2nd Infantry Division in Korea and Ho Chi Minh City (S Vietnam)
Vietnam Veteran here. AMA
kys boomer
hell ya
Nobody gives a fuck about any of that what we wanna know is can you fork or what?
How many GI pants have your shat into oblivion?
Prove u aren’t a larp
looks more like a us tank division
Post proof
Absolute Unit
Did you ever crush any qt azn femboys under that big gut?
Why do you have an iPhone?
Were you drafted or what?
Do you own an M1?
I am married. Talking with a veteran like that is just a sign of no respect.
I was being respectful that would of been hot desu
got PTSD buddy?
Pick up your spade grunt. Time to dig.
Goddammit, stop posting gay shit
>Why do you have an iPhone?
Why I should not? Better an American phone than a Samsung. Also my wife bought it.
And no, I was not drafted. Just had no work at that time.
and yeah, I have a little M1.
how old are you, grandpa?
Nobody owes you anything faggot
turned 68 this year..
greetings to Guatemala
femboys arn't gay
he thicc
Yes they are.
Hi there. What brings you to this website? If you are real, you're going to get many disrespectful replies.
do you realy have to lead less to shoot civilists?
iPhone is questionable, I suppose the OS is good for you.
Every vnvet I know has an M1. It's a great rifle.
I like your belly man it's epic.
>vietnam vet here
And what exactly makes you proud of that? All you did was to fuck with innocent people.
Thank you for your service sir. How does it feel to, at your age, be so much more high test and manlier than 80% of the male population in their 20's and 30's?
did you fucking EAT the viet cong?
timestamp or I don't believe you have such an impressive gut
what was our freedom doing in vietnam?
Thank you for your service
>fights unjustified wars
>for a country that's never been victim of an unprovoked attack
>slaughters civilians
>in my name
>then demands respect
i hope iran sends our troops home in body bags and teaches you punks a lesson, you unamerican faggot. get the fuck out of my country!
I just did a reverse image search and there were 3 pages of results so its pretty safe to say that's not actually OP
Yeah, cause it sure made the world a better place.. Just like all the other (((wars))) the Jewnited Fakes has started.
Where do I buy gold coins?
Maybe cut back on the sugar a little, haus
Of course. Thanks user.
>60,000 American soldiers dead
>150,000 wounded
>1,600 missing
>$1 trillion adjusted for inflation spent
>absolutely nothing to show for it
It would be one thing if you were drafted but you were dumb enough to willingly fight a war that had nothing to do with our national defense. I feel sorry for the dumb kids that get tricked into joining our military. You probably thought you were fighting for our freedoms when the only people trying to take them away are the same people who sent you to war.