>tired of niggers
>Escape to England land of the Anglo
>Get called a nigger and bullied restlessly
>Have a breakdown now hates brits
>Be prick boer
Hate to break it to you but that's an anglo that returned home
South Africans are all niggers. The kind in the pic worse than any others. Lie, cheat, steal, rape. Nasty disgusting people
That’s house money
White people are all niggers. They’re all drug addicts, they spread degeneracy everywhere, and when you call them out on their shit they say “we dindu nuffin, it’s dem evil oppressive Jews who dun it”
Why can't none whites take banter?
>colleagues called him n****r, w**, 'immigrant' and ‘k*ff*r’, the Daily Mail reported.
>Wayne Hoch, who is white and has blonde hair, said he considered suicide as a result of the abuse.
>His boss claimed it was just “office banter”
Holy based fuck affrikaners, they are honestly the biggest cunts I have ever seen
>In another instance, he was photoshopped next to a black woman with a child. The description on the picture read: “Congratulations Wayne on the newborn”.
>A voicemail left on Hoch's phone from his boss simply said: 'Foreign c***', The Dail Mail reported.
>His boss said the taunts were just "office banter".
>Hoch worked at the company between 2014 and 2018.
>In his resignation letter, Hoch said that the abuse he endured he found to be “threatening, degrading, racist and a violation of my personal self'.
boers are chad that ventured themselfs into the jungles of africa, even after 300 years of being outnumber chad boers are still alive in south africa despite being surrounded by the african beast in a 400 to 1 ratio, brits are jealous that they will never be chad as them
What a faggot.
Nah boer are pathetic negro mutts nothing more nothing less
says the huwhyte brit-turk
That's not banter, that's a hostile workplace.
He probably was a cunt, some insufferable cunt from Cape Town or something. I would have dont the same.
American claims culture is a cancer on society, grow a fucking pair you faggots
Based and redpilled, getting money off some tea swiggers for free
pussy ponce
if ya carnt handle the bant's get out
>the dutch are anglos
Can I ask an honest question? Why are there so few blonde british, I look at Australians, Boers in South Africa and at Americans outside commiefornia and I see a ton of blonde dudes and gals, and then I see very few in England, and many of those look inbred. Did the people with all the good genes leave off to the colonies or what?
I second this, where I work allows me to see many foreigners and I've only ever seen 1 blonde British dude but tons of ripped Chad South Africans who speak near perfect English doing farm work and super hot blond thots from Australia.
The Jew did well in instating the anglo and later destroying him by muddening.
You see, the colonies were a 'great filter' of genes. All the good stock that was strong and courageous enough to brave traveling across the world and building cities from scratch, simply left the British Isles. All the fucking weak cowardly pussies remained. It really is that simple. What you are noticing is just the difference in the descendants of either side of that great filter.
>Gets dindu nuffin nigga payout
I think it's because Northern European colonial settlers are largely derived from farming communities. Some factory worker or book binder wasn't going to settle shit: he requires an already thriving community to ply his trade. Recessive genes like blonde hair thrive better in smaller more interrelated locales like farmimg villages and small towns. Swarthier whites tend to live in more urban environment. This is where the bulk of our protestant Frenchies and Belgians ended up too, before intermingling. We were 20% French Huguenot at one point, after the Catholic French drove them from their cities.
I'm not a city Dutchman but I do teach at a rural high school. The majority of teens are blonde, ginger or a light brunette.
I'm a city Dutchman*
Albania is poor for a reason
kek. Banter is the best part of brits
why are manual laborers such cunts
Then why do non whites keep flooding white countries? Are people flooding into your country?
A friend of mine that works in England also complains that the banter is non-stop and that when they eat english breakfast they spend the all day farting.
based greece
He's one of the pajeets that is still mad that Bald and Bankrupt used them for views to build his youtube channel and they fell for it, he's never coming back. Keep commenting jai bhole ki, he doesn't give a shit.
Yeah, you know, whites should really be punished. How about we put all whites in europe and north america, then isolate them and leave them alone? That will show them.
>South Africans are all niggers.
Pay the fuck up, right now.
>Even though he;'s white
That is a shit title
If he's a steel worker in the UK, that means he likely has British passport, means he's a fucking Brit, not Afrikaner.
Vast majority of Afrikaners you see overseas are skilled professionals who were smart enough to get the fuck out of this shitstorm with a higher KD ratio than fucking Syria.
This has to be a scam or fake story.
You can just see that he had a vastly superior work ethics
That's the spirit you thieving kuffar!
similar thing is happening to me at work. by a woman
how do I deal with it? its getting quite humiliating and don't like coming into work anymore. I know all I need to do is pull out my fat and hairy jokes but I feel it wouldn't end well for me and don't want to give her stuff against me.
...record everything what she is saying to you, and when you have enough, sue the shit out of her! ...then wait five years and burn her house, car and what ever she owns ...
Because UK elites send their rebellious and potentially dangerous to social order outside isles.
As soldiers and administrators, traders and conquerors and as settlers and indenture servants. Not even mention exiles, fortune hunters or convicted criminals.
They keep breeding the rest as much servile as they can.
Class divide is real in UK even now.
>record everything
just write things down as it happens? dates times etc