Come Home, Whiteman.
Northwest Imperative
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Fuck off you kike loving nigger. I’ve been to Washington before; as far north as Bellingham and I can confirm that most of the white folk up there are gay.
>That's right (((fellow))) white men. Abandon the lands your forefathers spilled blood, sweat, and tears for and come to a tiny enclave while surrendering the rest of the World.
>People will respect us as a peaceful, tiny, minority ethnostate
>We will enforce immigration laws this time we just need to concentrate in one tiny spot.
>I've been to the coast of Washington before so therefore everyone in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Western Montana are all the same as the city dwelling degenerates on the coast.
>That's right (((fellow))) white men. Abandon the lands your forefathers spilled blood, sweat, and tears for and come to a tiny enclave while surrendering the rest of the World.
If you think they're still even remotely in your hands in any way you're a moron.
>People will respect us as a peaceful, tiny, minority ethnostate
Who said that?
>We will enforce immigration laws this time we just need to concentrate in one tiny spot.
Read the Brigade
Wasn’t Covington part jew?
I agree 100% with the idea of a white ethnostate. Can you prove this is not a glownigger operation?
Harold Covington isn't breathing anymore
You can’t categorize western Montana and Idaho with Oregon and Washington dumb nigger
>lets move to a super wxpensive part of the union
Kys jew banker
No. Just gonna sage a shitty glow LARP thread. You scum are either meth heads or meth heads working as federal informants. Sage.
Fuck off, kike.
Too late. There's already our people there.
That's only the coast.
Go to /ptg/ where you belong, schizo.
The Brigade was awesome.
It's miles better than the Turner Diaries and SIEGE.
Get your state to allow non US whites to immigrate.
We can't do shit otherwise.
Not giving up my farm in the SE.
Yes he was 1/4 jewish & also part Cherokee Indian and part nigger. He was originally from the Southern State North Carolina.
>Come Home, Whiteman.
God you guys are such fucking kikes in disguise its not even funny, its just a meme at this point. Your default position should be that American = White but you're so up your own ass in excusing the Great Deluge of minorities that you've decided to forsake your entire nation.
Even worse, what the fuck would I do in the Northwest? The average income in Idaho is $50k, which means I'd have to leave my comfy job in a city to make five times less than I do now. Land prices continue to rise to extraordinary levels if you want arable, tillable soil and you have no infrastructure to teach white collar professionals how to actually work the expensive land you suggest they buy.
You should start posting your ideas in Hebrew if you want to get any traction so you can at least get the Israeli flag posters to sperg out all over it. Literally the only thing you're good for.
That's bullshit.
>American = White
This is pure delusion at this point. America will never be White again and you faggots will keep bitching and complaining and howling at the ones that want to get shit done until your house is broken into by niggers and your throat gets slit for your plasma screen TV.
>Even worse, what the fuck would I do in the Northwest? The average income in Idaho is $50k, which means I'd have to leave my comfy job in a city to make five times less than I do now
If you're looking at our current situation from a monetary standpoint, you're not looking at it the right way. Your dollar won't mean anything in a few years, anyway.
I live in SC. What are rhe gun laws like up there?
He’s right. WA local here, the entire state is overrated and gay. Do yourselves a favor and stay away. However, I’d appreciate it if you killed us all. Preferably in nuclear fire.
Why the fuck would anyone want a country ran by the politics of the northwest?
I’ve lived here my whole life, and it pains me to see it driven into the gutter under the leadership of four cities.
yes you can you dumb nigger you just can't count seattle, portland, eugene or any of the other smaller poz holes
>great migration to change the politics of the region
>who would want that?
Best place to own a gun is Idaho and Montana.
your country doesnt take white immigrants unless its sponsored by a company or you have $1mil in your bank account.
if i had a nickle for every dumb fuck in the pacific northwest who had some retarded, hairbrained "plan.." left and right, it's the one thing they seem to agree on out there. i stayed at an airbnb and these people thought they were going to literally commandeer a decommissioned nuclear aircraft carrier and sail it around the world "helping people." having served on the uss gw as an AM i told them all about what a fucking dumb, nevermind impossibly expensive idea it was. it was like talking to air. they ignored everything i said and just kept trying to get me and my gf to join them. pnw is universally retarded from radiation, glad im not from there.
>Pacific Northwest
>Come Home, Whiteman.
Why do you need more whites? Is it because you guys need more taxpayers to pay for all those social welfare programs? You're taxing coffee and soda pop something fierce now in Seattle, right?
I'm already here
We need redpilled whites to organize.
But I have brown eyes...
So what?
I am here in the shithole of seattle
>Northwest Imperative
Seattle is Dying (local news documentary):
Looks like Google's SJW staff is trying to reduce viewing of the video as it finally got added to youtube's "age restriction" list even though it was aired on prime-time television multiple times and openly viewable on youtube until recently.