anyway, you're a good fren.
I agree except the mass extinction is white people and the root cause is cultural Marxism.
More co2 is good!
Hopefully her form of autism is fatal.
Same post, same image every fucking time
That guy looks like a registered sex offender too.
You're going to have to sleep sometime my little Gretal-petal, and then you'll really learn about stolen dreams...
>We are in the begining of a mass extinction.
Good. Start with niggers please.
I feel for her. They tried to push the global warming shit on my school and told us much of the world would be flooded by the year 2010. I bet Greta genuinely believes the shit they cram into her head; I bet shes terrified for the future every night she goes to sleep. These people should be arrested for child abuse.
But they are the ones used to heat user.
The UN made her an autistic shut-in with severe anxiety and eating disorders? What does climate change have to do with her multiple comorbidites exacerbating her autistic traits? I live in New York, I can appreciate the volume of waste her strikes have caused to my city.
Greta gave up her childhood to pursue a geedy enterprise.
She doesn't care about the environment. The organization she does PR for (We Dont Have Time) is trying to make bank from carbon credit trading. Their 2-step business model* involves:
>1) passing legislation to create a cap-and-trade marketplace
>2) building a social media/rating system to evaluate public and private sector entities on their carbon footprint. Those who rate poorly will have to choose between getting carbon-taxed to death, or paying for carbon-offset credits.
Since Greta's handlers will control both the carbon credit market AND the social media that ranks everyone, they'll always win and can do shakedown operations whenever they want.
*This scheme only works on liberal Western democracies. Countries like China or India would just laugh Greta out of the building.
Thanks Greta!
Thanks Greta!
Who is that
..and the cucked UN members just happened to offer no rebuttal/rebuke about "Why are you not living in the stone age, little girl? Who has put you up to this charade and why did you not prepare to be challenged on walking your own talk?"
All leaders are comped and hope to use Climate Hysteria to take away the rights of Plebs while maintaining their cushy lifestyles as highly on the hog as possible.
Soon UN will steal her virginity.
it's always a jew...the memes write themselves
Is Greta pro white or something? Why are they going about this in such a gay way? Release the bioweapons already. All of them.
>16-year-old whining that the UN stole her childhood
She just started whining about climate change some months ago, how could the UN have stolen her childhood that has already ended?
God why is she so fucking self centred? This is about the planet. This is about the unique and wonderful creatures (created by God) which inhabit it. This is not about YOU and your fucking dreams. This is about life itself. Fuck you.
Too bad she isn’t talking about being white.
>you have stolen my country, my future, the legacy of my ancestors
She's a puppet. She suffers from fetal alcohol syndrom (mother drank during pregnancy) and asperger.
The so called jews (those very ugly bastards if not enriched with european genes that claim to be jews) played her out very well. Now adults are having a hard time dismissing what she says due to their lack of knowledge on this topic. Very well played kike but not everyone is as dumb as the majority. Ohhhh nooooo.......
Anyone talking about extinction and climate change while not pointing to shitskins and chinks as the problem is fucking disingenuous. Stop blaming whites for everything and demanding whites save everyone by killing themselves off.
Oh no, it's happening already. The poor thing talks like it's having trouble breathing, the lack of oxygen is clearly affecting her brain. Do something!
i dont have a problem with her like the rest of you inbreds, but goddamn this speech was annoying.
Does this work on normies or do they think it's cringe too?
I don't have a problem with her neither but her parents that use her for gud munies. Is everyone really this retarded that one cannot see that her parents took her childhood? Well teenagehood to be precisely.
she will be suicided for the cause. pretty obvious. check 'em
We? Nah, Nordic countries will get a 25% increase in agricultural production. We will be better than ever if we just shoot every shitskin.
send feet, i want sweet greta feet
based UN
some of those blatant leftist emotionally-drive comments give me cancer
nicely played right there
I don't see how they did. I don't know of any other teenagers cruising the ocenas on a yacht or meeting some of the celebrities that she has. Pretty sweet childhood if you ask me. Could be working a slave for some global corporation or worse