This young lady is the most important human of this generation. Just look at the passion she speaks with, the conviction!!! You need to get on this train soon anons and stop being bigots and STOP making fun of this young lady or we will destroy the planet.
This speech is so powerful!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
I didnt ask shit. She was advertised to me by a pr team and then she invited herself over. For shame.
i coomed repeatedly for the 4 minutes and 36 seconds of video
fuck off greta we know ur retarded aswell
Pretty good for a girl with autism. lol.
Seems fitting that the spokesman for your generation is a retard.
It really isn't. It's just a girl who didn't get her way.
tldr; girl tantrum.
When is she going to China and India to spread the word?
Why don't I like this girl? What is off about her? I know one of you faggots have files on her, give me the details why my instinct tells me to run away from this demon.
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
Her parents should be charged with abuse for allowing this spectacle. Kids should be doing kids stuff at home with their friends. This is grotesque.
send more nudes greta
We must cut emmisons by 100% by 2025 and if millions starve so be it its our only chance
a child , nothing more . so glad you enjoyed Soros speech .
Fuck off GIDF nobody fucking cares
Why doesn't someone just publicly mock her already? Do we really all need to play along with this charade?
>I shouldn't be here
Well, she got off to a great start. Shame about the rest.
it's fucking hogg all over again
>millions starve
what a tree hugging CHILD amiright fellow migapedes?? AND a girl no the less, lol. did she really think an emotional appeal would work on us when we reject the all the evidence and the scientific consensus??? HAHA NO CHANCE KIDDO.
God willing, there will be many people getting on trains soon
She has a handler and the poor girl is mind controlled. Like the Hogg boy.
She's Apu.
Because she's manufactured outrage, she's so clinically created and sensationalised that she gives off an incredible sense of uncanny valley. Nothing she says sounds right because it's obviously not her saying it, no different to watching a model with a voicebox pouring out prerecorded's all so plastic and paper thin. It's hard to watch her and not genuinely cringe a little because of how blatantly artificial she is.
>muh science
If scientists told you to drink sulfuric acid to prevent co2 emissions you’d drink it with a shit eating grin.
She's being primed for Hollywood.
Just kidding. This girl is a retard who is used by (((them))) to implement these changes that would lead to mass poverty and than global communism will reigned in thus completing (((thier))) mission.
>we're fucked
Greta with convicted Felon. genocidal sociapath and con-artist supremo, Schwartz György.
Basically all you need to know to see thru this Kike scam.
yes rabbi ok rabbi
Its a fascinating speech when you consider who is funding her. very interesting wording.
soros owned
Where did you hide her dreams, pol?
Where have you taken them?
Who is funding her? Sources?
Imagine being a UN diplomat and being forced to sit there and listen to some retarded kid lecture you
Also that girl is literally crazy, she basically openly threatened the UN, while being an absolute nobody without any qualifications to speak to the UN at all.
In this girl you see a hope, I saw a perfection!
TFW OP posted it again
Fuck authoritarian cunts like this.
Fuck the Paris Accord
Fuck violating property rights.
Fuck your taxes
Fuck you Greta.
If Greta gave a shit about the Earth, she'd be bitching out the Chinese and Indians who pollute 20x as much as we do, but since her masters want whites to neuter their economy so they're easier to exterminate, she'll only be bitching at whites. Screw that traitorous potato.
"Indian PM brags about building 110mil Toilets"
This is more retarded than a retarded NOG.
SAGE. Shut the fuck up you fucking kike shill. That is all.
This video was just posted and shills are all over the comments
How dare you :-/
I keked
Only 4 month left of her Jow Forums dont get discouraged
her money will run out and we all know soros doesnt fund a project twice
>Brain farts
>Most important
So we are basically becoming Death Korps of Krieg. Good to have some gas masks these days.
Using human shields is a common technique of the left. They bring out the children, or the victimized, and have them wave the bloody shirt of their philosophy.
According to the normal rules, the right can't fight back because as soon as they do, the reply is "how dare you treat a CHILD like this".
This technique as worked for a generation. But it's starting not to work.
If she ever gets power, she'll kill half the population.
Humorless, self-important, in way over her head.
How do you say "Who the fuck do you think you are?" in Swedish.
By the way after trying to shop at IKEA with those stupid carts, I'll never listen to advice from a Swedish person.
Vice is a promoter of illicit drug use and debauchery. Now, with minors!
This is such an obvious photoshop, fuck you for fake news disinfo
>buying into the globalist prop
What does a week in New York cost nowadays? I'm sure it's not in my budget. Maybe she sells lemonade,
Man I thought the covington kids were ugly and then this abomination is getting spammed
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, GET FUCKED CUNTS. Even normies are going to catch on to this soap-opera bullshit and call out her parents for brainwashing her and driving her to near suicidal levels of mania.
we must watch out. we all know the ferocity of retard strength, but ANGRY retard strength
She set off the alarm at the end because she is a Terminator. That's how she can see CO2.
Why no one asking the real question here. Why this fetal alcohol syndrome watermelon Swedish goddess doesn't have boobs?
BeLIEve aLl WaMAn
Can I get a link on that one my nigga?
The previous one didn't work. An archived one is also ok.
>autistic screeching
>doesn't have boobs?
>fetal alcohol syndrome watermelon Swedish goddess
She is not working for anyone you moronz
She was protesting alone in Stockhol, someone took a photo which went viral and now she is the face of this movement. This movement needed a face and I'm glad that she is the one. I have to admit her speech skills are very very impressive for her age. Perfect English, courage.
I was giving a speech in school for English class when I was 16 and my skill level was at about 25% of hers.
Good Luck Greta
this. only in white countries though because they are the worst
I think she's the first android to pass the Turing test.
Is she insane?!
Why dat boi upset?
Welcome to this forum, shill.
She got abused by her parents and is now being exploited by the British Crown to push the eco fascism agenda to reduce population by 6 billion people. Is she a hero to you or just a poor child who is getting exploited in a very horrible way?
i misread this as "EAT THE DOGS"
this is greta thunberg school.
reminder she most likely got fucked by some arab from her class
jesus this is so cringey
>She is not working for anyone you moronz
That's not how things work in the real world. You don't just go out in the streets and start yelling stuff and all the media companies, the elites, the UN, start broadcasting your face on all the new channels all around the world 24/7.
There are entire teams, companies, PR, finance, organizers, agencies, that put this shit through. Guess what? These things costs big big money and require lots of connections to very powerful and influential people, people that don't do shit unless they know they can get something tangible out of this whole charade.
I've never thought to watch he speak, but after she said "on the other side of the ocean," I just had to stop. She's not capable. Even her audience knows with their awkward clapping at weird moments. Fucking odd.
>Literal autistic screaming
Deffo only in white countries, but they must also take in more refugees to get warm hands to help them.
oh shit the sky is falling!
Lol, this entire thing is funny.
The UN is glad she's making this call for more UN legislation and control, that's the entire point.
This board, now reddit, obviously's too retarded to get to the point quick enough to have any discourse about actual steps we can take.
Fucking pathetic redditfag board.
someone did but the media attacked him for "attacking a schoolgirl". absolutely ridiculous. she puts herself in the spotlight, she should have to put up with criticism.
r/t_d tier.
'You have stolen my dreams and childhood': Greta Thunberg sobs as she tells world leaders: 'You're still not mature enough to tell it like it is, the eyes of future generations are upon you' - after Trump blithely upstages her at UN Climate Summit
Thunberg was livid as she rebuked international delegates calling them 'not mature enough to tell it like it is'
She was seen furiously glaring at President Donald Trump when he upstaged her entrance to the summit
Trump sat at the conference for just 15 minutes and was seen shutting his eyes and checking his watch
All Greta threads, even if the OP is "negative" about her, are just there to make everyone aware about her talk at the UN.
Not that it matters.
Why do we continue to listen to children? Lmao
>This speech is so powerful!!!
No, it's not.
If Greta actually cared about CO2 emissions she would be against immigration from the third world into the US
End foreign aid to the third world, stop China and India, stop the 4 billion Africans by 2050
>Trump sat at the conference for just 15 minutes and was seen shutting his eyes and checking his watch.
he didn't did he? i haven't laughed this hard in a while. he actually is based.
It's not grassroots, it's astroturf
Has this board really been reduced to this level of Facebook tier posting?
The 2016 election really did kill Jow Forums.
she doesnt care because their goal is to attack the west.
Do you think any of those environmentalist guys close to her have tried to fuck her?
Whatever you say. Just reply to this thread in order to bump the thread and thus spread awareness about Greta. That is all that matters.