Greta Thunberg Held Back by Security as Trump Arrives at UN
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You make it sound like she tried to fight him
I would pay good money to see a 70-year old fat orange man knock out a retarded 14 year old girl
It would ensure my vote for him
what a fucking chad. He's got my vote for 2020
If he wanted to talk to the little cunt he would have set up an official meeting through proper channels. He's the most powerful man in the world. She's some brat from Sweden. He has no reason to care.
Fucking sad. You and anyone else that is fucking retarded enough to not believe in climate change don’t deserve a vote or a fucking place in the political conversation. Making fun of a high school girl with autism? Fucking pathetic. Anyone who can ignore the mountain of evidence for climate change is a genuine retard. I hope you get your way and the world ends just so you die you insufferable cunt.
Piss off you little bitch before Trump gives you a yuge spanking on your tight little ass and makes you cry bigly.
Okay Reddit. Nice low energy post.
I see you are also a man of culture
Now this is epic
shit, so would I!
How can I upvote this?
Do you feel even slightly hypocritical post this on the internet using electricity?
Why are so many shills pushing this stooge here today?
every greta thread is getting deleted
In what world is a 16 year old girl treated seriously enough that she's allowed to visit any country she wants and even invited to the UN just to lecture bullshit?
If my 16 year old sister wanted to do that, nobody would give a fuck.
alien vs predator
If rupee is accepted then Count me in
Yes, climate changes. Amazing.
Mans impact on that is insignificant. Don't believe me? Understandable, but here are scientists saying so.
You're not a science denier are you? This science was also backed by scientists in Japan.
t.breta handler (((((kikeberg)))))
somebody photoshop wojak on her face
Literally looks like they're grooming the new Harry Oswald to KILL TRUMP.
Prove me wrong, you can't
I hope they checked her for guns & knives. NWO probably sacrificed her with a plague contagion, everyone in room will die in a couple of days.
>"pleez stob doing glimates guiz so kidz lige me can keeb growing in da cabbage patch fields"
-Potato Thunbergers
The absolute state of the left
>In 1970 we had 25 years left.
>In 1970 we had 30 years left.
>In 2006, we had 10 years left.
>In 2013 we had 5 years left.
>In 2019 we have 12 years left.
So, at what point do we just admit that Climate Change alarmists are the secular version of the Evangelical Doomsday Prophet who keeps rescheduling the Apocalypse?
Children with assburgers are agressive, I know from personal experience.
Nobody fucking cares. Nobody.
>hold me back nigga, my liberal programming is kicking in
in a world where children are used as political leverage to gain sympathy and ultimately votes from people who literally have no critical thought
A bloo bloo bloo.
Take that GRUMPF! Big stupid MUMPF got owned by this HERO, TRUE BRAVERY!!!
So. Much. This.
I've never seen a retard hold back a fart like that...they usually just let them rip..
Based and wtf pilled
if you bullies would just quit eating meat this small retarded child could stay home.
she wanted to rush him.
How many ninos have you beat up?
"I wonder if he saw me..."
When did he say he didn't believe in climate change?
She was prepared to be escorted for a personal meeting with the US president actually. After Jeff Epstein was busted, it became really hard for Trump to vent off after a day's work.
Will this work in the meantime?
That shit would fill the MGM grand te times over
Jow Forums pushes her more than the commies do.
Well, paid shills on Jow Forums. But, whatever.
>Held back
looked like she was tard wrangled back behind the turnstile
Top 10 Anime Fights
not cool
this is key
each one of us realizing "omahghad, we're all dead in 10 years" has always been a load of bullshit rises entropy (t.39 yo, and have been repeated that retarded shit all my life)
when enough angry entropy is collected, there's gonna be a chimp out
and not the nigger kind of chimp out
Sweden make sure your goblin stays 50 feet away from the president. Death to sweden for bringing this demon so close to trump.
I hope it kills everyone on the coast if you were in front of me right now I’d shit down your throat
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
Just fuck off with this little piece of shit, I have to hide about 15 global warming propaganda threads every time I come here lately, all with her deranged head as the picture.
the lefty crybabies in those comments... it's like they act purely on emotion and nothing else, and their replies to those with different opinions are insults, not arguments
Go home Fritzl.
where do you think an austrian is gonna do unspeakable things to children, user?
honestly, doesnt concrete absorb CO2? and cant we just plant more trees to offset the rest?
I really do wonder if she actually believes a word that she says
shit i didn't know this was a YLYL thread.
Does Ms. Thunberg like BBC?
spicy and true
Actually, the Earth is Greener than it was before the Industrial revolution, since an abundance of CO2 means more plant life. Climate Change fear mongering has never had the intention of "saving the planet", it's about hurting the fossil fuel industry so the (((elites))) can buy in at a low price.
Who's the pedo she's with? Might wanna start digging into his shady ass.
She is Swedish.
shot her right back to her great-great-grandparents
that's what her handlers told her to do. IC probably heard the convo and stopped her.
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
Fuck off nigger
>Fuck off kike
Fuck off kike
>Fuck off nigger
this is her school
reminder she most likely got fucked by some arab from her class
She is extra uppity today. Time to ship back bitch.
Jews are good at getting your attention with headlines, haven't you figured that out? This whole post gets her attention. It's literally just selling her.
And maybe Trump.
>It's literally just selling her.
How much they askin?
This. She's just a tool. She could be replaced tomorrow and it wouldn't fucking matter.
I'd order it on ppv
This, very suspicious timing there.
>what is the medieval warm period
You can see the MK Ultra in her eyes.
You are a retarded baby
>talking about a child being litterally being turned into a cam whore by the globalists so that they can introduce their CO2 tax instead of reducing the government and their power
The absolute state of this board.
Oh I believe it user. I just don't care.
>don’t deserve a vote
>t. gay communist
Greta kinda reminds me of this little semen demon..
>mountain of evidence
More power to Greta.
Is she wearing a remote controlled vibrator in her cunny?
Human impact on climate is a fart in the wind compared to what the sun does to the atmosphere every day.
Would it remind you of the good old days when your grandpa beat you up?
>the virgin climate activist
>the chad POTUS