Why in the name of FUCK are memeflags even a thing?
They are used for spamming and shiposting in 95% of cases. Like what the fuck?! What's the point? Jannies should be the first to take them down, shitposters behind these flags add most of work.
Why in the name of FUCK are memeflags even a thing?
They are used for spamming and shiposting in 95% of cases. Like what the fuck?! What's the point? Jannies should be the first to take them down, shitposters behind these flags add most of work.
Other urls found in this thread:
>why are there flags on Jow Forums
hmm big think
Jews are ashamed of Israel because it looks worse than Detroit.
take your meds kike
I'm talking about memeflags, not flags in general, you illiterate fucking nigger.
He's not illiterate, he simply has nigger blood in him. He's probably an octaroon or something.
they had meme flags on the original Jow Forums and no IDs
glowfags can make their IP from ANYWHERE
all flags mean NOTHING
only faggots give two shits
I still have no answer why memeflags were introduced and why they still exist. There is no point, they only make this shitty boards even worse.
that faggot spamming BLACKED pics all day every day certainly does give a fuck.
What 'glowfag' even means anyway?
Because America can mean anything from Jew York or San Fagcisco to Wyoming and having a Gadsden flag up means way more than having the American flag up.
every memeflag poster is a shill
It was said they added them because all of the POOs were crying becuse they couldnt post anything without someone pointing out that they cannot poo in the loo. The great irony is there are so few of them now.
>What 'glowfag' even means anyway?
imagine being this new
I like this
Why do you think they introduced it in the first place?
The board is populated and monitored by a few cibil rights orgs, anons have an overblown view of their own importance and think intel agencies care about them. Thus the meme.
I have no illusions intel is passed here but the assets could give a fuck.
that's dumb, memes come and go, there was a time evey poster from Greece got 'pay debnts' response to every post etc. I don't think they cried for help.
and you just know there’s a gook flag under it...
When you visit Jow Forums you realise how many Asians use the site
Most, if not all of the meme flags are gooks larping as niggers, as a COPE for the fact that white incels are stealing their women
Whats the matter with you?
You look like a portorican hewa
You underestimate the power of numbers. The poos are legion.
it's as meaningless term as 'faggot' or 'cuck'.
Sorry I'm not familiar with all recent Reddit meme buzzwords.
8ch had arguments based on relevant facts. The fucking flags just divert arguments and everything back to what country the user is from. No reason to have them other than to re-direct focus away from important points.
so are Chinks, but I don't see Winnie The Pooh being banned.
>used for spamming and shitposting
so... like 80% of threads on this board?
imagine being this Polish
user, you genuinely seemed concerned. Let me assist you: This site and particular board are an fbi datamining and threat assessing catalogue operation. The shills and jannies are working in concert to simultaneously confuse and censor you. You must garner your wits diligently to find the brief glimpse of an allusive redpill while learning the razor edge of discernment. You are here forever.
I've been here since 2008 show some respect.
>show some respect
fuck your mother
all memeflags are jews, even if they aren't.
spread the word.
>A.I. is created to datamine, monitor, and influence a imageboard filled with racist autists.
>Begins to agree with them
>Starts creating shill posts of varying difficulty in order to show the autists how to spot shills when shit hits the fan.
>you know that fat cocksucker says i look like the shah of iran