is it a deep state psy-op? mindgeek shills? or hiro wanting more shekels? I'm partially inclined to the third option because every sfw board nowadays is full of porn threads and mods do nothing to delete them. But it could perfectly be a combination of 1 and 3 (deep state pressuring hiro). Either way with the raise of the coomer meme I've noticed a lack of positive nofap reinforcement. What are your thoughts?
COOM posting
I found this on another board. Judging by past events the possibility of this being a coordinated raid could be real.
It's almost 2020...
its just Discord Trannies forcing their Milhouse meme on everyone.
just ignore it.
I'm able to ignore it, others don't, which is why every board is turning into cumbrain central.
why are discord trannies behind everything? and more important, (((who)))'s behind them?
Jow Forums was always "cumbrain central" newfag.
lurk more
I like it. It reminds me that I could end up like the guy at the BLACKED convention if I don’t control myself
It’s organic and it pisses you off. Take off your meme flag, kike.
it's not organic, and it pisses me off because it led to more porn posting and now mods are in the game too. Now kids associate masturbating with fun memes. Also you're the real kike, fuck off.
I'm not going to talk to the girl next door, I'm going to load up pornhub and COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
It clearly makes the mods mad which is good. Remember how they freaked about SHITTED.COM?
Why does this meme triggers you so much, coombrain ?
The coomer meme is actually the best thing coming out of Jow Forums since years. Since janitors and moderators are too busy doing jack shit and eating hot pockets, anonymous posters have to take matters in their own hand and self-moderate the only way they can : through memes.
See, Jow Forums became porn central. Close to every single thread is bundled with a borderline pornographic picture to grab attention. It's called clickbait and considered cancer everywhere else but for some reason it's "fine" here.
Thanks to the coomer meme we have now a semblant of tool to shutdown these awful threads.
the only 'people' who find sexual degeneracy funny on Jow Forums are the kikes. Call them out on it every time you see it.
>Jow Forums became porn central.
It was always Porn central, lurk more fucking newfag.
Wrong newfag. I'm browsing this shithole since 2007. There's a very clear decline.
don't worry, the kids are chemically castrated.
and this
Pic is for (you).
coomer meme is to make you think twice before cooming, and try to discourage masturbaton
The coomer meme is meant to be derogatory towards guys who jerk off to porn frequently (basically everyone here which makes it funnier)
thats what all newfags say, now fuck off or at least lurk more before posting.
even if it was, there's no reason for it to be continue being chock full of degeneracy
hi five for explaining to these normies what the coomer meme actually means
imagine being so low iq you dont realize that coomer posting is meant to shame people for watching porn and jacking off.
dont like it go to reddit or facebook
Jow Forums is obviously not the right place for you, so fuck off.
Here comes that german pornhead
basically everyone in the world with an internet connection. Though having this guy in my mind does slow down my interest in jacking it, what would be better is if the threads had more helpful nofap content than just pictures of Der Coomer.
imagine being such a dimwit you believe anyone feels "shame" when encountering some poorly drawn wojak edits.
having the opposite effect as I said, I see more porn in SFW boards than ever before. And now mods don't delete shit because they're coomers themselves so anons post more porn because it's now consequence free.
here comes another discord tranny shilling his forced meme.
It’s backed by Trump so our male energy is maximally accumulate for 2020.
Here's an idea:
>NoFap isn't doing shit
>The coomer meme is funny and people spread it to prevent others from going down that dark path
>Lots of people haven't coomed since it became big
Just a thought
Coomer pisses off jannies so much. I've been banned for coomer posting. It's effective, too. I can't jack off anymore because I just see The Coomer. I didn't fap a lot anyway, probably once every 10 days or so, but I haven't fapped in weeks now. I've turned down sex, too. I refuse to be a coomer who ejaculates. Ejaculation is for low iq plebs.
The Coomer meme is so fucking triggering, and I barely fap, it just leads others to NoFap on their own. NoFap positive reinforcement is great. But this truly is a powerful meme. It's all that's needed being much quicker and easier with all the implications of go watch some NoFap videos.
>Lots of people haven't coomed since it became big
yes, continue to lower the birth rates goy
sex is bad
That's the point, it's a funny demotivational/anti masturbation meme
I think it was an attempt of a psyop that wanted to make fappers fap more because they realized that people are trying to meme him to stop fapping. Nevertheless it's become a subpar meme and I think it backfired on them
it's already not funny because of retards spamming it in the wrong discussions.
Way to go, retards, I wonder how many eceleb video hits I'll get if I search it on youtube
>the “german” kike with the porn fixation has been summoned
I also like to watch...yeah I'm nearl- aaaaaaaaAA
IM COOOOOMMMIIIINNGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................................................................................................................................................
Which pic set is this? I rarely delve in porn but Mila is a fucking dime
Look at the filename, click on the picture and look at the bottom.
You should be able to figure it out.
Am I supposed to believe that a "le funny wojak pic" is going to stop brain damaged people from masturbating? previous no fap attempts were arguments about what it meant to be a man, how to reclaim control of yourself and your spirit, how to say no to the jew, a lot of stuff to internalize. Now all that is substituted by a wojak. I don't think it's effective.
See what I mean? You made an originally funny meme not funny anymore
Actually they stole it.
Originally that wojak was for
>Dude just wagecuck for 50 years lmao
Then the Discord trannies highjacked that meme.
lmao, imagine memes getting to you
is it artificial? yes.
is it helpful? surprisingly yes.
it's not made by any adversaries, it's a meme telling people to stop fapping. Can't be mindgeek, can't be feds, can't be jews.
Sex for any reason other than reproduction is bad. If you're not explicitly attempting to create a child, you shouldn't be having sex. Ejaculation is a scourge on men and The Coomer is combating this scourge.
>the “german” kike with the porn fixation
>the french kike holohoax guardian
>walmart user
>discord trannies
>media matters/shariablue shills
we truly have the most diverse population on this board. dog bless.
it's r*ddit and discord faggots pushing an inorganic meme.
the irony is they're all probably coomers
>it's a meme telling people to stop fapping
see what do you think will happen soon? these people who stopped fapping because of a meme will ask themselves why did they stop fapping, why was it so bad, other than recognizing themselves as memeguy. And since they never learned the important info of why it's important to stop being a slave of sexual desire, they'll be back to it. It's a form of discourse impoverishment, soon you'll never see good arguments for/against things, rather everything will be depicted through funny images.
Yes jacking off all day to kike porn is great for you
Nofap is Real, in history it was thought that semen is magical of course because it creates life, yet you are wasting it to pixels on screen on a tissue, depleting your mental and emotional strenght overtime. The coomer meme is good, sig is the way to start lads
Evolution of nofap to outright shame retards who are addicted to touching themselves, causes a surprising amount of buttpain
>I don't think it's effective.
I've found it is. the coomer meme has helped me a lot in retarding my impulses to fap. shame is a more powerful motivator than self-improvement. I kind of know nofap won't turn me into the superman that the meme tends to hint at, but having a mirror that forces me to look at how pathetic I am chasing orgasm after orgasm. I've been a lot better about being hands-off lately and devoting my time to other things
Prob coordinated but fucking hilarious it was only a matter of time, to be honest.
ok,but not the best coom
The masses won't listen to arguments and will alwys take the path of minimal resistance, so the only solution is legal/social conditioning. the coomer meme it's more like "don't be like this guy" sort of shaming, and it's not just the wojak, the meme was inspired after this mong:
The real decline happened around 2009 normies flooded the place after the fappening.
I'm tired of the coomer-groomers redirecting the flow of my blood to my dick. I will gladly side with advertisers and their fascist rules which will inevitably control the board's image content because I know how powerful the dick is. Only a lost coomer can shrug his shoulders and say "it's just porn". No, you limp dicked coomer boomer, no- it's a vampire that sucks the brain out of you. If you are a coomer, you wouldn't know.
It's trannies and fags angry that men are sexually attracted to real women so they try to demonize it by calling people
it's a flimsy, weaponized meme levied against us by retard shills of undistinguished colors and loyalty
it's to mock our circumstance, but the wind is not blowing in that direction. it's making people quit jacking off
>it's r*ddit and discord faggots pushing an inorganic meme.
Why would leftist drones and trannies be pushing a meme that mocks enslaving yourself to the pornographic Jew and incentivizes freeing yourself from degenerate tendencies?
This lack of second order thinking is what makes me think the shills have finally found an effective way to tap into Jow Forums's paranoia; taking screencaps of self-made discords and reddit pages in a false flag to get gullible retards who are just trying to do the opposite of whatever "reddit" does to believe whatever the shills want you to believe.
Good goy, keep consuming pornography. It's not hurting anybody, least of all yourself, right? You can quit anytime you want, hehehehe....
It really doesn’t matter where it came from. If shills started it then the meme will backfire. Anons will be able to spend more time actually doing more meaningful things instead of jerking off to degenerate kike porn.
Coomer meme helps me to keep nofap week.
i mean it helped me
porn is advertised with women.
women are attractive.
porn is attractive.
We have the power to turn the tables on them by associating porn with disgusting perverts.
how it was in the 80's and early 90's
>it's making people quit jacking off
I think that this was the initial goal of the forcers.
because men being attracted to women is bad for them you idiot.
the coomer meme only gets posted when people post hot women in teh threads. faggotry thread do not get spammed by this trash meme
download most viewed porn on pornhub. re-upload with coomer meme dropped in every 30 seconds.
no one will coom.
and everty time the real is seen it will be associated with the coom king.
>>Lots of people haven't coomed since it became big
I hear lots of anons talk about how it's inspired them to change. I'm one of them.