We need to admit it: according to how the youngest generations have been voting for the past few years, the fastest growing movement in the world is not Nationalism, but Environmentalism. Given this fact, literally everyone has been exploiting Greta Thunberg for political reasons... Except us. What the fuck Jow Forums? I say it's time to change things. In order to do so, I inagurate "Operation /oursperg/". The mission is simple: use the power of memes to redpill Greta and turn her into the greatest symbol of Ecofascism. These are the main messages our campaign should revolve around:
>neither the selfishness of capitalistic democracy nor the inefficiency of communism can stop corporations and individuals from polluting; only Fascism can
>white people are the only people who care about the environment, since they understand there can be no more white children without healthy white lands
>non-white countries (China and India in particular) are direct threats to the survival of all life on Earth
Operation /oursperg/
Stop shilling this cunt. She's not autistic she has fetal alcohol syndrome.
Try to put this symbol on her pics as much as you can.
Who gives a shit what she has? Her retard face makes her immune to criticism among normies.
fuck off kikes
I'm the same person you dumb faggot.
regular black sun is good enough
Someone should kill her. All socialists need to die, she is brainwashing hundreds of thousands of young kids into supporting socialism and anti industrialization!
>tfw you usurp Greta's pop image and wield it to broadcast logic-driven Nazi propaganda
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
You can't steal her image. She's managed by professional publicity firms.
Instead, just expose her motivations.
The organization she does PR for (We Dont Have Time) is trying to make bank from carbon credit trading. Their 2-step business model* involves:
>1) passing legislation to create a cap-and-trade marketplace
>2) building a social media/rating system to evaluate public and private sector entities on their carbon footprint. Those who rate poorly will have to choose between getting carbon-taxed to death, or paying for carbon-offset credits.
Since Greta's handlers will control both the carbon credit market AND the social media that ranks everyone, they'll always win and can do shakedown operations whenever they want.
*This scheme only works on liberal Western democracies. Countries like China or India would just laugh Greta out of the building.
Islam Is RIGHT About Women
Is that real?
>She's not autistic.
Lol. You are partially wrong. She has been officially diagnosed asperger syndrome.
Just google search: Greta Thunberg asperger syndrome.
My parents consume mass media dont even know who this foreigner is.
>we don't care.
as real as this one
Greta will eventually begin to notice inconsistencies in the official narrative around climate change. Are autists fond of being conned / deceived or do they tend to go on the fucking warpath when they find out?
Greta will be on our side within a decade.
>You can't steal her image
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Everyone remember Greta.
lol OFC mffrghggghhgg