>Jow Forums meetup
>none are white
Jow Forums meetup
Pol BTFO once again.
Jow Forums is mostly shitskins, if you are white you know this
>endless copes about whitegrills
>endless self-help threads of losers who will never belong
>"ironic" and non-ironic cuckposting
>wannabe nazi roleplaying
it's just too obvious
at least they based
>Jow Forums meetup
>none are white
I'm not denying this is highly likely, but are you sure pic related isn't a proud boy meeting or something?
>AMERICAN Jow Forums meetup
>none are white
This wasn't pol meetup. This was other board, vidya retards. But yeah, we all remember them on NYC he will not divide us. Burgers here on pol are ~30-40% aren't white.
I hope so
....or some kekistani fags. Idk, maybe I'm coping.
>implying whites are that retarded to go in a glow meeting
lmao you potato fren
bot posting
You didn't know that Jow Forums is the most ethnically diverse white supremacist forum on the internet?
more like Mutt Supremacy
white people are leftist
>Churka calling others non white
You forgot
>American flags
>Mexicans are so cewl you guys
>Mexican food is the best!
Oh....God. it's even worse than I thought. Its britney venti and a gang of orbiters.
burger pol meet up and pic related euro pol meet up
This looks like a magic the gathering meet up.
Everyone here looks like they only had sex with fat chicks and make under 20k a year.
>euro pol meet up
holy fuck that's hilarious lmao
I'm the second one from the right.
Most diverse nazi, white supremacist, misogynist, antisemitic, mongolian kite rating community
Nice. Any story behind this?
Sounds like Jow Forums
That wasn't a Jow Forums meetup, you fucking newfags.
There's a constant stream of retards who believe this because Reddit tells them so.
I swear to god If you dont go on Jow Forums for any other reason than just to kill time and have a chuckle or too youre retarded
lmao fuck It auto correct two
HAHAHA what a fucking joke this place is
Me on the left. Shit was so cash
did the niggers rape you?
honestly don't know
this pic is old af
As has been discussed many times Jow Forums has a large concentration of non-whites that likely outnumbers whites on any given day
Sites like redddit have done "demographic surveys" over several years with as much as 80%+ of the respondents are white. I have no doubt that redddit is whiter than any of the chans. The funny part is the goddamn morons who are not familiar with the chans think this is all a bunch of whites and that would be because they do not understand many on the chans contrarian attitudes. People on the chans talk about white shit because the current culture is pushing anti-white. Thus the goddamn simple minded morons who see shit being discussed on the chans think it is a bunch of whites
it's funny how that mutt uses a filter to make herself look white
I thought you Hollanders were all tall kek
What filter?
NEETSOCs are the most pathetic creatures on earth
>Jow Forums
pick one, retard. it's literally impossible
>Can I join your white supremacy group, user?
Yes it was
I would fuck that nigger.
Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys aren't white supremacist groups. In fact they actively kick out anyone who is.
post titties
Neither is Jow Forums. White supremacists don't exist.
>a bunch of burguer retards who show up at a Jow Forums meeting organized by glowniggers represent the entire board
They all came from the Jow Forums thread on HWNDU
I used to jerk off to her on Twitch when she was normal and didn't have constant breakdowns.
bunch of faggots, im here to laugh at you
there are no blonde aryan in this pic. Jow Forums was a fucking lie!!!!!!!!!
no shit? White people are too busy virtue-signaling themselves out of existence.
I understand bong when your 10/10 women look like pic related
Hot, Jow Forums is diverse and on the right side of history. International National Socialism now.
>Do I look like a nigger to you, user?
Honestly wish I could move to literally any other white country so I don't have to look at these ugly fucking monsters every single day.
You're here to make slide threads and kvetch.
do it and please be honest you dumbfags
holy shit, fucking mordor
>squatter with his milk
nope, just shitposting and having keks
A shitskin laughing at shitskins. Ironic.
Ethnostate % quality: over 9000
Jokes aside Jow Forums and even Jow Forums are very diverse both racially and with people from different countries/nationalities, languages, ages, backgrounds, and so on
That's because only jobless mutt attention whores would attend those kinds of meetups. They make up maybe 10-15% of Jow Forums's userbase. The rest consists of:
>psychopaths/schizos/literal incels who would be too scared to interact with other people
>NEETS who don't want to go out of their rooms
>average employed/educated white guys that either have shit to attend to or don't want to show their powerlevel, aka where I'd fall (t. actual irish american)
Location's also important. If you did a meetup somewhere like California or New York, you'd be lucky to get more than five white people to show up. On the other hand, if you had a meetup somewhere in the Midwest planned out for months, you'd get a lot more white people. I feel like there should be a big Jow Forums meetup sometime in the next few years before it and the rest of Jow Forums fall into obscurity.
I reckon around 70 percent of pol is a userbase working for Shareblue.
These are all a bunch of larpers just larping. especially (((moon))). Nothing to see here.
Jews are unironically whiter than Jow Forums
just become gay like your fellow bong bros ;)
hahah holy fuck
That's a good thing. Think about how the media says this is a "white only board" just show this this picture of the most diverse supremacy. What about the honorary black kkk member? What about the bhuddist monks that loved SS officers.
I reckon everyone here but me is just a chatbot operated by the Mossad.
I agree and support Jow Forums being diverse. The diversity in my neighborhood, county and country is my problem. In case you care I’m in a wealthy suburb where most people are brown and drive $100,000 cars.
>They've forgotten HWNDU
Has Jow Forums really changed that much?
this is a website to complain about no gf through the medium of a supposed hobby.
No argument from me on that. Just reminding my Semitic friends about their “my fellow white people” shapeshifting problems.
>be me
>see a birtanny video
>turn it on
>doesn't show cleavage
>turn it off
I remember it well, I just like to have fun in the slide threads. We also shouldn’t spoon feed the newfags. The edgieness has declined and we should work on that. Nigger, spic, faggot, tranny, gook, chink, pooojeet, coombrain!!!!
>mfw I'm more aryan then anyone on the board and I've got a jewish mom.
>mfw ive diluted my blond hair and blue eyed genetics by whoring around with latinas and qt Asians.
Pick a side faggot. My best friend is half kike and he’s ready gas anyone ready to admit they are a jew. He gets the gas last, and he will probably self administer it.
Would Jow Forums breed this one?
why are they all so weird?
its the same old out of date pic but yea you will find about 70% of american posters on Jow Forums are non white
is that yourself
>reddit meetup
See for yourself
My tech company business partner was convinced pol was a clutch of seething white Nazis - the hwundu pics shocked him.. leftists are idiots
Centrists are best.
Pol is centrist -