How come so-called pick-up artists aren't a thing any more?
I used to think these guys were sinister and cringeworthy, but this video is more motivational and relatable than most of the stuff I've seen from Jordan Peterson.
How come so-called pick-up artists aren't a thing any more?
I used to think these guys were sinister and cringeworthy, but this video is more motivational and relatable than most of the stuff I've seen from Jordan Peterson.
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Take your klonopin, clean your room, and buy my books, incel!
Because EMJ converted them.
Because its incredibly sexist...
They knowingly manipulate women into sleeping with them. It'd be sad if it wasn't so sick.
I want to read the pic but it's unreadable. Great interview though.
>How come so-called pick-up artists aren't a thing any more?
they were never a thing, incel
Noone cares about women...
He posted a video with a very similar title just this week. Just 7 years later:
fuck off
Yes they were, in the first decade of the 2000s. It was a huge thing.
the huge shift in the dating scene from in-person locations like bars and nightclubs to apps like Tinder
RSD Tyler is really cool and very red pilled even though he isnt sharing much of his political opinion. He is still filtering out certain beliefs he has, since he lives in Hollywood, runs a business and has a certain degree of fame. Smart dude, if you dont want to be an incel learn from this guy, no need for manipulation. Also people want to rather be beta cucks than to be rejected buy random girls
>pua is motivational
it is literally a product of feminism, it is putrid demonic garbage, a program for how to become a whoremongering slut wrangler so that you can get addicted to getting your dick sucked
pua get the rope
Lol being beta is being manipulative at the end.
“ I provide and you give me pussy okay? “
No, anybody can to that, women dont want that
Wonder how that correlates with non-whites infesting those places. Like how no one takes public transports if they don't have to.
>How come so-called pick-up artists aren't a thing any more?
because they were absolutely retarded
just be an alpha, so much easier and less stress
The only 2 I ever knew ended up being bisexual tweakers who spread herpes all over the county I live in.
Shill or incel, cant tell the difference. Is it better to fap to porn everyday? No wonder your genes wont spread with this attitude
Beta = being fake, alpha = you might still be fake but in a better way and you are going to soon find out what “being your real self” really means
you are as cringy and unlovable and subhuman as the cringe master you idolize, faggot; GUESS WHAT, PUA DONT SPREAD THEIR GENES, THEY ARE SIMPLY DOPAMINE FIENDS GOING FROM FIX TO FIX, if somebody like you spread their genes it would be a complete accident; your dogshit program does not teach men how to form families you idiot niggerbrained gorilla doublenigger
>I used to think these guys were sinister and cringeworthy
They are
>but this video is more motivational and relatable
Probably because Tyler has no money so he's having to branch out LMAO
That sóy boy is a PUA? How low have we've fallen.
You mean highlight the fact you are easily manipulated animals that can be triggered by all manner of keywords to ellict a conditioned response. Fuck, sleep, stop, go, suicide.
All manner of triggers and some learn the craft of pua to survive. Sounds like you dont have game.
>simply dopamine fiends going from fix to fix
Ok tell me a better replacement for fapping to porn you faggot
And btw you shouldn’t do that stuff on Jow Forums if you try to get some pussy with virtue signaling
the lustful game of pua is a game for slut wrangling faggots who will never form a genuine family rooted in agape
do hard labor and stop being a degenerate faggot you stupid effeminate cuck, you will NEVER have a loving wife and a stable family as you are, you will be an eternal paypig cuck or slut wrangling cuck that will never properly form a legacy and have a loving network of progeny; go die in your filth pig
I dont get how people prefer fapping to porn 3 times a day compared to fucking investing time into reading books, educating and working on yourself and your social skills. Complete retardation
rewrite your post and try to be cogent next time you idiot nigger brained gorilla
Look im into agape too but you wont find “the” women if you dont approach many women and don’t have sufficient social skills to do it. Being “alpha” instead of “beta” does not exclude being a guy who can provide a stable enviroment for a family
Your life is hell if you literally think like that, sad creature
think like what? can you make ONE coherent post? is your brain broken? do you actually think I am virtue signaling or trying to "get pussy?"
agape is completely alien to whoremongers, idiot, if you are approaching women that fornicate and crawl cesspits like bars and nightclubs you are approaching black voids of pitch-like lust filth that will NEVER pair bond with you; their oxytocin receptors are irreparably broken and you will never be theirs at any significant level
pua is a dead end pit for degenerates and cuck paypigs
Man I hope your anger doesnt come from your inability to talk to women. And then not wanting to learn social skills? Sad
I don't understand how somebody can be such a fucking loser that they turn to PUA losers and they legitimately think that people who actually have real lives are just fapping all day, LMAO
Pathetic fag
Surprised he didn't mention Hitler around the 13 minute mark.
Roosh talked about how most men lack basic social skills now.
Also just smashing pussy is about the same as just fucking a fleshlight
Good luck spreading your genes faggot
Says the guy who looks for one night stands wearing rubbers every night LMAO
Pathetic sack of shit!
my anger comes from living in this hellscape surrounded by hellish kike golems like you, and your projection is just hilarious because the only reason any nigger brained idiot goes to PUA to "learn social skills" is because they are utter abysmal failures incapable of speaking to women, or anybody at all, at any level whatsoever
I dont need a squeaky voice effeminate subhuman like Tyler to teach me anything about interpersonal communications. I definitely do not need him to teach me basic conditioning fundamentals to use on women like trick so that I can commit onanism and use a whore like a public toilet.
this balding faggot is a pickup artist?
Phone poster...YIKES
couldn't get through this, he's too much of a onions for me to take him seriously as a pickup artist.
tyler did this 10y+ ago, but it was less exlicit
he lured people in with fancy 'fuck sluts' marketing and then taught you what was right
favourite balding ginger of all time 10/10
Yes, this
Best I can do at work
women cost money, if I just jerk off to porn instead I can spend my money on my hobbies. I garden, but I also play with electronics. user I've practically automated my lawn mower and a sprinkler system for my garden.
I wouldn't have afforded that if I had to pay for shitty fancy diners or gifts for some dumb useless bitch.
You dont have to spend money on girls, question your assumptions about how women actually work, user.
you'll never be a real man like Matt Forney
>I used to think these guys were sinister and cringeworthy
Because you're either some desexed bugman who thinks men wanting to sleep with women is somehow unnatural or "sinister" or you bought the media outcry about PUA communities being full of date rapists when most are just autists who can't talk to girls learning how to do it by method rather than charisma/charm/organically.
Because everyone is basically a secret pick up artist and women are slutty af.
There's no need to learn any skills.
Show tits.
they only care about material possessions. they're like puppies that pretend to love you for free food.
Not all of them are like that, question your assumptions about women, user, this attitude wont bring you very far
Alexander Grace put out a video how the PUA scene has changed to "be the best man that you can be" scene.
why are germans so goddamn autistic?
While it's true women don't date white guys anymore but online prostitution made the whole dating game no more of an issue, so PUA doesn't exist anymore unless you're non-white.
He is right though, especially about oxytocin. It's a very well documented fact and the main reason along with STDs (HPV is transmitted even with a condom) why promiscuity is neither healthy for you, for your future loved one or for society as a whole.
3/10 bait - too obvious.
>"It'd be sad if it wasn't so sick."
is something men think women would say but they don't.
Maybe try to simplify your next bait?
actually it is a 4/10 bait - you got a lot of (you)s
PUA is an r-selected thing.
Resources and migration have not made the women very MUCH more k-selected... but they have moved out of the r-range that allows PUA to be a thing.
its not even an art anymore
purely functional and animalistic, just a transaction
feelz bad man