How long does Jow Forums have left? It'll be shut down eventually.
How long does Jow Forums have left? It'll be shut down eventually
>Not even on duckduckgo search anymore
Not long.
>tfw no anarchist teenage crazy gf
If we didn’t sink along with cripplechan, it will never happen.
still first link on google.
Next month.
This honey pot won't shutdown until (((they))) want it to be
(((they))) like pol
It's a Honeypot retard, they won't shut it down.
Its like that (White Supremacist) website.
Lmaoing @ that image
Bullshit, thats how I just got here rabbi
I'm hoenstly surprised it hasn't already been shut down given how iron grip the jews have now got over google, youtube etc
The second they shut this shit down a public archive with all our names and posts is going to be made available. I hope you enjoyed your time here user.
I want to marry that chick. Fuck, she's amazingly hot.
Depends entirely on how many dumb terrorists decide post their manifesto here before they shoot a bunch of random people at Walmart.
At least we'll still have 4channel. If Jow Forums is shut down, I move to /co/ full time.
Where can I send her fanmail? We could be an edgy terrorist couple desu.
They already shut down the good Jow Forums anyways
Would anyone honestly care? I don't think it would impact anyone's life a lot.
The (((MSM))) needs pol for hot news tips and the DBI needs pol to have a supply of incels to frame at their next mass shooting terror op.
Finn bro are you the one from mew thread
That board is unironic normalfaggot central.
It's better than /v/ or /b/. And plus, I like cartoons, don't judge.
She cute.
Actually when I did it today it turned up Wikipedia and news articles about it. The sticky post rather than the catalog link was all I could find and it was like the 5th or 6th result
I know several people that would axe me out of their lives which wouldn't be the worst case. However I know some really vindictive people who would view my opinions as irreconcilable with society and actively try to spread what I've said here in order to ruin my life.
a year or two at best
Its a bad honeypot if it is one. Ive said some nasty shot in here. Yet i was offered a management position within a federal agency. Like a position that need security clearance. I doubt i would have that job if this was a honeypot.
>They gave me a job so I'm under their surveillance 24/7! It can't be a honeypot.
user I...
The one with >50 posts? No. He was based though.
>I know several people that would axe me out of their lives
What would you really lose? I'd be somewhat thankful if I could separate the untrustworthy NPCs from those that actually like me.
>I know some really vindictive people
You probably overestimate how much even those people would care. Even a regular antifa kid isn't going to spend his or her free time obsessing over ruining a guy's life if that guy isn't some celebrity.
One could also always simply deny it. The one radical antifa soiboi who decides his life mission is to ruin your life; how is he going to prove that it's you and precisely you? Yeah, not happening.
long enough
It doesn't matter. The web is nothing. News, comment, social media, search, etc. can all be done P2P just like file hosting can. The only reason the web exists at all is big money prefers to develop centralized systems. If TPTB think they can just pull the plug on any website they don't like, they are only making it a higher priority for amateurs to develop decentralized alternatives.
That may happen even if they bring 8ch back and apologize profusely for the offense. Free operating systems are already better than corporate ones, and the people are sick and goddamn tired of the fucking parasitic elites sanctimoniously shoving tranny horseshit and even worse down our throats.
The smarter ones among them already know we don't need them for anything and it is only momentum that has kept them going this far into the 21st century. The tech-illiterate ones though might just overreach out of ignorant cockiness and bring the whole house of cards down sooner rather than later. That would probably be the best possible outcome desu