How do we not have a good argument for this yet?
How do we not have a good argument for this yet?
because there isn't one.
prove your god exists.
Ricky Gervais is the definition of cringe
This seems to suggest that people throughout time have generally thought there was a supernatural world and believed in a higher power.
Looks like your the odd one out if you don't believe.
As a formality:
Objective moral values
Because the Jew god isnt really a god but an interdimensional dark entity posing as a god of truth and light.
Lightning gods like Raiden and Thor are real.
I cant wait for Raiden to come down to earth and cause Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo
That's not really the point though. While stories of a higher power did occur, these stories also suggest falsehood in the other stories. It also suggest believing the false stories will give you an eternity in hellfire. So Ricky Gervais brings up a brilliant point, how the hell do you know you chose the right religion to avoid an eternal afterlife in hell?
Science proved that Gervais has brain damage and that caused him to hate Goe and love immigrants.
no such thing. Try again.
The universe and consciousness are god. Those things are undeniably real.
Are you Jewish?
Christcucks on suicide watch
>h-he's right
>my entire belief structure is a lie
>everything that has shaped me up until this moment has been nothing more than manipulation and lies
It's 2018, guys... Why you all still living life under the terms dictated by swarthy men from the middle East that lived several thousand years ago?
Never trust an actor. For a time in history they weren't even allowed to testify in a court of law because of their professional lying.
The real red pill is that all religions are ultimately inspired and derived from the same divine force. In a way they are all ultimately correct yet false at the same time.
“If I believe in God and life after death and you do not, and if there is no God, we both lose when we die. However, if there is a God, you still lose and I gain everything.”
— Blaise Pascal
Source on this ?
We do. Athiests reap the tolerance of Christian societies while specifically making it their number one target. If any other place, they'd simply be put down for opening their mouth.
>Literally infinite amount of wrong answers
>Only one correct answer
>The existence of multiple wrong answers therefore means that there is no correct answer
Ladies and mentlegen, atheist IQ. These people think they're smarter than you, that they're (((scientists))), and that there are 58 genders.
>Why you all still living life under the terms dictated by swarthy men from the middle East that lived several thousand years ago?
Death is still as real today as was back then. It wasn't ignorance that led those goat farmers to follow Christianity but fear. The entire thing was, and still is, cleverly branded cope sold to delusional fuckwits.
Is the Earth flat just because someone said it is? Is it hollow? Filled with water? No, none of the above, because those people are wrong. Just like pagans.
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
it's not an argument itself so doesn't require a retort, also it is trying to do what does, no actual arguments but clever language (yet faulty logic) to change the argument from a created world vs random one into specifics of religious belief and choice vs not all religions/gods can be true at once therefore you're likely wrong
Imagine being mad about what other people believe.
Yes that is correct. Yahweh is the one true God
>definition of cringe
Nice flag
Super simple. Ricky Gervais practically acknowledges that across all time and cultures, man has called to a God. It is in our dna to do so, from the birth of man.
Ricky Gervais has practically admitted a God, of sorts, has been with man since forever.
Sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Muh qualia.
>Belief in god supposes [physical entity in the sky and not a morale, fecund mode of existence.
Do you have definitive proof that your religion is correct? 2+2 can be proven with physical proof. Religion itself is an unproven theory with no evidence to support it.
It is an argument, even if you disagree with it. That is that people reject other religions as falsehoods purely on the grounds that they're not the one they follow, ie bias. There's no more or less evidence for any of them but you're absolutely convinced you've got the right one. How can you be sure? Why don't your standards of proof apply to your own religion?
Atheism is a strange religion
Faith for rationalists, redditors and brainlets:
For example,
Q: Did Jesus turn water into wine?
A: Maybe he watered a vineyard.
Q: Did Jesus walk on water?
A: Maybe he performed a flawless moonwalk bare foot jet ski.
Q: Did Jesus feed lots of people with one fish and one loaf?
A: Maybe he inspired them into sharing and more people admitted having food and shared it out.
Q: Did God create the world in 7 days?
A: Maybe he's the programmer of our simulation.
Q: What happens when we die?
A: Either: some version of heaven, some version of hell, reincarnation (purgatory), eternal peace (unconscious nothingness), something else unknowable to us.
Thus relative to ourselves: either a good outcome or bad outcome, thus 50/50 probability-wise, thus a matter of faith.
Ultimately it is unknowable to us whether or not he was a real historical figure and/ or the son of god.
Therefore he was either the prophet son of god or not.
Therefore 50/50.
Therefore its a matter of faith either way.
We aren't supposed to look at the sonne, just enjoy it's rays. Be aware of the projectionist but enjoy the film as you're in the theatre until the end. Have faith in the directors vision and innate goodliness.
Atheists, nihilists, philosophical satanists, amoralists ultimately have no moral foundation due to lack of rational faith in our inner natural good, yes there is evil and suffering in the world that we are powerless to entirely eradicate, but we can try to affect positive change however minimal without overthinking where your sense of good and bad come from.
You're confused. Religion, and a 'God' are two different things. A religion is a set of ideas and need no proof. A God has been proven.
>Trying to move the goal post
You held up Gervais's shit logical fallacy as an argument and it got shut down easy. Now you're trying to change the argument. Massive cope on your level.
>but but your belief can't be scientifically proven
Your belief that there is no God can't be scientifically proven either.
His argument is as follows
>3000 gods
> none real
> neither is yours
>therefore there is no god
not exactly convincing. ive found that most people who doubt the existence of god do so for petty reasons.
>All your Gods are bullshit
>except the jew god
>voices in an old man's head
>ongoing justification for --
>land theft
>concentration camps
I have been a Christian believing in hell my whole life until recently. I can't find eternal conscious torment taught in the Bible. It's literally not there.
In fact, in the Bible, when it refers to fire, it often represents cleansing, or purification.
>Your belief that there is no God can't be scientifically proven either.
One of us is building a belief system around something that can't be proven and the other isn't. Do you see how irrational that is?
>I believe in a magical sky daddy
>because I said so
You're confusing physical science and proven things, with imaginary fantasies.
And he isn't funny at all.
Who argues the truth with fools?
Matthew 25:41
“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:46
And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Not there, huh.
oh because you're soooo wise, right?
I want to gouge your eyes out
Such a kike. Neck yourself.
I know i will get shit for using scripture to make my argument but O well.
Matthew 7:16-20 King James Version (KJV)
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Christianity is the foundation of Western Civilization and just look at us compared to everyone else. Hindus are still shitting in the streets and Muslims ruin everything they touch. The proof is in the pudding.
"all of human history has believed in religion but i dont im correct" /thread
Consult a priest or someone who is better versed in the bible than you.
When i find a tricky subject i look up an academics answer, or ask a priest. I don't just give up coz i dont fully understand.
Okay I know pol is a place to larp and have memes, so I'm gonna look stupid in giving a real answer. But I'll do it.
First who told you there were 3000 gods, and not 3, but named in a lot of ways or 3000000 named the same?
Second, who does the question think it's talking to? A mono theist? What mono theist exactly then? There's a lot of gods and angels being renamed in monotheism.
Why does the question think that we imply nonsensically made up bullshit when addressing other religions?
And my last point is, why is the question knowing so very well that I am believing in my "real only" god (in his words) so very strongly that I'm thinking everything else is made up?
It's a very weak question to put forward because it's not thought through in the least.
He's one of the few atheists who stands up to political correctness, so I respect him for that
All gods are the creator.
Does it matter what name you give the creator?
Do you think the creator even cares if he has a name?
Wrong. Just look at how the Bible tells us that there will be a push for One World Religion. That is happening today. Too many Bible prophecies have, and seem to be coming true, for any logical person to discount them.
John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
>Argue with someone who is agreeing with you.
You have not read your own book then. I suggest Revelation where all the sinners are cast into the lake of fire for all eternity to be tortured. It's a wild ride, that book.
>there have been nearly 3000 interpretations of a single god
The bible is a book, written by people, and it has been HEAVILY edited, at the council of Nicaea.
And there has always been assholes that want to rule the world. This is nothing new, and there was a time when people believed Rome ruled the "world."
Even if the globohomos get their way, there will not really be any one-world government. Why?...because every richfag and political hack involved will still be fighting the other richfags and political hacks, because ALL of them want to be emperor over the rest.
There can never be a one-world government, it's like trying to squeeze jello with rubber bands.
That's right faggot
>Just look at how the Bible tells us that there will be a push for One World Religion.
Like the bible and what Christians have been doing for thousands of years?
Let's instead contemplate all the cocks we've sucked. Think about the throbbing boners you've orally stimulated. Think about the cum you've swallowed.
>There have been nearly 3000 Gods so far but only yours actually exists.The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real.
I don't think you realize how close we are to a one world government. My post said one world-religion, not government, but they will have to come together, for the most part. There has been a huge increase in "interfaith churches" in the last few decades that preach one world religion doctrine. They say all religions lead to the same God and everyone is right. How can you not see this? Even the Pope has given them some support.
No, like the interfaith churhces that are popping up everywhere in the last 20 years preach. They say all religeons lead to the same place so we should accept everyone. Christians do the opposite of that...
Pretty stupid for a mathematician. What about the case of if their is a God, but he HATES people who believe in other gods, but is indifferent to those who believe in no gods?
Now you've lost.
>inb4 but that's a random arbitrary idea, how would you know that exists
Literally same to anyone who believes in their own particular made up god.
There have been nearly 3000 solutions to 2+2 so far, but only yours actually exists.
The others are silly made up nonsense.
But not yours.
Yours is real.
I don't see this, because I don't care.
Any one-world religion would have to be instituted at the point of a gun, and I don't see that happening anywhere. If anything, force is being used to ELIMINATE religion in some regions.
Nobody says you can't be a Christian, nobody says you can't be any of the thousands of other religions, there's no ebil force demanding you convert to some religion or die (at least not in the U.S.).
There is no God. If you believe there is you’re moron and a douche nozzle.
if you don't even care to look around you, why are you trying to argue a point with me? Interfaith churches are everywhere now and they have tons of of followers there without having to use violence. They preach acceptance of pretty much every degenerate behavior out there and that is why they are so popular.
None of that is the problem with religion. The problem is it’s mental illness and it organizes to impact policy and world events. It will be the end of the human race unless it’s destroyed. Science should be our center...not some imaginary bullshit God.
It's nothing new. The powers that be have been pushing One World Religeon on us for a long time and are finally starting to make ground. You can see it everywhere if you aren't blind.
religions BTFO
People like you are so cringe. You place Science as your God and reject the creator but I bet you couldn't even pass a biology 101 course.
Oh wow, this slide thread again? Atleast come up with some new tricks faggot
> council of nicea bad
you don't know what you're talking about.
They both can't be proven, so by default any position is irrational.
>hurr only one religion is right
When will this meme die? The major religions agree with each other on most questions (like what's allowed or not), only the atheists disagree.
>The powers that be have been pushing One World Religeon on us for a long time
Literally no one has encouraged or demanded that I join any religion at all.
and around me I see nothing but a plethora of churches, of all faiths, mostly some branch of Christian, but at least one Muslim and one Synagogue, too.
So you're just being paranoid.
God is made up bullshit. I teach physiology & biochemistry at a local college as well as astronomy.
a strong handful of those 3,000 gods were just the same people wearing different hats, and using those worn hats to fulfill agendas, all from the Absolute. by people I mean godforms
a single godform of extraordinary power created this universe on his own time. he is among the array of consciousnesses who has throughout history worn hats, but is by no means the only one
we are in an eternal war of good vs. evil, and the godforms push their agendas in the holographic universe to reflect changes into the Absolute universe, and vice versa.
Or maybe I don't think the world revolves around me and can actually do meaningful research into subjects. Just because you don't see it in your personal life, doesn't mean it's not happening.
Why are you so mad that people believe in God?
>There are so many competeing scientific theories at any one time
>and YOU have the guts to consider YOUR theory CORRECT?
he doesn't follow words written by desert nomad kikes written two thousand years ago and he's the kike? I think not
It must be extra-embarassing to be BTFO by such a cringer
It's been refuted countless times already. You niggerfaggots just dishonestly ignore what you don't agree with and keep repeating this thread over and over so you can push your lies through scriptdigit faggotry to try and manipulate others.
You demand honesty while you fuckers aren't honest with yourselves even. 90% of you can't grasp context to save your life, literally.
While there is a reasoned way to come to the conclusion that a god did exist. there is no reasoned way to conclude that Christianity is the form of religion that that entity decided to create and thus supports. there is no reasoned way to conclude that it, if it does exist, is currently interacting with the world, or has ever interacted with the world. this is the issue Athiests have with Christianity, I have no issues with someone believing in it, but I do take umbrage that people demand a return to something that we cannot prove is correct or right in every way.
>multiple religions in one building
>one world religion
choose one
When a belief includes a strict doctrine that I must be put to the sword if I don't follow that belief. I'll admit to get mad over such a belief at or the very least, get a little bit vexed
This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. You post shit like this where you make these sweeping declarations that demonstrate you know nothing of the subject you're judging. All of you judge the Word based off of how people interpret it and you never seem to bother to read it yourselves. But even for those who do -- we live in a world where the official education is purposely making it impossible for younger minds to grasp the syntax of the writings of the past, and thus, the younger minds don't grasp it correctly and then you judge what you don't understand as a result.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. No other religion or way of life has this teaching. No other. It's the Golden Rule and if everyone followed it correctly? It would result in proper harmony while still being separated so that true diversity of blood and culture would still exist. No other teaching provides this message. So it is the only one that can provide this, logically.
Therefore, that demonstrates it's merit above all others.
>vetted by the greatest minds for 2000 years
>bible was translated into a live European language in 1400s
>the same, greatest minds, also find links and the origins of christianity can be explained by simple tracings of canaanite cults
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a brainlet but I never understood the whole "The onus is on you to prove there is a God" surely the onus is on the person that instigates the debate / conversation?
If Ricky walks up to me and says "God isn't real" then surely it's on him to prove that God isn't real?
Seems like the onus lies with the aggressor.
No I judge your Word Or Logos, it's original word which was co-opted from the Greeks, bastardizing it in the process, as it means reason and not god, on the books you people tell me that it is in, but keep being insulting.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is in literally every major religion practiced today, in some form, and NOBODY can find it's true origin, keep making claims for the superiority of your religion when the fucking concept dates back at least to 500 BC and more likely than not even earlier than that.
You are being a disingenous shit, and I dislike how schools are teaching shit these days as well, as well as despise faggotry and so on and so forth. I came to these conclusions devoid of religious sentiment, entirely through reason and logic, without rigid hierarchy which could lead me down the wrong path, you cannot say the same especially if you were born into your religion.
The onus lies with the claimer, as the default state is there that there is no god, children are not born with Christianity or Islam or any other religion in their heads, they are born believing nothing.
Thats what the claim is on christians to prove their god exists in some objective way, it is not necessarily right to go about it this way but that is the logic.
But I don't really understand that, surely the point is simply "I cannot objectively prove the existence of God, I just have faith that God exists", doesn't that just shut down any dissent since you're just stating that Religion is based on faith and therefore asking for an objective basis is just retarded.
Provided you're not militantly spouting your beliefs or enforcing it on others then it just seems to reason that the atheist in that situation needs to come up with something to retort against a faith based reply.
if you tell me that God is a monkey, I swear..
Saying there is no God is also a statement of faith, as nobody who ever said that has been off-planet, much less out of the solar system, much less out of the galaxy, much less out of the universe, which, at minimum, would be required to make such a declaration.
>While there is a reasoned way to come to the conclusion that a god did exist.
The opposite is true. The moment any logical syllogism relies on a supernatural being as an assumption, it is no longer logical.