Is he wrong though?

Seems like it is becoming undeniable that Christians are part of the problem....

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>calls christcucks by their preferred name
Varg's has lost his edge. Sad

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Pope Francis isnt Catholic

All Christians should be forced to suck on nigger toes at every service under penalty of crucifixion

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If only...

>muh that wasn't real cuckstianity
>proceeds to never tackle "fake" cuckstianity

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>The Pope is not the leader of the Catholic church

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Hes right.
Christians are civnats at best and they dont care about race.

Francis is obviously the Anti Christ, he said he was the devil, he supports gays, muslims, abortion, women priest, climate change, he goes against all Church teachings... you both are not keeping up

thats like calling every American bad cause we had a nigger president, he does not represent US!

That's cute, seems to me like all these protestant countries lost their faith and are now getting Islamized.

notice how there are no nigger Catholics?

Yes the US by keeping the Christian faith truly showed those atheists how its done.

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>referring to Catholics as Christian

enough with this fucking bullshit. Christianity =/= Catholicism in any real way. Christianity isn't about fucking boys behind closed doors, Christianity is about being a fucking stoic alpha against insurmountable odds.

>hurr no it isn't

shut up, yes it is. that this got lost in translation has everything to do with the subversive Jews and other assorted enemies of Christianity. why do you think it has so many enemies? because the faith is about refusing oppression by evil. peaceful rebellion had been tried, and needed to be tried first to retain one's innocence, but it wasn't successful, so now the faith teaches you prepare for mad motherfucking happenings, to be the happening in of itself - because anyone strong willed has the potential to adjust reality amidst war and turmoil

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the less christian we got the more islam came in

you're a walking talking boomer

America is overwhelmingly majority protestant. Keep thinking hailing 'odin' and larping as thor is going to give people any real deep meaning or a rallying cry. It's degenerate and retarded.

England left the Catholic faith due to an obese adulterer and their "church" of england is deteriorating and electing female archbishops in direct contradiction to Scripture.Germany kickstarted Protestantism and germans are literally not going to exist in 25 years.

The pattern is simple:
Catholic --> Protestant --> Secularism/Degeneracy --> Islamized

The pattern is simple:
Christian --> Secularism/Degeneracy --> Islamized

Thanks Jesus.

>America is overwhelmingly majority protestant.

lie lie lie, all you christcucks do is lie. is it that you don't know truth or that you willingly lie about everything to promote your jew-worship?

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These christians are nothing but homosexuals and pedos- nobody likes them

and fuck the pope too

lol 18 you fool, zoomers are rejecting modernism. keep up

Name a single successful european pagan country with a large following.

Honestly, there is no excuse to be Christian in the age of the internet.
Any double digit moron can realize that Christianity is Jewish universalism with a simple Google search.
>inb4 anons start preaching heresies or CI

Hard to deal with people who think Catholics are Christians.

Would you look at that, it's the good old shit-is-better-than-diarrhea-fallacy. Never heard that one with a christcuck incapable of defending his degeneracy before. Honest to yahweh.

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>implying any type of christcuckism is good

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Don't you feel that yearning inside of you? The yearning to be set free from the yoke of your original sin and guilt? Jesus Christ of Nazareth made the ultimate human sacrifice to save your eternal soul from the sin that you were born into. Will you join Rabbi Jesus today and accept his offering of forgiveness to end your shame?

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I've never met a single stable grown adult that identifies as "Pagan".

>original sin
Inagine thinking you are guilty for being born.
Truly a cucked mindset.

>I've never met a single stable grown adult that identifies as "Pagan".
How is that in any way an argument related to what you quoted:
>Christian --> Secularism/Degeneracy --> Islamized

It isn't. You have no argument, so you resort to the age old "WILL YOU LOOK OVER THERE THOSE GUYS OVER THERE AREN'T THEY STOOPID LET'S TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE HAHA"-tactic. Sad.

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When you realize that Islam is unironically right

Catholics aren’t Christians
Orthodoxy is the only Christianity

He isn't even white, the guy is a corrupt Argentine rat, literally the most corrupt people there is in the world they even surpassed their ancestral Italian heritage

Probably a faggot to boot

Time to return to the old ways, anons. This Jewish slave religion is 100% top to bottom globohomo and in favor of white abolition. Christianity is majority brown and left-wing. It's a statistical fact. That's without even addressing the fakeness of doctrine.

Yep. You're "guilty" from birth according to the Jew demon blood god and the only way to "save" yourself is to be an impotent cuck, let brown people stampede into your lands, do nothing while they rape and murder everyone around you, and then lick your lips and suck Jewish cock until you die. Then after you die, you get to be a slave to the Jew god for eternity. Wow, what a great religion!

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Islam is just corrupted Nestorian Cuckstianity with Arab nationalism mixed in. 100% total Abrahamic bullshit, but at least they're not dumb enough to let the Chosen run their countries.

hes destroying our church

As a christian, I need to pay for the sins of my ancestors. My ancestor's victims deserve reparations for slavery and the holocaust. If I reject original sin, then my ancestors victims don't get what they are entitled to under God. It's similar to how Yahweh punishes the random first born sons of egypt for something they may or may not have directly taken part in.

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Literally what the fuck are you talking about sperg?

Your church has been destroyed for decades.

fuck off mossad

This guy says christcuckery leads to weakness and submission to islam.

Then you reply with some autistic noises about something completely unrelated. Like you christcucks always do when you can't defend you shit ass loser religion - you attempt to swap topic as fast as possible.

Some other religion supposedly being shit or non-existent is not a defense or excuse for christcuckery being shit. How is this hard to understand fuckface?

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And yet he's almost universally acknowledged because nobody has any balls anymore, they're afraid of losing relevance more than losing their beliefs, they're just like Francis is.

The idea that secularism/atheism are pro-islamist or immigration stems from the fact that the right wing completely gave those positions to the left decades ago. They didn't like science that contradicted their preferred worldview and responded by rejecting it outright and letting the left do as it pleased. Same thing happened in media and entertainment when the right thought they were too mature for it - leftists received free reign to propagandize to children and skeptics without any opposition, especially when their ideals contradicted real science.

Jow Forums should know better than anyone that there are more factual scientific arguments to be made for discrimination and segregation between races than there are religious ones.
The only reason leftism appears to correlate with atheism is because the Christian right chose not fight these battles at all, and now they're losing the traditions they tried to protect anyway as thanks for it.

Very good post

>This guy says christcuckery leads to weakness and submission to islam.
He's not wrong.

>The only reason leftism appears to correlate with atheism is because the Christian right chose not fight these battles at all,
Because it can't. Christianity is a rope around your neck and cuffs around your hands. You absolutely cannot be a nationalist and a Christian because they're polar opposite ideas. Some idiot will try and say "muh Hitler" now without realizing the German NSDAP was heavily involved in pagan revivalism to the point they wanted to rewrite Christianity to allow it to become nationalist. But the mere act of doing so admits Christianity is all LARP, since if it was such infallible truth then the act of rewriting it would be considered the highest of blasphemies.

The fact of the matter is it is a Jewish sect, not unlike any of the dozens that currently exist, and it was peddled to non-Jews by Saul. There is nothing special or magical about it, other than people believing it is the "true religion" simply because they were born into it. And yet it is easily molded into whatever form the powers that be want it to be. So long as that form isn't pro-white or nationalist.

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The irony of calling yourself Gandalf, the protagonist of a explicitly christian book by JRR Tolkien who was a hardcore traditionalist catholic

Christcucks are literally the most retarded WN with their mental gymnastics:
>Central figure of religion and every author of Bible is Jewish? MODERN JOOS ARE NOT REAL JOOS JEWSUS IS JUDEAN NOT PHARISEE - WHITES WUZ ANCIENT HEBREWS N SHIET!!1!!
>Every major Christian denomination is pro-refugee and race-mixing? THEY RE NOT REAL CHRISTIANS ONLY CHRISITAN IDENTITY MOVEMENT IS REAL CHRISTIANITY!!1!

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This. I see more so called atheists marching with Muslims and shitskins than Christians. Varg is a welfare leeching nigger himself.

Original sin is pretty much the same concept as white guilt. Leftism and communism are just secular christcuckery

Christians are commanded not to resist evil men so they are completely useless.

Matthew 5:39


This. The Church Fathers peddled hyper-pacifism, with figures like Tertullian and Hyppolytus of Rome going as far as to say you couldn't be Christian and a soldier.

fuck christcucks

it's never "real" Christianity

where have I heard that before?

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.. we have literally never asked you to unite with us either.
Christians dont need to unite with anyone. We always win in the end anyways, no matter the odds.

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He is literally a filthy degenerate shit

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Kiss muh foot, wyte boi


Pagans are like 0.00009% of the population.They are weak af and nobody gives a shit about them

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>Gandalf the White

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>Cites the Pope, servant of Satan
kek, pathetic.

Only an indisputably faggot would post this without sound. Kill yourself, frog.

Truly. OP is a nose typer or OP wants a leader that screams their intent and telegraphs every move to allow every rat to escape so the cycle can repeat.

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>without sound
First day here?

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Standard Abrahamic religion etiquette I'd say.

>Standard Abrahamic religion etiquette I'd say.
shut up, greece was nothing before christianity, your ancestors use to eat dirt and drink cum, look at where greece is now thanks to christianity. thank us.

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I'm sure your civilization did better and I'm definitely not talking about the croissants that used to live over there which were great I'm my opinion.

Plus, you know your language was based in Latin, which was based in Greek, no?
Just smugginly stating facts.

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so the catholics are resisting degeneracy is what im reading from that

Latin does not come from Greek you fucking Turk.

spread the good word brothers..



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We need some anons to take some psychedelics, contact the good aliens, and see if they can come up with some tech to fight back against this evil.