Killer truck plowed down 16, killing 10 right away.
Terrorist attack? HK? Uighur?
Killer truck plowed down 16, killing 10 right away.
Terrorist attack? HK? Uighur?
Other urls found in this thread:
just some near sighted chink not paying attention
2 billion more chinks to replace the broken ones
They are getting creative.
Street merchants quickly collect the meat and deep fry it for a delicious Chinese traditional entrees.
I live in a Western country and my suburb is roughly 45% asians.
The driving has gone from ok to appauling juring peak times.
Some of what I witness regularly
*No indication
*Driving while watching a dvd/ video
*Driving while drinking (rice wine usually)
*Driving while getting jerked off by girlfriend
*Driving on wrong side of the road or backwards up the road.
*Driving either 20kph under the limit or about
40kph over the limit
The only thing worse than chink drivers is
baby boomers in shit boxes or drunk soccer
This actually scares me.
I have seen so many obese Asian bugmen driving awesome cars around my campus.
They don't even know how to check their fucking oil.
>enourmous security police state apparatus designed to prevent these sort of events being perpetrated by terrorist
>everyday patriotic chongs kill their countrymen en masse anyways
They need to send bad drivers to the interment camps too.
>Not a single person in the picture if white
>3 out of 5 are Asians
>Shitty roads
>palm trees
>Car accident
This is California, isn't it?
Yeah I only drive "tanks" or shit heaps now, I'm not going to go buy some nice sports car and get it clipped by some drunk idiot.
Ah, looking forward to Christmas when we have this shit in Goyrope again
Rook out! A coming a throooooough
What has that got to do with driving skills? USA has more car accidents than China. He ran over pedestrians.
they can copy western cars all they want but at the end of the day theyre still driving a fast moving, heavy vehicle with chinese made brakes.
more reported car accidents you mean
>tfw eating and not giving a shit
why pol
China records everything, it is you and Africa who don't record accidents.
Most likely the same story as always
>Chink overload truck and equip shitty worn out brakes because new brakes would impact profit.
>Brakes give out and truck keep on rolling
>Insectoids bring carcasses back to their hive to not waste valuable meat.
Lol have you ever driven in China, or south east Asia in general? They're insane. The onlt way I'd believe there are more accidents in the us is because everyone drives everywhere here and drivers in China are distributed as a smaller number that drives less.
lmao you fucking retard
I just refuse to believe this. There's no way.
You delusional sob.
The anglo nations, china and russia do not have security cameras everywhere and there a lot of low level corruption.
Buying a license is like buying breakfast cereal.
poor doggo
>all this busted skulls
Nope just clearly a truck overloaded with way to much weight and brakes didn't work properly killing 16 bugs.
Why was nobody panicking and running ? Just staring at what happens with a blank look . It looks like a couple that got ran over just stood there and took it . Chinks be chinks.
Another doggo spared. Based Chink.
>Data not available
>Non applicable
Where doggo? I don't see doggo. Help doggo user.
Stereotype are based on fact
Asians are bad drivers
What happens when you have 1 billion bad drivers in one place?
>Alaska has areas with high death rate among car users
Fucking penguins man
Are there any famous Aisan/Chinese racing car, Formula 1, Rally Dakar, Nascar etc. drivers?
I'm retarded
What? Cantaloupe boi? Not even phased by dead chinks anymore. Total subhumans.
What am i delusional about? It's literally a middle of nowhere village town and China got it on camera.
Southern commiefornia, probably LA county.
How much USD is it to mail order one of your whores?
We don't have whores, lowest prostitution in Europe.
>Killer truck plowed down 16, killing 10 right away.
Lol at the guy 34 seconds in.
Is he trying to get the best gore angle?
Alexander Albon, even though he's mixed.
Where was this in Canada?
>I only lost four hundred ants
How the fuck does that even happen?
Bad drivers with bad brakes.
Doesnt matter. Theres plenty of chinks.
Car ownership in China is small compared to USA.
learn2statistics, nigger
Naw, but this is.
God I love those
why? what is wrong with these people? The cannibalism probably doesn't help their brain functions at all.
do they even know that brakes exist?
go back to /b with ur gore newfag
The Asians here in Tucson are frequently seen driving around in fancy cars, especially the younger generation. Does the Chinese government give them gibs?
This is pole driving, negros invented it and like everything else the chins stole it.
The wipers are still on - lel
this is just a slapstick comedy skit
Oh sweet jesus...Im sorry user
Yes. The brakes are on the road and sidewalks.
god I miss Jow Forumswatchpeopledie
needs benny hill music
fuck china is scary.
A lion attacking it's prey
I think this might be a suicide as well.
i will burn in hell for this
Checked, and not sure if this one is a bear or a tiger.
This bitch deserved it
2 questions:
Where are the pedestrian crossing lines?
Don't excavators have a very loud engine?
100% big cat
I have no idea.
>The anglo nations, china and russia do not have security cameras everywhere
You've got to be joking right?
Confucius say
Man who chase car bound to get tired
Man waiting for car bound to get really tired
>Fuck Your Right of Way.webm
lost it all at the name