When I was in Iraq I saw a Marine helicopter crash near Camp Cuervo. It still gives me nightmares. It slammed belly down at 2am and woke me up. Went outside and it was probably 100 yards uprange of where I was. I could see a silhouette in the flames desperately trying to help someone in a seat unbuckle--the other Marine seemed to be unconscious. Then the one who was standing up raised his hand to his face and slumped over on the other one. Everyone on board died. This was in 2005. For some reason, I've been thinking about it since I woke up today. That's all.
BAd Memory
Other urls found in this thread:
semper fi
Ive experiened 100x worse yet you crayon eating morons are the only people who can talk about having ptsd without being mocked
Fuck you
Sorry man. Understand that trauma physically alters your brain and you can get help. You're not weak, you're just taking care of yourself so you can take care of the mission at hand, whatever that may be.
Man up you little faggot.
>due payment for the ZOG mercenaries
What have you experienced? Tell me, please. As detailed as possible.
>Ive experiened 100x worse yet you crayon eating morons are the only people who can talk about having ptsd without being mocked
Not having sex before doesn’t count as a form of PTSD, faggot.
Ever kill anyone?
Your dad yelling at you doesnt cause PTSD LUL
neither does gay marine sex
you're still a virgin
Awww, did daddy's dick tear your rectal tissue? You must be one of the lucky kids that had both parents in on the sexual abuse. You probably still have a couple poop-stained polaroids, don't you? Noone said you couldn't talk about it. Fuck you, my guy.
No one gives a shit about your stupid little zog bot comrades. Get the fuck over it and be thankful it wasn't you in the chopper. None of you ever had any business being over there.
My dad died 2 weeks and I've been thinking of all the times I stole tools and shit from him when I was on drugs. I got clean 2 years ago and got married in June. I'm just glade my dad lived long enough to see me not be a fuck up. It's still hard knowing how bad I was a piece of shit for so long.
No one MADE you go to Iraq you dumb goy.
Not even Dwight Eisenhower trusted the military.
Now look where we are.
Even this fag named Patreus can sell "national secrets" and not go to jail but people like Snowden & Assange have death warrants by the likes of the tyrannical government you served.
Well, can't exactly expect you to have any idea what to do in that situation, but next time you might grab the guy who just slumped over, since he's likely knocked out by carbon dioxide and not dead, and then, if you can, use your knife to cut the seat-belt.
But again, honestly, most of us would simply be terrified of dying in a fuel or ammo explosion, and would stand idle while saying,
>shit... SHIT!
or something to that effect.
You're here, and that was the point of all of you risking that same end.
unironically do hallucinogens and cry into someone's lap about it
Whenever you feel like you want to get back into drugs and all that other loser shit, don't forget about this feeling you're having. It's easy to slip. I fucked a bunch of shit up in the past, but I decided to use the rest of my life to make up to all the people that I hurt while I was fucked up on drugs.
he was fucking a reporter and she used him. dumb ass, sure. and a risk, yes. but not like he was Clinton selling US plane designs to China, or US Uranium to Russia.
I hope you can gradually recover from this. I hope you have a way to find a style of faith that suits you, to empower you to give yourself at least a few moments of boundless peace every day.
I am experiencing strong PTSD symptoms after a doctor violently sexually assaulted me with his hand during the birth of my son last month. The injury resulted in cessation of healthy labor and major surgery. Sexual assault help services will not help me. They will not accept that I was sexually assaulted and refuse to explain why. They seem to believe that consent magically does not matter during childbirth.
PTSD comes in many many many forms. I'm keeping you in my heart for both our sakes: it's just as healing to give love as it is to receive it.
Yeah, and dumb goys pledged an oath under the Commander in Chief named Bill Clinton.
Laws are for little people.
The military is the strong arm of an evil government that was once the cradle of Liberty.
The populace is surveyed and assessed.
There is a reason why Jews call us goyim because they're too stupid to realize any of this.
Soon, though. Soon.
Redeem yourself them leave it in the past.
Don't carry it forever.
You saw it crash, but the crash woke you up. Fucking retard
Not a competition you angsty faggot
shit man, this is why the USA needs to stop licking the ass of the (((politicians))) that run the country. Start voting with your brains.
>I have autism
OP saw A crash
I’m glad to hear shart slaves died
praise allah. they will burn eternally, not just in that moment of the crash.
I won't mock you. What happened?
The training I received in the military is priceless. I realize now that the mission was worthless, but I am an experienced combat medic. That's at least a skill that will be valuable on the day of the fan.
aww OP, gonna cry?
piss your pants maybe?
At least they died for Israel
So I surveyed the thread well enough to say, 1 post by this id. Everyone neck your self.
>1 post by this id
This image made me feel embarrassed for you.
You're a fucking pussy faggot, PTSD doesn't exist, it's called being a pussy.
t. goy
>I am experiencing strong PTSD symptoms after a doctor violently sexually assaulted me with his hand during the birth of my son last month
>meme flag
>bot filename.
Yup, it's a JIDF bot.
Please tell me about yourself, what manor of tranny or kike are you?
Nigger people die in war. Act accordingly.
>1st zog cog gets shot
>2nd zog cog gets shot
>3rd one shows up
>gets shot
Imagine Iraqis making 1990s frag vids of you.
And ur butt buddies are literal sociopaths who joined to kill legally.
now this is real PTSD
postpartum psychosis
never forget this crazy/based user who blasted childrens movie songs while rolling into baghdad in 2003.
#OP, your no longer like most people. You took your oath and did your duty . It's more than most could or would do.
I had a low uterine fibroid tumor, which I had been therapeutically shrinking. My OB advised me to try to push past it. The OB on call insisted on cesarean. I refused. He wanted to do a cervical check. I refused because he had already hurt me with a mere sonogram. Eventually I relented to get him to stop badgering me. I said "I consent to a cervical check only." He did the cervical check, and found me at 10cm dilation. That he announced the dilation meant the check was complete. He then jammed his hand extremely far up into my body while shouting at me to push, with no explanation. I couldn't even speak. He did it again, and my husband reports that I showed symptoms of seizure -- eyes rolled, mouth fucky. Then he left. I asked the nurse what the fuck just happened, and restated that I had only consented to a cervical check. She said, "He was trying to push the fibroid out of the way." I said, "I think I was just raped." She wrote this in her notes and did nothing. The doctor's action was extremely dangerous, and I've never felt so much pain in my life, including the entirety of my unmedicated labor. The injury led to cessation of labor. I had to have my child surgically removed. Yes. I was sexually assaulted, and I will be pursuing both criminal and civil means of acquiring justice.
fucking comedian
Hey man, Graphic memory you've got there. I guess your brain wanted to process it at some point.
Nothing wrong with that.
RIP the guys in the heli.
I was based by the Embassy and LZ Washington. The helos came right over my pod on approach. I could always tell without looking when it wasn’t Marines because they came in twice as fast and twice as tight as the Army.
She's not wrong about some groups having greater prevalence of PTSD than veterans do. Kidnapping survivors, for example.
Dead dad's club. I wish I could have just one more day with him. It sucks user, lost mine seven years ago very suddenly. Just stay strong and be the man he wanted you to be.
Atleast the died for Israel
If your story is true, which I have no reason whatsoever to believe, you migjt have a case for medical malpractice. Calling it sexual assault is absolutely delusional. So again, postpartum psychosis.
> Calling it sexual assault is absolutely delusional.
I described a violent act done to my sex organs after I explicitly withheld consent. How is this not a sexual assault? Others have said this too, but no one can provide me with an answer. I'm not the one with the psychosis here.
>How is this not a sexual assault?
By virtue of being a standard medical procedure.
BTW, the 'psychosis' angle is incredibly revealing. You could just tell me I'm wrong. That you go so far as to instead paint me as insane, just for making a claim you think is incorrect, is an attempt to poison the well. In other words, thou dost protest too much.
And what exactly were you expecting when you signed up? Buy the ticket, take the ride.
What action are you calling a standard medical procedure?
On what basis to you claim patients have no right to withhold consent to standard medical procedures?
It's "doth" you retarded gash. And I protest because unlike you, I actually am a survivor of sexual assault. Only I didn't feel the need to make this thread about me and my feelings.
OP here. I was Army. The thought that fucks me up is the Marine who could have gotten out--it looked like he was wearing a pilot's headgear, maybe. He chose to try to help and die. I don't think I could have done it. I think I would have bailed. I'm not sure, but just thinking MAYBE I would have jumped makes me feel guilty even though I wasn't in the thing. Just seeing what happened has made me feel like guilty shit ever since. I kept getting lucky in combat. I was always in the right place not to get killed or even hurt, except for some burns and a cracked pelvis, which healed in a month. That guy fucking stayed and died when I think he could have lived.
Sorry to break it to you, but it's not actually a competition. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted in any context.
>his staff sergeant didn't allow collateral to relieve the stress of boredom
>he didn't execute some "innocent" sandtards for shits
granted this was eons ago when 95% of the civilians were likely to attack us
I don't intend to make the thread about me and my feelings. I defended myself from unjustified criticism. If there's something you don't want a thread to be about, don't challenge that thing.
Tits or GTFO.
>What action are you calling a standard medical procedure?
Whatever it was that the doctor did that was evidently so common that the nurse knew what and why without even having to discuss it with him.
>On what basis to you claim patients have no right to withhold consent to standard medical procedures?
Never made that claim, you strawmanning strumpet. But neither your withholding of consent nor the involvement of your vagina make what happened sexual.
Tits or GTFO is a medical procedure. We use to exact trolls.
Story time. Explain the horror on their faces as you sent them to hell please
On what basis do you claim that an action needs to be common to determine what it was? That there was a slight obstruction had been a topic of discussion for a while. The doctor's purpose could easily be gleaned from the context.
On what basis do you claim that the nurse didn't discuss it with him? I didn't state whether they left the room together before this was done. (They did.)
>But neither your withholding of consent nor the involvement of your vagina make what happened sexual.
The withholding of consent makes it an assault.
>vagina isn't sexual
As I said, I'm not the one with the psychosis.
The vagina during birth isn't SEXY. You've got to be a sub-60 IQ to believe that an act is only sexual if it's sexy. So I hope that's not what your knuckledragging ass is doing.
>No one deserves to be sexually assaulted in any context.
Sure, but YOU WEREN'T SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. If you have a problem with that, I'm sure Reddit would love to tell you otherwise.
>I don't intend to make the thread about me and my feelings.
Then why bring up your vaginal problems in a thread about veterans' issues?
>I have nightmares because rabbi told me to destroy lives of people on the other side of the world, I mean, the negro showed a test tube
Yes, I absolutely was sexually assaulted, and your claim that I wasn't is baseless.
>I'm sure Reddit would love to tell you otherwise.
lmfao what the fuck, is reddit your big brother or something?
>hurr durr muh ad populum muh tribe
>Then why bring up your vaginal problems in a thread about veterans' issues?
Veterans' issues include PTSD. So do mine.
I'm sorry the thread went so far off-topic, I didn't intend it.
I wish I for one knew what else to say to you. But no wonder PTSD, and the particular style of guilt you're feeling, is so common for vets. There's no right answer. There's no solution. It's just shit.
i beat call of duty on hard,
man sometimes its hard, i still see the low polygon soldiers ragdoll in the air, i wake up screaming while my freinds get picked off by a camper
war man
It was a sad day when user's mom ran out of tendies.
Might it help to be reminded that in your position, practically everyone has your reaction? How guilty should you really feel if the decision is impossible for most if not all people?
Nobody is allowed any attention except you. That sound about right?
Cool story bitch. Still isn't sexual assault. Your withholding of consent makes it *maybe* medical malpractice. But we both know that if everything about your fairy tale was exactly the same but the doctor was a woman, you wouldn't be crying rape.
>A includes B. C includes B. Therefore A includes C.
Well, with logic fails that hard, I at least buy that you're actually a woman.
>Still isn't sexual assault. Your withholding of consent makes it *maybe* medical malpractice.
>But we both know that if everything about your fairy tale was exactly the same but the doctor was a woman, you wouldn't be crying rape.
Of course I would. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Play war games
Win war prizes
That's not my logic.
My logic is that A and C have B in common.
This. PTSD is you admitting you were never cut out for the military to begin with.
Because motive matters.
>Of course I would.
i don't believe you.
Then go start a thread about B instead of cunting up a thread about A.
Next time use a Midwife.
This is what happens when you give birth in a bed that someone died in yesterday.
>Because motive matters.
Not when consent is explicitly withheld.
And not that you know what his motive was. This was a malicious individual. His motive was to teach me a lesson for standing up for myself, to get paid for performing surgery, and to get an inconvenient patient out of his way.
OP assuming this isn't a LARP there has been at least one study documenting that PTSD symptoms vary with generations. The inference is that sufferers greatly take on board what other sufferers are experiencing, and it becomes their reality too.
For example, during WW1 it was common for ptsd to manifest as trembling....in WW2 nightmares and in Vietnam reliving the trauma.
Essentially they were experiencing what they expected and had heard others had suffered.
What this means is that there may well be an element of psychosomatic effect with it. Not trying to downplay it, but be aware.
I desperately wanted a midwife. I applied for one in my first month of pregnancy, but the waiting list was already too long. Because Canada has no private health care option, I was legally barred from hiring my own private midwife to make up for the public system's failure. After this, I intended to give birth at home with only my husband attending. Then the tumor was founnd. I went to the hospital as a safety net in case of complication. For that, I was harassed and sexually violated, and in a sense forced to undergo major surgery, as I was forced into a position in which surgery became the only reasonable option.
>Not when consent is explicitly withheld.
Yes, even then retard. Your lack of consent to a medical procedure doesn't make it non-medical, anymore than your lack of consent to the thorazine injection you so desperately need would make that non-medical.
>His motive was to teach me a lesson for standing up for myself
So medical malpractice, not sexual gratification. Glad we're on the same page.
>Yes, even then retard. Your lack of consent to a medical procedure doesn't make it non-medical,
No, not even then retard. I'm not saying it makes it non medical. I'm saying it makes the medical procedure an assault. The assault was committed by means of medical procedure. Not that I know what 'medical procedure' really means here. The doc did what he wanted. Is it automatically a 'medical procedure' just because a doctor is doing it?
>So medical malpractice, not sexual gratification. Glad we're on the same page.
Since when does a person need to be seeking sexual gratificatoin in order for an assault upon sexual organs to be sexual assault?
If the Yakuza kidnapped a rival's wife and violently penetrated her with a bottle solely to send a threatening message to the rival, is that therefore not sexual assault?
>I am experiencing strong PTSD symptoms after a doctor violently sexually assaulted me with his hand during the birth of my son last month
huh? its not sexual assault when the DR DELIVERING THE BABY has his hand up yer pussy... you retarded twat. The baby is coming out from your TWAT, how the fuck is the DOC-TOR supposed to deliver the baby without touching you... you fucking retarded twat.
Oh look, another one.
Shut up and read the thread.
Im sorry user im thinking about becoming a marine
The fact that it's medical doesn't make it non-assaultive, it makes it non-sexual. As in, he had a perfectly justifiable reason to be elbow deep inside you. And no, being done by a doctor doesn't automatically make it medical, but I'm going to go ahead and give a doctor with at least two witnesses in the room benefit of doubt over a woman in labor.
>If the Yakuza kidnapped a rival's wife and violently penetrated her with a bottle
then (1) unlike a doctor, he wouldn't have a perfectly legitimate reason for doing so, and (2) not a single jury in the entire world would accept your assertion that he obtained no sexual gratification from said act.
>Join the military
>End up getting mentally fucked because you saw shit so horrible it carved a crack into your very being
Americans will defend this
>I saw
>I was asleep, it woke me up
>100 yards away I saw someone was unconscious
gtfo you double nigger lying sack of shit.
>The fact that it's medical doesn't make it non-assaultive, it makes it non-sexual.
No. That a medical practitioner performed an action on my sex organs does not make my sex organs no longer sexual. You are exhibiting magical thinking. Sex organs are inherently sexual.
>As in, he had a perfectly justifiable reason to be elbow deep inside you.
No he didn't. Pay attention. I consented to a "cervical check only." He assessed dilation to be 10cm. That means the thing I consented to was complete. Instead of removing his hand, he violently manipulated my organs while penetrating me, resulting in my being blindsided by extreme pain and injury requiring surgery.
>but I'm going to go ahead and give a doctor with at least two witnesses in the room benefit of doubt over a woman in labor.
I hope you're never gang raped.
> (1) unlike a doctor, he wouldn't have a perfectly legitimate reason for doing so,
You have not established legitimacy, not that legitimacy is relevant. Sexual gratification is what is relevant.
>(2) not a single jury in the entire world would accept your assertion that he obtained no sexual gratification from said act.
I forgot to mention -- the kidnappers are straight women.