Had Greta been concerned about mother earth instead of advocating the talk of world socialists (anti-capitalists) she would have sat on TV and cried for childbirth instead of that "horrible gain".
The most influential factor in the environment by far is the population growth on the planet. Since the 70s we have become twice as many.
WWF wishes we live as if we had 1.7 planets, so halving the population back to 1970's numbers sounds pretty reasonable - if we add all other efforts for the environment and climate then we are probably home and reach a planet in good balance.
In order to compensate the climate for a new person, 30 need to park the car, or 60 to switch to a plant-based diet. We will soon be 1 billion more, and then only 30 and 60 billion of the world's population will need to park the car, or switch to a plant-based diet - the calculation suddenly feels a little difficult to get together.
More, to get some perspective: in 2018 we became 110,000 more in Sweden - just to climate compensate for this, 3.300.000 Swedes need to stop driving. Or 6,600,000 of us go to a plant-based diet. Even if you, as a private person, do everything possible to compensate for climate change, which is good, there are very few chances to even compensate for population growth, and then we have not even succeeded in improving the environment - just tried to compensate for growth.
Greta and the "millions of young people" who manifested in this case have great opportunities to influence = choose the right lifestyle, and give birth to fewer children.
Let's have a serious discussion about Greta
Other urls found in this thread:
She is the perfect card for the left, she must not be criticized because of her age (16), then you get the answer "Aha so an adult you have the stomach to talk about a child's opinions". While her argument is something that affects exactly everyone, old or small. Which in turn must receive criticism in order to arrive at a balanced alternative. Then the other is her self-diagnosed diagnosis, because if you get past the first argument bar, I can promise that they will call you the world's worst and meanest person for criticizing someone with aspberger's and autism. She is controlled and owned by Rothchilds and Soros nothing else, only the boat she went with was owned by Rothchilds but they changed the name of the boat. If adults do not realize that Greta is a controlled puppet of the most powerful family elite in the world, then we have much bigger problems than the climate.
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
This exact same post every Greta thread, fuck off glownigger from whatever 3 letters you are from.
>Much bigger problems than the climate
Crops depends on climate stability you idiots
No climate stability = no cheap food
They would love to charge you for your food Canadian prices you dense baka
Yes but the climate isn't fixed by taxing white countries, i'm not saying a problem isn't there i'm saying that this entire thing is driven by a political agenda and unrealistic taxations will be implimented sooner than you realise. Meanwhile the real issue to the climate lies in Africa and Asia but that is not close enough right? Because we don't share the same oceans right? This is nothing more than a sneaky kike way to make life even harder for the West, we are doing jack shit compared to others but yet we are the worst? Did you know the biggest contributor to "climate change" is the actual Afrian population growth? Dumb Veggie.
It’s not only the west I know
But the factory’s build in China the biggest polluters are being built using western money
The real issue is that we are producing more co2 than we can capture
Regardless of the how and who the problem is really simple
We are at the edge of massive extinction and everyone has his share of faults
Both western and eastern country’s either do something or we are just fuck.
That thing looks soulless.
Are you implying china isn't paying and building their own factories? It's almost like only whites should actually use science as they are the only ones who knows how to not fuck the world up while using it. Imagine if asians were the firsts to discover how to make a nuclear reactor, and their safety standards. We wouldn't been here typing this shit if that was the case.
>Regardless of the how and who the problem is really simple
So back to the main question, this is fixed by only increasing taxes in white countries? How? The west have been doing things since the 80's to improve, and this has only accelerated meanwhile the other continents have only gotten worse. Maybe the solution would be to let real adults decide whats being done with the technology we have today. And by adults I mean white people.
Imunna have to take a break from Jow Forums for a few days I guess cause yall motherfuckers will not stop talking about this child. Seriously fuck off.
Just did an UN speech, it's pretty relevant.
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body
>Let's have a serious discussion about a puppet.
Her future has been stolen. This is her future now.
>In 1970 we had 25 years left.
>In 1970 we had 30 years left.
>In 2006, we had 10 years left.
>In 2013 we had 5 years left.
>In 2019 we have 12 years left.
So, at what point do we just admit that Climate Change alarmists are the secular version of the Evangelical Doomsday Prophet who keeps rescheduling the Apocalypse?
But my god, the bitch is so fucking bald! For a teenage chick, she has a very badly receding hairline, & what hair she has left is so very thin.
You're a fucking faggot.
And why am I a faggot, fucking degenerate Mutt. You must have misunderstod something I wrote? It happens alot when talking to someone with your flag.
they are all green on the outside and red on the inside
Can someone post that meme where she looks like she's eaten a lemon?
>> Let's have a serious discussion about Greta.
Lets not. She's just a poster child propped up by a well-funded lobby.
>controlled by the rothchilds
Any proof or evidence in links or sources?
My dad told me about watermelon environmentalists. I have yet to see him be wrong.
Check the picture provided with the post, and notice the name of the boat Greta was traveling with across the atlantic.
She's a nazi! Didn't you see all the conservatives post that image?
We do not support nazis
That “12 years until the world ends” was a blatant lie by Horseface Cortez, who apparently doesn’t know how to evaluate statistics.
The source she gave clearly stated that in 12 years, it is predicted that the temperature of the ozone layer would raise by about 1.5% permanently.
Unfortunately, that lie is now used to justify retards like Greta speaking at the UN.
Greta is a walking red flag. A trap for conservatives and people that have legitimate criticism. She is 100% manufactured by the left and trained to respond without really knowing what she says.
12 years a slave
I fear she's is going to help lower the voting age to 16 over here.
and is still better than nothing
Greta is the tool being used to sear into the brains of 10 years olds and younger that they are to be frightened of the god of climate.
Our climate who art in statitics
Hallowed be thy name
Thy funding come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in models
Give us this day our daily temp
And forgive us for our footprints
As we condemn those whose footprints came before us
And lead us not into emission
But deliver us from ourselves
perfect card for left
>implying left is not the main power leeching on mother earth
I thought this girl was 8 or 9 but just found out she is 16?!?!?! Her parents probably fed her a shitty vegan diet and now she is clearly underdeveloped and probably malnourished. Makes sense the left push this vegan shit now since they are all pedos
My literal boomer parents, whome consume mass media, dont even know who she is. Nobody gives a fuck about the absolute bullshit that comes out of a child's mouth. I have a dog older than her so in no way shape or form do I care about the thoughts of a kid that has handlers and a security detail.
She needs to check her privilege.
at what point will 'Muircans stop considering science to be a religion?
The west -feeds the dragon
Also the west- how the fuck the dragon grow so much
Mhu money
The only answer I got for that is
Mhu oxigen
Eyes on the price faggot , I know that you are a future millionaire and very soon the Reagan tax cuts will trickle down to your pocket
But until that happens you belong to the bottom and sucking rich people dicks will not fix the environment.
Ask your kids if the know who it is. This is for consumption of children. Schools are spreading this. Disney channel will highlight this. Wake up.
And he won't be
Looks like a snarky bitch who knows nothing but is never wrong.
If she actually cared she would have went to China, or India.
The United States is one of the most forward thinking countries on this entire planet when it comes to "being green"
If she actually cared she would have went some where that actually matter.
She was literally trained, and raised for this role.
This has nothing to do with saving the planet.
fight me ya fucks
why does not that flag of yours surprise me a single bit... nice "educational system" ya plebs
>This is for consumption of children.
I hear you, and that's a very valid point. But just as your parents did, we can fight back the crap fed to our kids. It's our job as parents to straighten out the bullshit lessons and teach them how the real world works.
greta thunberg needs to get fucked
imagine being in alabama with this preachy prissy mumble munchkin
you pull up to the candlewood suites in a fucking dodge challenger with aftermarket headers and parts that get you 11 miles per gallon
one rev of the engine and she's already getting inexplicably moist in her room from the sound of your massive fuel-guzzling V8 roadboat
you get out and take a minibike running on a lawnmower engine through the parking lot and into the lobby of the hotel because FUCK walking, we didn't invent internal combustion to scuttle around with our dicks on our hands
moonwalk down the hallway to the elevator while turning every thermostat you see on full blast and spraying CFC-saturated aerosol air fresheners everywhere
check your phone in the elevator and hit up your broker app really quick to buy a thousand more shares of exxon, bp, and shell stocks while shorting anything that has to do with solar and wind because solar panels look fucking gay and windmills are for dipshits
reach greta's floor, backflip into her door, breaking that shit down and sending splinters flying everywhere setting off fucking car alarms and barking dogs
her primal scandinavian woman survival instinct kicks in and she immediately presents herself to you from all the viking raping and pillaging burned into her nordic DNA
you put a plastic non-biodegradable bag from walmart over her muppet face, set a cooked rack of barbecue ribs on the small of her back, and go to town, throwing the cleaned rib bones at the back of her stupid cantaloupe head in between thrusts
after blowing your load and covering the room in non-vegan protein, you wipe your monolithic dong on her priceless handmade native american uber-sustainable fairtrade honestly sourced hippie sweater
jump out the fucking window into a formula 1 race car and cover the hotel in black rubber as you burn out and blaze off into another american night
global warm deez nuts, bitch
>Yes but the climate isn't fixed by taxing white countries,
>talking shit about someone else's flag
>from behind a meme flag
Children don't care. They want to be twitch thots and youtube stars.
The Globalists , schools and Disney are wrong. They built kids to only care about themselves. They don't fucking care about anything else.
Globalists , schools and Disney are dumb as rocks.
>be me
>actually understand that I live on this fucking planet and need air and shit to survive
>be against greedy idiots and their boot licking pseudo freedom fighters
>be called red for that
problem with me being green eagle fucker?
>hippy bullshit
>recycle symbol
Canada everyone, not even once
There ya go buddy! Now I feel better about laughing at you! Damn, I called you Canadian.
>sorry Canada.
shilling for people who would skin you alive if it would yield profit...
burn oil
burn planet
burn your own soul
just let numbers with $ at the end grow
>Let's have a serious discussion about Greta.
no... let's not.
Based lol
Bet you'll be eating flesh to fight your fear of the climate god, created by adjusting climate records and faulty feedback equations. LOL it's you, my friend, that needs to become educated in the religion you espouse. Cloomers are tards
I guess it's not in Jow Forumss style to give a fuck
jew cub
>we can fight back the crap fed to our kids.
No, you cant.
I will repeat my post here as to why.
Children don't care. They want to be twitch thots and youtube stars.
The Globalists , schools and Disney are wrong. They built kids to only care about themselves. They don't fucking care about anything else.
Globalists , schools and Disney are dumb as rocks.
Your children are raised to be narcissistic. Schools train your kids for ONLY one thing: Enhanced Narcissism. Your kids can't even read or do ADDITION when they graduate.
just burn silently MF
You think you're going to stop them? You actually think they will allow us to hurt them? Countrys are destroyed for oil, generations wiped out. I'm not saying we embrace our overlords, but fighting them head on wont be of any use either
How is this a jewish shill statement, the jews wants to tax us more? I want to have less useless taxes, and I wrote that very clear. Why do I have to explain this twice when it's in written form? If we were speaking I would get it but in text.. C'mon nigger.
wake me when she is protesting in china
nah just FAS Senpai a lam
Feels like Jow Forums enjoys co2 level rising just so it can gas every jew in existence together at last
back to leftypol you go
oh wait it got taken from you lmao
I will repeat my post here as to why.
Children don't care. They want to be twitch thots and youtube stars.
The Globalists , schools and Disney are wrong. They built kids to only care about themselves. They don't fucking care about anything else.
Globalists , schools and Disney are dumb as rocks.
Your children are raised to be narcissistic. Schools train your kids for ONLY one thing: Enhanced Narcissism. Your kids can't even read or do ADDITION when they graduate.
Children don't care. They want to be twitch thots and youtube stars.
The Globalists , schools and Disney are wrong. They built kids to only care about themselves. They don't fucking care about anything else.
Globalists , schools and Disney are dumb as rocks.
Your children are raised to be narcissistic. Schools train your kids for ONLY one thing: Enhanced Narcissism. Your kids can't even read or do ADDITION when they graduate.
Exactly. You need to show your kids how the climate record is adjusted and how the sea surface temps were adjusted and how the feedback equation produces forecasts (not predictions!) that run hot comapred to reality.
USHCN final minus raw
Karl et al 2015 pausebuster ship inlet temps used known bias 2 degree hot
Monckton feedback error
search for these items before they are erased
I won't, lack balls for that, or maybe I'm not that stupid but I won't help...
yet clock to the first green terror attack is fast ticking
let's make Greta a right wing meme
Children don't care about the environment. They want to be twitch thots and youtube stars.
The Globalists , schools and Disney are wrong. They built kids to only care about themselves. They don't fucking care about anything else.
Globalists , schools and Disney are dumb as rocks.
Your children are raised to be narcissistic. Schools train your kids for ONLY one thing: Enhanced Narcissism. Your kids can't even read or do ADDITION when they graduate.
I guess we got two different styles of parenting. My 15yo dropped his first buck last year and doesnt give a fuck about anything except for hunting, fishing, and figuring women out.
It will start from China and India but the flames will soon reach the comfortable sits at the top of the skyscrapers in the west
just because someone thinks you're a retard doesn't mean they don't care about the planet, it just means they think you're a retard.
if you're going to talk about the rich then at least have the decency to name the fucking jew.
underrated post
Most kids play games or try to show skin on youtube.
so (((they))) shill in the name of greta against (((them)))? you don't need to be fucking jew to be money driven psychopath but it surely helps
Revelation 13:11
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon
Indonesia's burning up again and no one in the west gave a shit unlike the Amazon
>15yo dropped his first buck last year
Also, you don't live in a democrat-run city.
they're not shilling against kikes you fucking mongoloid, they're trying to use climate alarmism to take more of your shekels.actually think about what you're posting before you post.
Her last speech promoted by cnn made me worry about her mental health, though she still reads her script well.
so jews will tax jews so jews can make more money seems legit senpai, I'll have what you're having
Fuck the idiot who brainwashed the assholes of pol into making the environment into something political
Clean air and water were great points of classic conservatives along with family and businesses
Now morons like you would drink pisswater just to troll liberals
Two years ago I lived in CA, now I'm in the south. My family couldnt be happier that I saved them from that bullshit.
when the fuck did anyone mention taxing jews? the tax is going on the goyim, not the yids.
Nuke China and India
Jow Forums now thinks that freedom to earn is only freedom
'tis some jew shit right there
>'hurrr blame the rich isn't political
fuck off
Who is this little kid?
you high as fuck RN
keep your flag on you estonian cuck.