>Land of the free
Land of the free
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They could've chosen to not take a fucking loan. But they took it like the idiots they are.
Buddy here in Burgerland college is expensive as fuck as they no it. I saw "join the army" propaganda all over the place when I was in high school, it's not a well kept secret.
>The government put you in debt... not your own idiotic actions.
Ah, good ol' Vice.
And that's why you're going to vote Bernie who promised to get rid of everyone's student loan debts? And took an extra loan to be able to donate to his campaign?
Bernie is an extremely milquetoast socdem. He's not the complete the complete abolition of state and class hierarchies, but he's a start.
Smart strategy. Also a smart decision by the recruit too, provided they can score well enough to pick any job they want on the ASVAB. You can build up a fantastic nest egg thanks to the stipends you get for housing if you live off base. Hell, at 37 I'm wishing I went through with joining the Air Force. I'd be well on my way to retirement by now.
At 37, I'm wishing I stayed in the Air Force. I did my 6 and got out, like an idiot.
>get manipulated into debt
>can't repay it because universities are shit
>go die in the Middle East for american capitalists
>Actually based Poland
die you fucking retard
Stay mad, britbong
it looks like you're wearing the wrong flag
Only way you can pay the exorbitantly high prices colleges in america demand people pay into get a loan. Otherwise, they'll never get a good job with a respectable employer.
Why the fuck are people not taking the Martpill? Can you take spending 4+ years working there so the company can pay for your SELECT degree from SELECT universities?
Gotta start somewhere.
Just don't lay your student loans, you can't go to jail for a dept. I have 50k in student loans I took out that I never plan on paying back
>you can't go to jail for a debt
For now. No wonder private prisons are being built at breakneck speed.
Is the ASVAB stupid easy? Our suitability test was easy as fuck. Could do literally any job bar Commando. You have to be 19 before they even look at you. Also no 19 year old is passing that shit anyway.
Land of the fee and home of the slave
Yeah, if you can manage to work your way up in the military, you're set.
Wish I had done it out of HS.
No. That would be idiotic. While in prison you make .. no money. Better is to let the person stay out of prison and garnish their wages. If the debt is not repaid by the time the person dies, their assets are sold (usually for pennies on the dollar) and the money is given to the holder of the debt. So... the person you're replying to is going to leave their children with literally nothing, most likely.
Land of the fee, home of the knave.
Nobody forced them to join the Army. This isn’t Vietnam.
This is old news. Decades old.
>home of the golem
It is stupid easy, yes. When I took the test I missed only one question which had to do with identifying (IIRC) a carburetor. Qualified for any job I wanted. Except maybe carburetor repair guy.
It comes down to "Why are colleges so fucking expensive" and what can the goverment do to easy that
Yes.. home of the FREE. You are indeed FREE to take idiotic debts if you want. The government will not save you from them in most cases. Actions have consequences. Get the fuck over it.
no, they'll just put a lein on everything you own, dumbass.
>sell your soul for an education
and this is why promises of free college from the demonrats are laughable
>If I can control the money supply, I can make goyim feed each other lies, pursue the frivolity they fabricate, kill my enemies, steal all innovation, and finally kill them with it.
.t Rothschild
>Hell, at 37 I'm wishing I went through with joining the Air Force. I'd be well on my way to retirement by now.
My brother is your age and on track to retire in another 6 years at full bird. He has a wife, two boys, two houses and about a quarter million in investments between stocks and mutual funds. And picked up a second BS and a master's degree on their dime.
If you're not a complete retard you can make a fine career out of the military.
Good. Israel needs fresh meat to keep the (((military-industrial complex))) huming.
Hmmm, they want university educated soldiers? I don't think that's a good idea. They are too smart for military and might fight back.
>While in prison you make .. no money
What is prison labor? We're gonna need a lot of bodies making cheap crap after the US tells China to fuck off.
>Better is to let the person stay out of prison and garnish their wages
They're not going to be able to keep up with the interest.
It's simple: they can get the fuck out of education, instead of having universities ride the gravy train.
I thought about joining the army, was glad i got recruited for something else before i made that tragic mistake
theres no way i could do all the exercises and stuff, i dont know what i was thinking
plus who wants to be a basically a hire good? a grunt?
Hey you're free to starve in the street of so you wish!
>thinking the Army targeting debt slaves is bad
You've obviously never been to burgerland. Here's some of the types of ads they run in burgerstan:
>are you a christian brainlet with some physical ailments and a credit card? don't go to a hospital, use the credit card to send money to me, pastor F. Umberto, and I'll pray away your broken leg (ps. I'll forget to mention that I own several private planes paid by you dummies)
>poor veterans, need money, fast? Here's your exclusive chance to reverse-mortage your house to pay off consumer debt
>retirees, need to do boomer shit, or bail out your loser kids? sell your life insurance on pennies on the dollar. Why stop there, sell your health insurance as well, it's not like you'll need it - especially when you're obviously strapped for cash!
>do you have a rash? Ask your doctor about this super specific, expensive cream that may have a side effect of suppressing your immune system to the point where you might die of a cold, but hey, at least you can wear sleeveless shirts again!
Those are all real ads, I only exaggerated the wording, not the content.
funny how people who hate the government work for the government and are on the government payroll.
"Debt is a form of social control. You can force people to do all kinds of things if you put them in debt first"
>Oi Vey! When did Vice get so Antisemitic!
I suppose the better option would be to let the government take all your labor and redistribute it to their own back pocket.
>You've obviously never been to Burgerland
>new fast food sandwich loaded with fake colors and sugar.
>lines around the corner of people waiting for it because they are so socially conditioned to eat the "cool new" sandwich.
this is Murka
>People make money doing prison labor... not the prison.
Die for the Oil goy
So is the army offering $20k bonuses now? Fuck me. I should reenlist.
>I willingly chose to go to college of my own accord
>I willingly chose to take a loan I couldn't afford of my own accord
>I willingly chose to join the military of my own accord
>land of the free
yeah pretty much the only free country in history
Army? Probably not. I got an 18k bonus when I enlisted about 20 years ago -- aircraft metals tech (basically machining/welding).
Yeah, let only wealthy chinese and poos attend college.
Great, they can transform semi-private school debt into completely public defense spending debt.
I noticed you're not really addressing anything I said.
>pic related
Do you even own a passport, you fucking retard?
>they no it
Why do you need a passport when the US is bigger than the size of a Van?
The military consists of niggers and spics now, so what if they get killed for their (((debt)))
so that justifies taking a loan they can’t pay back?
Kind reminder that loans are printed from nothing and given at interest to enslave society
The real price of a loan is your autonomy
>burger questions whether I've really traveled across the pond
>return the question by asking if he's even able to do that
>b-b-b-but m-m-m-uh c-c-country
Based Vinnie
Fucking retard....so you are ok with college being expensive...
guess we know who the real kikes are.
Paying for college wouldn't even be a problem if loans could be defaulted on. College loans are literally the only form of debt that you can NEVER get out of, no matter how much it is, no matter if you suddenly fell into a coma. They can legally garnish your wages forever, and the interest will just keep piling up, so you're basically a slave forever.
LITERALLY, all the government has to do is repeal the law that makes student loans immune from bankruptcy.
Suddenly, loan companies would be much pickier about who they give loans to.
Suddenly, fewer people are going to college.
Suddenly, degrees are actually worth the the paper they're printed on.
Suddenly, colleges have to lower admission costs because no one can afford it.
Suddenly, colleges have to axe all their useless gender studies departments because no smart student takes that shit.
Suddenly, society is a much better place.
However, it's all window dressing because the loan bubble is fucking enormous and popping it will probably take down western civilization.
>Gosh, this specific school is really expensive.
>That's okay.. I'll just whine like a child over the debt I take because I decided to go to this school rather than spend the money wisely on another school or ... not spend the money at all by taking up a tradeskill instead.
Being "okay" with something being expensive and not being retarded enough to fall into the trap are two different things. You apparently don't realize that. There are THOUSANDS of schools in the US. Some are FOR PROFIT (those are the ones that are expensive) .. some are not (those aren't nearly as expensive).
>You don't think those who did stupid things should be labeled an idiot, therefore you're a kike.
I see you didn't look at the flag of the person I responded to. Based on your flag, you're probably one too.
Let's face it, most college degrees lead to drone jobs with the only difference to a lower-tier drone worker being in remuneration. Of course that difference means a lot, but if you're deep in debt, it takes a long time before you bridge the gap between a debtless low-end drone and a college degree drone in debt. In other words, a lot of kids in the US are paying ridiculous amounts of money just to train themselves into being servants for some corporation and then spend a long time paying off the debt before even breaking even with the debtless low-end drone. Funny how that works. If you become independently wealthy, it's not the college degree(s) that made it happen but your own initiative and entrepreneurship. It's meant to be an exploitative system.
Student : *Takes a loan for thousands of dollars*
Student : *Can't pay loan*
Student : *Suprised Pikachu face*
Everything to you is propaganda besides the Marxist, socialist religion.
>Literally all government has to do is not be a jewish puppet
Oy! Not so fast goy!
>paying loans
based retard
It's Land of the Free, not Land of the Free Shit
Eat shit Moshe
That results in enslavement 100% of the time. Take as much as you need to feed yourself and your family, and to keep yourself in good health. Do not consider the respect of others in this process of important decision-making.
Usury is illegal regardless of what Washington, D.C. says about it.
The military is the primary means for people in the United States to ascend to a higher social class. Their is nothing wrong with poor students joining the military.
>I took a loan that breaks the law instead of reporting the loan.
>I'm not an idiot, you are!
>No matter what DC says about it
The usury laws in the US are state-based, not federal... so what DC says about usury is only relevant to one location. DC. Imagine being this retarded.
To be fair, you really have to hand it to the kikes. They really knocked this one out of the ballpark.
>push college meme from grade one
>get dumbshit kids to sign up for debts that can never be wiped away with bankruptcy
>you now have slaves for life
Joined the Army as an Officer. I’ve had a great time. If you don’t want to die for Israel then simply sign up to be a POG, simple as.
this is why the jew wants you indebted
Pick up a trade
America is the perfect golem.
>7 posts by this ID
Imagine being this much of an insufferable societal retard. I truly hope you kill yourself once you realize you have zero purpose on this planet.
>take a loan you can’t pay back
Thank you for your cervix.
>50 million households cant afford basic living expenses
>government gives 10 million dollars a year away to israel
never forget what they did to you
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic class interests
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic class interests
I got no debt bitch, im not mentally retarded like most of the people my age.
If you fell into the debt trap, you only have yourself to blame.
college isnt a requirement unless you want to INVEST into your future for a better paying position.
keyword being INVEST
wait did i say year? i meant 10 million a DAY
>Otherwise, they'll never get a good job with a respectable employer.
Cunt, I have a good job with a respectable employer and I work in IT. im a college dropout.
>Doesn't realize that 10 million divided by 50 million is 0.2.
Go ahead and give those people $0.20 and see how much food it provides them. The money "given" to Israel is mostly discounts on military systems .. not liquid assets.
>Doesn't realize that $0.20/day * 365 days = $73 per person.
$73 per year isn't going to help at all.
>getting in debt good
>getting out of debt bad
Salute my double digits.
>23,000 per family
wanna try your math again rabbi?
the worst is when you meet these "people" that tell you some debt is good debt.
most retarded financial advice ever
I used the numbers YOU gave me. If my numbers are wrong, perhaps YOU should reflect upon it.
>Those are all real ads, I only exaggerated the wording, not the content
am burger, can confirm. I'v seen similar ads.
I always had wondered how retarded one must be to take up any of these 'offers', especially the reverse home loan. Then again, I always remind myself that If I assume im just at the 50% line for intelligence (I think i'm at least in the 70%, at least) pile, that means half of the country is more retarded than I.
I escaped the college debt trap and have made my own career without finishing college and the partal college I did go to was community college so I paid it off while I took the classes.
How someone signs their life away for 100k in debt I will never understand.
what is 10million times 365?