WTF monogamy is shunned now

More than half of the women I tried to date turned out to be "poly-amorous" or some shit. Basically, I was nice and all but they wanted to fuck anyone without giving it a second thought and got OFFENDED when I politely refused to get into relationship on such terms, like I was calling them a racial slur or something, trying to shame me for not being open-minded enough or some shit.
I'm not a fucking incel, but I get denied a relationship unless I want to cuck myself. What a time to be alive. Maybe those ultra-traditionalists are right.

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Other urls found in this thread:

don't disrespect Thoth, lord of Palindromic digits

Sorry, mate. Didn't mean anything by it.

>Maybe the ideals that held all of society together for tens of thousands of years are right.
ftfy Ivan

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Stop dating secular women it’s your fault for being a fucking idiot

First of all, not tens of thousands of years. Maybe 6 thousands of years, when we got agriculture and shit.

Second, ultra-traditionalists endorse a shitton of autistic crap I don't want to have anything to do with. But it seems there's no reasonable middle ground in society, you either go full retard one way or another.

I feel the same way man. I make enough money to fuck high class escorts a couple times a week. But monogamy seems like the most optimal way for safe, consistent, fun sex. Is getting a virgin girl then worth the investment? Religious girls are out of the question as religious people are too crazy, unless she's just casually religious and doesn't take the bible too literally.

I hate the "hypergamy is natural" meme that self proclaimed "chads" keep spouting. First off, you are never going to be a chad. If you are 6', there is someone who is 6'1. If you are a millionaire, there is someone who is a billionaire. So there is always someone for her to move up. Second, are the casual sex crowd just stupid? Aren't they concerned about the rising epidemic of STDs?

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Read this. Sums up everything nicely.

I'm fine if she's not a virgin. If she had like a few relationships before me, but like REAL relationships that didn't work out, I'm fine with that. I'm not fine if she fucks anyone attractive and had dozens of sexual partners.

oh bog off, Christianity has only been around for 2000 yrs, a blink of the eye in civilization

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What a fucking shit attitude you have.

I can tell by what you wrote you have lived a very sheltered life and have no clue what you're talking about.

You might as well just go live in a fucking bubble in your room.

Not an argument, can you elaborate?

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He's a cuck, he mad

>talking to girl whom i want to date
>i'm 30 and looking to start a family, of course i don't want some used up thot and i'm looking for a virgin
>chatting with some 24 year old
>tells me she already had 3 BFs
>tell her i'm looking for a girl, not a woman
>she literally flips her shit

Stay the fuck away from roasties lads

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Tough, make them pregnant and that is why we deal with women anyway.

You pointed out their failure, and they expected to be so attractive as to make you incompetent. You did call them a slur, you said they weren't attractive enough to eat the fruit from the tree...

This has to be bait or you’re autistic

WTF are you talking about, you cryptic son of a bitch

>>tell her i'm looking for a girl, not a woman

lol me too

>>she literally flips her shit

Is this because you implied she's not a virgin, or because you implied she's old?

>tell her i'm looking for a girl, not a woman
Shots fired

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>>tell her i'm looking for a girl, not a woman

What is it supposed to mean even

Based and ThothPilled.
Funny meme though ruskie.
Those "half" of the women you try to date are no worth it bro, find a good woman even if it takes a little longer than finding a shitty one.

He's a pedo.
Girls are children (physically and mentally) and women are adults (physically... but not always mentally).

Even Russia is plagued with that shit? But yeah, women try to cuck you a in natural state. Matriarchies don't have families, children are taken care by the community. Also those women thought that if they are open to all, so will everyone else, but they did the dumb decision. No one wants them when they are old and all their relationships are about sex.

Look up how bonobos operate, and compare that how chimps. That is good way to see differences between patriarchies and matriarchies.

>, find a good woman even if it takes a little longer than finding a shitty one.

I'm 25 now. How long it's gonna take? I'm getting old to start a family.

It was a thing till a bunch of incels a millennia ago banded together and killed the polygamists or someshit
maybe they got beamed up for all we know
but we currently live in a weird backwards world; and being free and open about sex is another step to enlightenment believe it or not

fuck bitches dawg, the sword maiden shows up to the timing and rhythm of the universe, as in you ain't just gonna find her. be a hardcore badass to kill the time, that lifestyle will save your soul in the war to come, maybe you'll save some qt and she'll become your squad girl

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>and being free and open about sex
Those are buzzwords.

>all of the damage-control comments replying to this post

Based and wizard-pilled

What fucking damage-control comments? Controlling what damage?

Have sex

>tell her i'm looking for a girl, not a woman

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Дeвyшкa (дeвcтвeнницa) и жeнщинa (yжe пoбывaвшaя в пoлoвых oтнoшeниях).
Дoлбaёп шoль?

I did.
Sex is secondary. I'm able to afford a hooker or just fap.

I'm 24 user, I'd rather find a good woman to spend the rest of my life with than find some random thot who is 'ready to settle down' and it not work out in a year or two.
Patience my dude.
>it's about sex!
The OP says date, not frivolously fuck some tranny. You'll never be a woman.

Ecли ты caм нe дeвcтвeнник, нe вижy cмыcлa этoгo тpeбoвaть.
Ecли y нeё были дo тeбя cтaбильныe oтнoшeния, этo oднo. Ecли oнa eбaлacь нa впиcкaх, этo дpyгoe.

>muh diversity
>niggers pouring in
>niggers multiplying
>hypergamy leftists
>STD skyrocketing in this country
>old diseases reappearing in Australia
>have sex, incel.

I'm so done mate.

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>monogamy is shunned now
People say that monogamy isn't natural and that's probably true but it does work better than the wests "orgasm credit society" or what ever the hell they call it.
There is way too much emphasis on sexual matters. I never really made a big deal about sex and I'm married and have kids, never really got into porno like many of my friends did. It's all about controlling one self. Women are piss poor at it and so are blacks and non-black men undergoing arrested development. The vikings thought obsession about sexual matters was an effeminate trait and it seems they were right of course they all had big families. Sex is a paradox like that and if don't go looking for it or have it in mind 24/7 365 it will find you instead. I can tell you it DOES get better with age for men and worse for women.

THIS is a GREAT post!
I could have went to a hooker when I was single but there was just something really odd about it as if I was lowering myself so I never did. But I know many men don't have such scruples. I guess I just didn't want to be like everyone else because I'm not. If ya know what I mean?

Drug resistant Typhoid

>"It was only actually when we grew the bug from her bloodstream that we became aware it was a highly resistant form, and a bug that's associated with an outbreak of this extensively drug-resistant typhoid in Pakistan and western India," he said.

>More than half of the women I tried to date turned out to be "poly-amorous" or some shit.

It's just that they don't think you're good enough as the final "keeper rich prestigious husband", so they want to play the field without being accused by you of cheating. So they tell you they are poly-amorous instead of admitting they are just casting as many fish hooks out there as they can to try and land a rich husband.

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Nah, two of the actually told me that they love having sex for the sake of it. One was bi, so basically everyone she met was a potential sexual partner, the other one said that having sex with a bunch of men was a "spiritual experience"

because every woman wants a piece of chad cock. problem incel?

> implying that Jose is a chad

Did somebody say Thoth?


Wow, three boyfriends by age 24... what a slut!

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When you apply labels and worry what other people think, then yes, you'll feel pulled to one end or the other. You can exist in a gray area where you have both traditionalist and progressive values simultaneously. There doesnt have to be double think either.
You can believe abortion is murder, yet also not care that women have them... Their suicide rates are what I think of a balance.
Same with any dichotomy. In the end, just find what you like And don't bend to society... You stand out more when you don't give a shit about most norms (please still hygiene yourself though...)

If monogamy really was shunned and polyamory was so accepted we wouldnt really have all these issues with men and women not gettin laid or the fact that we have so many men acting like pandas or women having way too high a standard while being broke bitches who cant cook a damn

>WTF monogamy is shunned now

4 out of 10 children born to unwed mothers. At the time of birth, the mother was not married.

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Based balt.

You fell for strong progressive women meme my friend, and therefore I am here to to tell You that, you've been searching The wrong places and looking at The wrong things. if You realy want to find something good with values and with very high maternal instincts and tradition You must go to local church often on sundays. and at first with target in sights, You use your chan experiance in cyberstalking and only when see that The target is exactly what you need, you then strike her in real life, with casual convo and some interesting question in mind. That is how you get a good female.

>pagan men alowed their women to fuck other men
Like clockwork

Nice vpn nigger, the term "racial slur " doesn't even exist in Russian

Come on manlet get with the times. Get a girlfriend, fall in love, marry her, take care of her, and also let her get plowed by well hung ape men.
You just don’t get it do you? Your wife will love you and dearly as a nice beta man... but at the end of the day... she needs a real man that can ACTUALLY. Fill her hole fully. Your either going to let your wife get side action and raise at least one of your wife’s boyfriends kids or you can just be an incel
Get out of the 90s
It’s almost 2020. We have been oppressing women far too long

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It exists in English.
We're communication in fucking English.
Инглиш, мaзepфaкep, дy ю cпик ит?
Or do you expect me to use Russian-specific terms on an ENGLISH-SPEAKING WEBSITE?
Дoлбoёб, бля.

Nope, sexual freedom ensures that only few get sex. Monogamy is the best way to to pair up everyone.

Onions post

>she needs a real man that can ACTUALLY. Fill her hole fully.
If you live in a state where "Child rights are paramount", any child your wife has from Deshaun is your financial responsibility. Even if Deshaun's identify is known, unless he signs paperwork acknowledging tranfer of debts and responsibility for the child, the law assigns responsibility to you as the "father" for legal purposes of childcare.

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Western civilization has been around a lot longer than Christianity. Remember that time Menelaus got so mad at being cucked by Helen that he flattened Troy?

Japan has different problems. I'm not really an expert on that, but try to figure out from your culture why you can't find a waifu.

>t. seething roastie leaf
You'd have to be fucking retarded to trust any woman with anything you care even slightly about. They are all opportunistic whores, black men are more reliable than white women, that's how fucking unreliable women as a whole are.

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hahahah 97% holy shit, that's how it seems, I've never met a black person who knew their father, after about the 20th fatherless nigger you start to notice a pattern.