Explanatory approaches including the hooked noses aside: who or what is orchestrating this collective climate delirium?
What is the driving force behind it?
Climate Hype Hoax
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It's real but the restrictions won't do anything about it. We need to go full capitalism to save the planet
The only way to save the planet is to wipe out africa china India and Israel.
big companies aren't going to adjust their footprint to produce less carbon
they'll pay for the credits and governments will reap a windfall
>What is the driving force behind it?
Global Warming has created billions if not trillions of dollars worth of TAXABLE goods and services ranging from transportation to solar power.
>What is the driving force behind it?
it was etablish to backup atom energy but its now a selfdriven standalone complex. People cherry picking data and calling facts thats doesnt fit their mind right wing extrimism.
which is even more retarded.
The (potential) profiteers certainly have an incentive. But how did this movement orgininate and why do the media keep shilling like crazy for it?
Having turned away from God, the Left needs some greater threat to provide an emotional coddle that numbs the void in their souls.
Politicians take advantage of this, the media works directly with them, and the movement gains traction. With the help of the Internet, it becomes a worldwide phenomenon very quickly.
when i saw green advertising of nuclear energy i was WTF.
co2 based global warming was invented to save nuclear energy, which was under high public pressure.
>green advertising of nuclear energy i was WTF.
It's the most green form of energy there is
you must be young to belive.
the brainwashing program was a sucess.
the driving force behind it is likely the increasing co2 ppm since the industrial age and exponentially increased since globalization after the second world war.
And carbon taxes/dividends/gibs, plus pushing people to become braindead vegans. It's the jews and their bootlickers.
What produces more energy for more people with less waste production?
Are you still scared of the 99 red balloons or just a retarded larper?
>increasing co2 ppm
What about it? There were far more extreme climate changes in the past when there were no humans around to burn fossil fuels
>less waste production
Then why nobody is investing heavily in nuclear power now, retarded memeflaggot?
it's real
but the problem is the white guilt(once again)
No africa no climate change
No africa no problem
key word is increasing
for some reason, likely due to a western judo Christian worldview in most, many humans think their behaviour is separate from nature. apart from it. our pollutants are ineffectual against the divine providence of a god created earth.
we built machines that emit co2. we've used them all over for decades. the co2 levels are increasing beyond the natural state of a global co2 recycling. this is proven by comparing co2 levels in prehistoric arctic ice.
yet for some reason, we industrially make co2, the co2 rises, and here there everywhere but now on pol you're like "I don't see it".
It doesn't cause changes in climate (directly), but its biggest cause is deforestation and the death of other living beings that consume CO2 (algae,..).
Volcano activity can change this too, if you look at the raw data their analysis is so retarded it is hard to take seriously.
Climate Change is just branding for endless taxes
Jewish-owned oil companies are causing climate-change retard. and they're behind the faggy campaigns to stop it as well. they're playing both sides.
Motte and Bailey defense.
They can make whatever outlandish claims to fearmonger like the idea the Earth is heating up like an oven and all life will be ending in a year or two, and when you call them out on sounding like retards they retreat to the more reasonable sounding position of "climate change" which only requires pointing at a weather report to say weather happened again.
There's a a lot of money behind those wanting to do this fear mongering since it doesn't require any research and helps create jobs for a variety of college/university teachers (for things like social sciences mostly) that are always trying to churn out papers on something or other to help bring in money. And while it also helps create a demand for more journos/social scientists to talk about global warming it will also help back up some local industries that suck up mad money, like solar panels, wind farms, electric cars, and so on, which are things that create all sorts of jobs within the west. It's not that different from how China has people doing construction projects that fall apart after a couple years, it's creating jobs to employ people that wouldn't be doing much else otherwise.
This is ONE SINGLE CASE, idiot, not a tendency. Why the tribe released a TV series about the dangers of Nuclear Power, then a series of nuclear related accidents happened in Russia shortly after that given this kind of problem is extremely rare and infrequent?
There is no viable alternative to petrol other than nuclear currently that was well documented and tested.
>muh chernobyl
is essentially the reason but no one stops and realizes that trusting 85iq slavs with nuclear energy was the problem, not nuclear energy itself
>Step 1: assert highly debated topic as fact (only highly debated on pol but it still applies)
>Step 2: watch as both like minded individuals and bait takers send (you)s in their hundreds
>Step 3: fap to replies increasing
>Step 4: ????
>Step 5: profit?
Fuck off nigger
>george soros literaly behind neubauer ngo who is the handler of that cliamte autist grill
dude you can't come around the nose people
literaly can't
>hockey datacurve
>obviously fake
>open pic
>literaly jew
and that's a good thing
retard, as long as you do not let tsunamis or commies get clos eto a nuclear plant they are the safest energy ever, actualy evne with those 2 thing it's the safest energy source ever
It's just group think and confirmation bias.
Of course the world is changing, but it's much more convenient to blame nasty CO2 which EVIL INDUSTRIAL CAPITALISM produces, rather than blaming 7+billion people on an increasingly concrete, monoculture, deforested, irrigated and dammed world.
It's not the CO2 stupids, it's the LAND USE CHANGES
But no I do not believe in a climate conspiracy, just people all too willing to believe it can all be explained by a marginal increase in a logarithmically-determined effect like CO2 forcing.
Nice response have a you. (The thought of providing sexual gratification through the internet is funny)
Based Eidgenosse
It's basically a globalist and socialist project.
You witness the construction of the first eco-communistic state: Germany
the machines make the co2. everything you listed is part of the machines. I didn't mean just literally steel and fuel. systems. highways. killing and harvesting the "god created" machines that actually scrub the co2 off this earth
obviously you have either an emotional or financial investment in these machines. observed by your deliberate choice of the word capitalism and emotional defence of it.
our children won't care what economical term we used. these machines need to be remade. to do otherwise is death through greed, financial investment in the old machines
> pic
Man-greta-bear strikes again.
>__trusting__ 85iq slavs with nuclear energy
coop harder, your nuclear energy industry is dead. you can't event build one new reactor for yourself.
worst nuclear catastrophy still on your hands, even thou chernobyl went pretty bad
we are the only one country who can produce fuel, project and develop new plants from scratch.
Its offensichtlich my compatriot. Whatever the case with climate might be right now it's being used to increase taxes. On the other hand for many people it's a great investment opportunity. And if you are a politician it's a great way to make it rain on companies with gov contracts.