>be me >beta virgin introvert >meet qt3.14 that lives near me >inlove.jpg >collect some balls and ask her out >mfw she is a lesbian >ff 4yrs >still friends but I have to hide my crush for her and my boners >she invite me and 2 of my friends for a week >during the second day of staying there I hear weird noises from her room >Still half-asleep >mfw one of my friend is fucking my crush >mfw I saw him cumming in her pussy
Maintaining a "crush" for 4 years straight... idk what to say to this one my man. Your life was already pain before this. Pro Tip: never ever attempt to be friends with women you are sexually interested in. Ever, I swear to god. Don't even fucking think about it.
Isaiah Smith
No girl is really lesbian she’s just subconsciously waiting for a guy to bone her, gotta go on the offensive next time buddy
Levi Clark
She was probably abused as kid and has lots of mental issues, not really worth it.
Jeremiah Cook
>probability of her actually being a lesbian, 2% >probability of her being straight but not being attracted to me, 80% >I should trust her and just keep orbiting her You have a lesson to learn here. You conquer a female, you make her admire you. You dont ask her out, get denied and then keep seeing her. Thats displaying your low self esteem and no sane woman dreams about how wonderful it would be to have a low self esteem life partner.
Levi Nguyen
You dont beta orbit bro, be strong enough to realize she is unwilling to accept your frame or meet your needs for a relationship and immediately remove her from your life.
Instead you accepted her frame as the beta role as beta orbiter, if you make enough money a year and sign a contract agreeing to support her, she will probably let you eat the cum out of her pussy for a small time.
Chase Rodriguez
>virgin She clearly wasn't a virgin bro. Find a better woman, there definitely are better when than a bisexual slut.
Matthew Edwards
*An hero
Christopher Martinez
Idkw why guys get hurt when girl says shes lesbian. She means she isnt attracked to you but has balls to call herself lesbian to not hurt your fefes because its problem with her.
Suck it up faggot move on.
Jackson Taylor
Dude why would you try to be friends with a girl you want to fuck? What kind of strategy is that?
Ian Butler
>Hurrr durr shes not havin sex with me shes a fcked up whore
The type of guy that throws tantrum for losing in vidya.
Thomas Hill
pick yourself up and use this experience as an excuse to become better, user that's what being a man is, we don't stay out and bitch and moan about it like women do
Anthony Morales
>not lesbian, fucks dudes >lesbian, fucks women >no longer lesbian, fucks dudes Just going by what the OP said. The point of my post is it doesn't matter if she's not fucking the OP, find a better woman.
James Gutierrez
All go through some level of this shit disappointment. Don't let it jade you, she used you and lied. Know that your confidence got you out of a situation that could've lasted longer than 4 yrs. Strive on user, it'll work out if you use this to improve yourself and situations rather than repeat.
Carson Allen
This you dodged a fucking bullet OP don't let this opportunity pass you by. Improve yourself and while you do just fucking ignore every woman in your life and watch as miraculously they flock to you because they think "WHY IS HE IGNORING ME WHY WON'T HE NOTICE ME!" This won't work obviously if you are a spaghetti pocket dropping Jabba the hut but that's why you either get fit or get rich pref both. I'm not on the market and I still ignore them unless I professionally have to speak with them for whatever reason. It's just good habit anyway these days with all the MeToo shit. I refused to even be in the same room with a woman while I have to give them work feedback without someone else present as a witness that I didn't "rape them" or "say something sexist".
Brayden Harris
should have fucked him in the ass as revenge
Adam Hernandez
When she says she’s a lesbian, just reframe by asking, “sooooo, what part of Lesbia are you from?”