Why should Jow Forums care what a grown up man does in private with another man?
There is nothing wrong with being an homosexual.
Why should Jow Forums care what a grown up man does in private with another man?
There is nothing wrong with being an homosexual.
tfw no aryan blonde Jow Forums bf to shitpost on Jow Forums with. life is not fair ;(
Because pride parades and tranny book readings
and why do homosexuals want children in schools to be taught about homosexuality?
Allowing gays to marry legitimizes the idea that marriage's main function is sexual or for the pleasure of the two married.
It only helps to further diminish the fertility rate.
Plus, leftists will act as though they're gay even if they aren't because gays are a protected class.
>It only helps to further diminish the fertility rate.
the world is overpopulated anyways
beacuse sex ed is important. They don't turn children gay by that
Tell that to the megacorps pushing for mass immigration.
>Why should Jow Forums care what a grown up man does in private with another man?
They don't. They care when it leaves the bedroom.
Where? Do you know what "private" means? Noone cared, at all, until you started being jewish dogs and started throwing that in our faces on their order to dismantle family unit to genocide us.
based goals
What in the schizo was that user?
I remember you natsoc gay poster ;)
Gay sex ed? No it isnt. Even regular sex ed is just "how to not have babies" white genocide propaganda.
Yes they do.
You'd be naiive to think that those clases give a straight forward factual description of what homosexuality is.
They're setting up homosexuals as a special people and suggesting to the children that they might be one of them, which is very tempting to a child. It's basically chuunibyou.
If you believe there are too many people, lead by example and kill yourself.
Argument that you failed to respond to, dumb jew.
Your the curious one who’s second sentence gets defensive.
Tell me, how do you feel about your mother op?
Faggots reproduce by molesting little children. That's what is wrong with it.
I also post Schrodinger a lot
So blaming h jews with no facts is an argument somehow
No one cares about that. It's just that you faggots never seem to be able to keep it private like that.
I wouldn't if they'd stop throwing parades and "pride" events. What's there to be proud about? Also degenerates hanging out with children has to end.
im more of a haremboi kinda a guy, am i degenerate?
Here's some evidence.
Are you living under a rock? Gay shit is everywhere all the time. It's in no way "private"
Fuck you and your server Gayjew
You being a loser is. No wonder you need to be faggots, since your women choose niggers.
Because it's a net drag on society. Also, they're far more likely to molest children.
yes, but there is nothing wrong with that
Let me eat your kielbasa
>Plus, leftists will act as though they're gay even if they aren't because gays are a protected class.
That's exactly what non-binary is.
Gay as something you do in your bedroom and nobody knows about it: gross to me personally still, but ok. Gay as a public identity, political stance, and race-betraying family-abandoning degenerate lifestyle: should be exterminated.
Stop encouraging him you little faggit
Re send me invite you ice skating fag
me too :)
You god forsaken wretches are part of the problem.
Anytime your kind are given anything, you go too far with it.
It started with letting you creatures leave the closet and now youre after our children.
You shouldn't even be breathing, let alone asking for acknowledgement.
You wont fucking leave anybody alone
>Re send
I don't think I ever sent you an invite for anything
Okay I do not give a fuck if you are gay. Go be gay. HOWEVER, being gay comes with a tax: You and your butt buddy are still obligated to somehow produce 4 healthy white children. If you cannot do this you are a burden to society and should be thrown into a bog.
>faggots give each other AIDS
>they donate blood
>other people catch AIDS from that blood
>this happened many times in the 1980s
>w-we're not hurting anyone
kys pooftahs
>in this thread op is gay
whats new
Faggots can't donate blood unless they lie.
why? :(
Doesn't bother me desu. If they get an incurable disease because of the failure to be monogamous, then oh well! Trash gutter whores who fuck 1000 dudes are no different in my mind.
>What business is it of yours what plagues two consenting adults spawn in private?
Men who have sex with men are pestilent. The reason that every major civilization coming into modern age had criminal penalties for sodomy, is that the ones that didn't, didn't survive due to the role of sodomites in not only spreading disease, but in creating new plagues. Gay men are typically hyperpromiscuous, many have sex with multiple new partners per week, and the ways they have sex are unnatural, and the body hasn't evolved defenses against the spread of disease in this way.
Consider HIV, the cause of AIDS (originally called "GRID" for "Gay-Related Immune Deficiency"). It comes from SIV, the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, which can infect humans, but is very weak against us. The human immune system destroys SIV within days. The only plausible explanation for the very recent mutation of SIV into HIV is that it was passed from partner to partner within a few days in each hop, for months on end, giving it a chance to accumulate multiple adaptive mutations, and the only way that could have happened was that it got into a gay hookup scene. It isn't transmitted by heterosexual activity easily enough, and heterosexuals aren't promiscuous enough. Besides that, when it emerged it was overwhelmingly found among gays, which is why it was called "GRID". Tolerated homosexuality didn't just spread AIDS, it *created* AIDS, as it continues to create new strain after new strain.
Homosexuals pose an existential threat to civilization and humanity, and must be stopped.
Furthermore, people are never only wrong and twisted in one way. An active sexual pervert is usually also mentally ill and morally deviant in other ways that are harmful or dangerous. With their depraved attitude toward life, they usually only care about what they can get for themselves to fuel their hedonistic lifestyle, with no concern about damage to society or the world after their own death.
He does so we must
based bromance webm
Gays always stop bumping these threads after I post this. That's how you know it's true.
Thanks leaf, I'll save it for later
s-so d-d-do you have a discord, s-senpai?
Of course you moron im part of old squaad
literally my dream (at least sexual/relationship one)
I also remember you from last thread, you called my goals based too
discord would be nice
idk what that is
Forget it. You're not Gayjew
m-might you post your discord? I will be a good boy d-daddy
who is gayjew?
Fair enough but what about marriage? Or holding hands? When I see a straight couple sucking each others face out at the park I think "get a room' as well
How do you know? If faggots kept it to themselves you wouldn't know would you?
that's fine with me as long as the babies are made in labs with artificial wombs and I don't have to go near a vagina in my life, I will gladly shit 20 of them for you.
s-sent. pls no bully
Look, stop making these threads. I'm a faggot as well, but just stop it man.
>Why should Jow Forums care what a grown up man does in private with another man?
>Does in private
As a full blown faggot I agree, not specifically on the gay part but grown people shouldn't be dancing on the streets in leather thongs and shouldn't be giving money to children to dance for them. But this counts as much for any gender, sexual orientation, or race as for any other. I think keeping it private is the problem, not where you stick it