America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from persecution.
Why are Americans against refugees now?
America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from persecution.
Why are Americans against refugees now?
>not a greta thread
wrong board m8
Fuck off we're full
they are not European whites
There's been many periods where tons of refugees fled here and the people already here were against it. Reasons are usually the same. Loss of identity, decreased bargaining power with corporations, reduced wages etc
>all refugees are the same
nigga u dumb
Fag refugees want to take my guns away.
I'll take your life away.
Did the first 'refugees' who arrived get gibs from the injuns ? or did they have to build a nation ? 'False equivalence' is the correct term for your attempted comparison.
The ones who tok America was conquers not fucking refugees, there was nothing to escape to. Even during ww2 when white people actually had to flee they all went back to their own countries when the war was over, it's not the same thing at all, it's so far from the truth. Amazing how you can even argue like this in your head, you've must have gotten brain damage or you're the two digit IQ white everyone is talking about that i've never met.
We're full; fuck off,
>America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from persecution.
The Plymouth Colony was founded by people who wanted to live in a Calvinsit theocracy
because now refugees don't create anything, they just take it. Back in the day they came as settlers, craftsmen, tradesmen. There was no established welfare system back then. Now rapefugees are just freeloaders for the most part.
>literally refugees
The 'pilgrims' were men who took immediate family and friends and escaped the English church. They didn't give a hot-rotten fuck where they landed; all that savage unclaimed land was for them anyway.
most Americans on pol seem pro white immigration for those who value freedom and guns etc.
most wer criminals nobody wanted in europe.
I am all for refugees
Bring Assange in and give him political asylum
*White refugees
America was founded by people fleeing persecution for wanting to be more peaceful.
That is not why Islam Jihads against you.
Islam is not compatible with Christianity, and the West is based on Christianity, like it or not.
Let me say that again.
The bit that always makes me kek is, the persecution they was moving from was that they where not allowed to prosecute people.
and then you wonder why all the witch trials started so after they had settled.
Most puritians were middle class
no it wasnt you fucking sausage eating tard.
op failed
this is australia you double tard.
>Why are Americans against refugees now?
We aren't against refugees who want to enter the country LEGALLY.
We *are* against INVADERS though, and if you don't know why, maybe it will come to you as you get your women ready the moslems.
That isn't really accurate.
>I like to be replaced legally!
Was it fuck as like. It was founded by people out to make money, misfits and bonded criminals.
Reminder: The brits went broke defending the american colonies from french agression, then when they asked the americans to help re-fill the coffers. They rebelled.
Americans have been jews since day 1
>wanting to be more peaceful
What? Study History.
>not compatible with Christianity
There are a lot of belief systems not compatible. Don't lay it all on Islam.
Why do you think we had to find Australia after the revolution. The prison hulks were full.
>America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from persecution.
No, North America was populated by English (and others), SOME of whom were fleeing persecution.
These United States were founded by their ancestors - you are about 170 years off (1619 vs 1789).
And this quote by Founding Father John Jay, from Federalist No. 2 - will give you insight into who and why this Republic was founded:
"With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people--a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence. "
dont forget the wannabe aristos, entrepreneurs, fleeing scofflaws and dolts.
Oh and the scheming merchants, established aristocrats and bourgoeoisie who put up the cash hoping for a good return
How well are the natives now?
never forget we flee'd the eternal anglo
Don't expect a german to know anything outside of his brainwashed mind
Are they refugees or are they colonists you dumb fucks?
Bottom line is that they are NOT "refugees" any more than the millions of Muslim filth invading European nations are "refugees"...
They are exploiting a loophole in the law in order to better facilitate an invasion.
Law says we HAVE to give any potential "refugees" a formal hearing.
So many have shown up there's a very lengthy waiting list for this hearing...
So, of course, they get their court date and then never fucking show up.
Disappear into the vast hordes of mud people already illegally here...
And then we get bleeding heart assholes like you, who don't understand the situation actually intentionally mis-stating what the situation is.
>America was literally founded by refugees fleeing from persecution.
extremely fake news perpetuated by idiots for their slave masters. congrats, you're at least useful to them.
Nope, America was founded by fanatical Protestants. There is also a case to be made that Americans were thrown out of Europe for attempting to persecute and convert others: trying to force other Protestants to abandon all the bullshit Catholic sacraments and saints for a form of Puritanism. The Church of England and the English wanted these people out. A little bit later some other Protestants came over. Americans used to hate Catholics and did not want the Irish or other Catholics here.
My ancestors did not create this country, just filthy refugees and welfare migrants could come here to subvert it. There is no religious tolerance in the USA and we hate outsiders... so everyone else should stay out!
Fuck you and your Emma Lazarus revisionist bullshit.
White men who were willing to fight for the rights of their fellow men were who founded this country.
>hurr durr look I'm retarded
Get better bait shitter
Ever hear the theory that the puritans were secret jews? Makes sense look into it.
They're abusing the refugee thing so bad that it's going to go back to pre-WWII standards where nobody accepts refugees and if your country is at war, that's your problem. And the people responsible for that change will tell you you're a bigot for not giving 5 billion people refugee status, welfare and a free house in Europe.
>There is no religious tolerance in the USA
So you hate our constitution, is what you are saying?
Should we bring back slavery?
Because as refugees we genocided an entire continent and know that we can't get away with ethnic cleansing anymore so our only hope is to close off our border to save what we have left. Also, when we were "refugees" we didn't put the burden of our existence on the natives.
Most of us aren’t.
The USA Constitution dos not force the people to do anything. The US Constitution places limits on the government.
You are a retarded piece of shit. You need to go back, Jose.
The Colonies were founded by royal charter, you nonce. The King gave the colonists permission to settle there.
Because they're niggers.
There's your answer. They founded the country, fought in a war of independance and all that, they make the rules. Just because they are descendants of refugees doesn't magically incline them to take in as many of them as possible - Whoever wishes to, can apply for citizenship and earn the right to live and work there, because you know what? That is what that is: a right, not a privilege.
*white refugees
I personally am not against refugee's fleeing famine and war, I am however against them being weaponized by Soro's founded NGO's for economic and cultural change as well as bombing and sanctioning most countries to hell giving people no other logical choice but to flee their homelands to wealthy western nations.
Also didn't those European refugee's rape, pillage, enslave, and forever change the natives of North and South America culturally and linguistically? Seems like a good enough reason to not have a huge fetish for multiculturalism and globalist utopianism.
That's why in my opinion states should enforce their own borders so Commiefornians can't leave the shithole state they voted for and spread their quasi nationalized corporate 'liberal' ideology to Nevada, Montana, Vermont, and Texas.
Because a majority of those people all shared common culture, values and many similar things. All the people being imported now into westen nations all hate each and and want to kill each other. All the immigrants moving into my area all fucking hate the others for the slightest difference. Have no hesitation in yelling racial language that would get me arrested. Make a mess of everything. Yet we the white people get blammed for being racist. And for any Jews reading this thread I hope you will like your multicultural utopia, because every refugee I have met want Isreal wiped from the map.
>Colonizers and refugees are the same thing
Nigger do you have a brain?
It was founded by Christian religious fundamentalists that wanted to raise their children in a place that was away from the decadence and degeneracy of Europe.
They succeeded, for a while...
The original refugees were actually white.
Because they come here and suck up our recourses, some come illegally and then demand to be treated as a citizen, retard
welfare systems are in place and airplanes were invented, refugees are just tourists now.
>refugees fleeing from persecution
Oh, so the refugees are going to take our land and replace us?
Founded, tamed, discovered, explored, and built.
>don’t lay it on Islam
The answer lies in your own question. America was FOUNDED. It's fucking done being FOUNDED. The refugees who want to come now don't want to build or even maintain anything. They just want to live on the dole and turn us into the shitholes they come from.
not to take anything away from USA but wasn't the heavy lifting vis-a-vis discovery, exploration and the initial built and founding done by the Brits and others?
Americans sperged out because the UK demanded a return on their investment
he real dumb
Nope they sperged out because the government violated their own laws, overtaxed because of their wars in Europe with France, gave zero representation to actual English citizens in parliament then tried to disarm them. Then they opened fire on a crowd. Which sparked off the sperg.
The Americans had largely been on their own. Then the Brits came over like "Hey we got into a war with France over here on the other side of the ocean, so you have to go fight the French and their Indian allies over there". Then, after the war, the Brits tried to pay for the war by raising taxes on the Americans in a variety of different ways. None of this was done with American consent. In response to the growing discontent, the King of England tried to manipulate the legal and political situation in the colonies by arbitrarily changing borders and politicians. This made people even more discontent. The King then tried to lay down the law using armed soldiers. This begot the Boston Massacre.
The American Revolution happened for a number of reasons, but the main one was that the Americans had been made independent while the Brits tried to pretend otherwise. They'd left the Americans on their own for a century, then expected them not to be upset if the Brits came by and dropped a few wars, trade restrictions, taxes, and restrictions on civil liberties. I haven't even gotten into stuff like people being forced to sail across the Atlantic to England if they wanted a fair trial.
>Why are Americans against refugees now?
Puritan work ethic vs Shitskin gibsmedat
The New England colonies were founded by an extreme Christian sect that wanted to be free to persecute heretics...i.e., anyone who didn't belong to their nutcase sect. The Southern colonies began with a bunch of profit-seeking fortune hunters.
This "America is refugees": shit was invented by Jewish commies and anarchists in the late 1800s. Many of those Jewish commie anarchists had started their shit in the German states, but you shot most of them and the rest fled here.
Fuck off, Saupreuss.
Simple, really. They're not white.
The only good refugees are drowned refugees.