If the Holocaust never happened how do you explain the mass graves?
If the Holocaust never happened how do you explain the mass graves?
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Tuberculosis you fucking dolt. Now go die.
Churchill lied, people died
all the jews just laid in the pit and died on their own volition. perfectly understandable. nothing to see here.
>Tuberculosis you fucking dolt. Now go die.
this is suppose to make it better?
thats like 52 people. maybe 60. what does that prove?
>They died of typhus?
>What is typhus?
Nah, probably 40
Those graves are full of Germans who the Soviets executed. Not Jews.
TB takes a long time to kill you
TFW in the sims you delete the ladder from the swimming pool
it's only a mass grave if it has people in it user. Jews aren't people.
This, zyklon B is an insecticide, it was used to delouse the clothing of the labourers. Lice were the only things betting gassed.
The problem is, there simply aren't enough of them to account for six gorillion
>how do you explain the mass graves?
typhoid fever
To add to that, cremating bodies reduces the chance of typhus spreding.
Doesn't matter. Assuming it did, the only follow up worth asking.... and no one's asked it more than Germans, is, would they try it again? No.
Now, with regard to the jews however...
Its a war nigger. People die.
You can find similar pics from Syria or Ukraine even.
There’s 6 million people in that pic?
died of starvation and death by british fire bombing.
The absolute state of Jow Forums...how can somone even deny the holocaust??
Ffs Poland was full of jews before WW2 ABSOLUTELY PACK WITH THEM!! Try finding a jew in Poland now.. There were complete cities with majority jewish population. Even if they did die in camps of some disease its still a war crime to put millions of civilans into work camps.. Not even gonna talk about the Ostplan and planned colonization of east Europe and genocide of the slavs.. Watch the movie "Come and see" it will shake you if you are a human being, a christian with a soul
Most of them are emaciated, which means they died of starvation or disease, or both. And that suggests that the germans REALLY FUCKING SUCKED AT KILLING PEOPLE THEY WANTED DEAD.
Which ruins the narrative that they were setting up human roller coasters, etc. etc.
>how do you explain the mass graves?
Allied forces bombing all the food and medicine supplies. Can't farm in the middle of a world war.
Woooooey! If anybody knows the truth behind WW2, surely it's these geniuses who struggle to count without the aid of their fingers.
Hahahah yeah and for some reason 90% victims of starvation were jews
It's just a tactic to desensitize the normies mate, truth is no one cares whether the holocaust really happen or not because even if it did happen it won't make any difference
The only Holocaust that happened was the genocide of native white Europeans.
That looks like a picture emancipated corpses being buried by the allies after the war for sanitary reasons.
Gee, what happens when the Allies blockaded Europe, when it relied on food imports to feed the populace. In the final year of the war, Germany struggled to even feed its own soldiers. As the Allied bombing campaign continued to destroy Europe's infrastructure, the Germans progressively lost the means to effectively transport the scant supplies they had left. The Allies, more specifically the Eternal Anglo for refusing to make peace in 1940, are responsible for that picture.
If the holocaust happened, why aren't there 6 million Jewish bodies.
Oh yrah and looks like german were so hungry and starving that they couldnt even make sperate tombs but just threw 60 bodies into one big pit.. They I guess didnt have time so they threw them all in one big pit still in their everyday clothes. Wow.. Not even going to talk about how mysteriously 90% of the "starvation" victims were not even German.. Thats quite interesting isnt it?
I'm no mathematician, but that doesn't look like six million to me.
Well for 1. Nazis burned most of the bodies
2. Thosands of peoe die every day are you also gonna ask where are their bodies?? What do you think they will just lay down on the street to rot for hundreds of years you dumbass? They either burned or just threw the bodies into mass graves like the one on OP's pic.
How do you know those are Jews? Not soldiers? Not rebels? Not starved peasants? You make a lot of assumptions here then get mad when people question it. Kinda fucked up if you think about it.
After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.
They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see archive.4plebs.org
Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see archive.4plebs.org
The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.
"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.
Jews were detained in camps. Jews starved in camps. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and were de-loused with zyklon b just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world. The Germans were blockaded and starving, therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase the political power of the jews and their ability to manipulate others for their benefit post WW2.
See these threads for much more:
there's 6 million people in that hole???
fuck off jidf
So how did they come up with 6 million? We do keep records of births and Nazis have records of prisoners so why can't we ID these people? All the records from the camps tallied to a couple hundred thousand. This also doesn't imply some kind of maniacal genocide. We know many starved, you can clearly see that. Did they not have supplies? Why not? You can see the overarching narrative is flawed compared to the evidence.
Nobody says nobody died in those camps you dipshit. People say there were no gas chambers, or any other sort of systematic extermination because there fucking weren't any. Yes people died, yes Hitler let his prisoners starve so he could feed his soldiers. Why wouldn't he? But no, there were no gas chambers, no roller coasters, no masturbation machines, no lamp shades, no kikesoap. It was wartime rumor, nothing more
Right? Doesn't matter if it was real or not, it is used as a bludgeon to keep white people from organizing and opposing global Jewish control.
The only problem with the Holocaust is way too few were killed.
Oh. That must be why they are all so thin.
Ever heard of the Wehrmachtsausstellung?
Most, if not all of the photographs supposedly showing mass graves, executions etc. are either not crimes committed by Germany or they're not even crimes whatsoever.
Here's an article about it, written by the state agency of political education, a tax-supported leftist propaganda think tank. Use google translate if you must.
How does that change anything you fucking retard?? Forcefully Puting milions or as you say hundreds of thousands of civilians to work camps is still a war crime and either they died of starvation,disease or execution is absolutely disgusting behaviour.. Putting helpless civilans into those conditions behaving towards them as rats is uncivilized, disgusting animal like behaviour.. That is what puts the human race behind and what haunts our wretched soul.. The thirst for killing. O come back to Christianity my son and stop with this disguting hatred which will not give you no good.. We will all die in the end. The flesh doesnt matter its what you have done in your short life and how clean your soul is what MATTERS! And what makes you a CIVILIZED HUMAN BEING!!!!
Of course, there were many innocent people who died in it
Those are not Jews and there is no where near the 6 grillion claimed
They didn't work so they were not set free
Jews getting rid of their competition.
It doesn't matter.
Who they are TODAY
and what they do TODAY
is held accountable
The question is not whether or not the Holocaust happened. It is whether or not it was a good idea and why it was implemented so poorly.
>There were complete cities with majority jewish population.
That alone is enough reason to eradicate them. They have no business in other people's countries. Based typhus ftw
>Forcefully Puting blah blah blah is absolutely disgusting behaviour.
Lying about millions of people being tortured and murders is pretty fucked up too, especially when you use it to justify killing millions and destroying countless nations.
Not an argument Croatia faggot nigger.
Germany was at war, these people were in forced labor camps to work and died of typhus and hunger mostly but they weren't there to be exterminated
not this jew again
An american calls a european a nigger.. well ok than..
Lmao you pathetic racists
And again.. how am i suprised.. A godless german nazi badtard again insulting other nations and waging war against Europe.. For the third time!! For heavens sake didnt you country suffer enough? The fall of Christianity and religion in Europe in 20th century gave birth to these false ideological religions of Nazism and Communism.. Both self destructive,primitive.
Typhoid Jerry
This is not even in Germany, this happened somewhere else.
It may surprise certain people but many millions of people died that weren't Jews
Yes thosuands of burned villages,genocides and forced displacment of Ukrianians,Belorussians,Russians,Poles etc on the eastern front done by drunk violent german hordes of evil.
>implying the kike commies that started a civil war in Germany were innocent civilians.
nice try kike.
then he cut out the coupons with L shaped scissors
I've not seen L shaped scissors since
whiter than you, Rabbi.
>still in their everyday clothes
So not even prison camp clothing? Interdasting.
Not a jew I was born a catholic and I love fellow white christians and treat them good if they treat me well too. Im horrified that you people can get so caught up in these false ideologies of fascism and communism.. They are so inherently bad,evil and self destructive.. Neither can last for more then a 100 years and wouldnt work in a health society which Germany and Russia after ww1 were definitely not.. Irrereligion and immorality is what makes these false destructive religions rise up and cost the lives of millions of people!!
Battle casualties, when the red army cleared out an area as they advanced they ethnically cleansed it and got rid of all the Germans.
And a standard leftist propaganda move has always been to accuse their enemies of the things that they themselves are guilty of.
lag of basic hygiene led to epidemic typhus
jews are dirty
take a shower
This is the correct answer.
this. but with out the dying part
this too
stupid goy lol
Now find enough so that the 11 million number works
All xou have to say? Stupid goy? Well ok than.. Keep living you life of hatred and dream about the 4th reich. It will be destroyed either way even if it comes up again. The hateful false fascists religion cant exist in a human society for more than a few decades.. It will fall unto itself because of its pure hatred and expansionist self destructive ideas. God bless you and I hope you eill find God one day before its too late!
>Even if they did die in camps of some disease its still a war crime to put millions of civilans into work camps.
Every country involved in WWII had camps.
if it takes 2 hours to bake 12 cakes how long does it take to bake 6,000,000 cakes?
12 cakes / 2 hours = 10 minutes a cake
60,000,000 minutes is 114 years
Here's a more hard-hitting question for your quest: why the fuck should I care one way or the other
you mean the part where every nation on the planet throws off the jew and petitions us to confederate?
You mean the mass graves in the Katyn woods?
Communists slaughtered them all. The Nazis were blamed for it, even though the Poles all knew it was the commies that slaughtered them all.
You see, commies (Jews) always take the same path when they take over a nation, with one of the first actions being the slaughter of the intelligentsia.
All college professors, military leaders, political leaders, scientists, etc., are rounded up and murdered.
The very first to go are those that helped the communists to take over in the first place, as they are the most likely to rebel when they find out there's no place for them in the commie leadership.
Are THOSE the mass graves you're talking about?
Because there were no mass graves for the 6 gorrillion, which is what necessitated the lie about all of them being "burned to ashes."
This, of course, eventually brought forth the realization that the Nazis did not have the time nor fuel to burn 6 gorrillion human bodies.
The truth always comes out, eventually, even if you own the media and lie by nature.
Wow the level or degeneracy is real... Xou do understand they disnt have a one single oven in the whole German Reich?
>1 post by this ID
>Thosands of peoe die every day are you also gonna ask where are their bodies??
Now I'm thinking you're actually retarded. Thousands of people don't tend to die at the same time in the same place. When they do, you tend to notice the bodies...
Casualties after the biggest war in history? I'm shocked!
all i heff to say yess
I mean the german invadion of Europe,displacement of millions of europeans,genocide over millions of europeans.. I mean the Eastern plan(Ostplan) - displacing and killing of over 70 million slavs and colonizing that area with germans.. Putting labour camps in siberia where slavs would work as rats for the german war machine!!! THAT DISGUSTING IDEOLOGY THAT COSTED THE LIVES OF MY GREATGRANDPARENTS AND MILLIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE!!!
auschwitz had 4 x 3 chamber ovens
i thought they burned 8 million jews in auschwitz
Tons of kike shills out in force every day now. Can you not see the lies?
checked some get paid in any way to not understand.
Yeah, that looks like about six hundred trillion gorillion.
Just for visualization there are approximately 55-65k people in this crowd.
Usa had worse camps, search for eisenhower death camps where they starved to death germans. Thats a war crime and not the fake lolocaust