SJW's new fashion, sweet tea with carb balls, this chink shit is nothing but body weight.
The fuck is with liberal women and boba tea
Are you the neo-nazi Andy Rooney? It's been around for a decade plus retard. Cute huwhite girls will never hug you and look as pleased as they do with that giant novelty boba tea. I get it user.
It tastes good and it's modern and hip
Yeah I think this went out of fashion at least 5 years ago. It was "new" 15 years ago. Stupid gimmick, women love it.
desu Asian bubble tea is pretty good desu
it's great to feel those balls pop in your mouth
not the black ones, they're though, but some fruit juice balls are delicious
Women like whatever hotter women like and hot women like whatever the media tells them is hip. Idk why this bothers people, every white man knows that all other lifeforms are born to be slaves. It's just nature
not to mention some girls are getting so constipated that they are going to the er since the balls arent able to be completely broken down
Woman are dumb conformist drones.
With the exception of a handful of woman on the right and libertarian spheres and the very rare semi hippie or health conscious woman I have NEVER met an exceptions.
It's worth keeping in mind due to my jobs I have met 1000s of woman.
Literally sugar water plus artificial cream, super high profit margin, that's why jews are oping boba stores like no tomorow.
It's in fashion, it's all over the palce in commiefornia.
>boba tea
Pick one ricenigga.
I saw it like 10 years ago when I visited LA - disgusting.
seems to have spread to western roasties via koreaboo social media. Just like how it used to be starbucks glued to their hands in their pathetic vain selfies, bubble tea is the latest item to be pictured with to gain those precious likes. Chasing clout on social media is the mark of the true NPC.
>Andy Rooney
what if i chase (You)'s on the dark web conspiracy website known as 4tran
it's better than chasing (thumb)'s on normienet for virtue signalling or thotposting.
As well as rewarding bait and outrageous shitposting we are the only place left on the internet that rewards thinking outside the box and against the grain without the punishment of mass downboats/banhammer/swarms of outraged normies.
Good have you seen how skinny zoomer bitches are? Those anorexic slags NEED as much body Weight as they can get.
This was popular when I was in high school in the mid 2000s, guess it is back
Bubble tea has been around for ages, even my podunk Slav hometown serves this shit
thanks fren
So, tapioca?
Where do you live where this is novelty lmao
women like drinking sugary liquids and pretending to be cultured, this lets them do both at the same time
Japs started to meme it because their hivemind hasn't really tasted boba tea en masse before and everyone realized it's pretty good, so Koreans copied them because Korea copies the entirety of Jap culture, and Libs love Koreans so they copied them.
That's it.