What etnicity can claim him
This is pharaoh ramzes the second
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Balding and a pointy nose! I (((wonder)))
Let my people...stay
fruit roll-up
Definitely not KANGZ
>Red head with R1b haplogroup
Looks like stereotypical medieval monk.
Looks like a kike
wait for the DNA tests, don't be a nigger, but high likely of Indo-European ancestry just because of the red hair, the nose is a hint of midle eastern ancestry, so it could be a mutt, BUT, WAIT FOR THE MUTHAFUCKING DNA TESTS
His skull is Armenoid but has blond hair (in a similar hairstyle modern Arabs have). Racially, he's Cusho-Egyptian, just without much negro mixture.
>inb4 Canadian WE WUZ user comes in
sure isn't negroids
6000 year old hook
mfw races do not exist
I believe he would be a Hamite, a descendant of Noah's son Ham, who moved south from Mt. Araraat in Turkey to populate the Kingdom of the South, Egypt.
Seeing that man, like that, answers the question: why did the devil want Moses' body so bad.
Pretty much everyone except blacks right? Which is a bit ironic considering its in africa.
AKA Hebrew.
Suck on a 9mm chink.
>we still don't have DNA of Ramesses II
Gee, I wonder what the so-called "geneticists" are doing.
I think, don't quote me on this, it's the Egyptian faget in charge cockblocking all mummies from being DNA tested, they will get tested eventually, don't worry
>are doing.
playing wow, watching netflix, watching youtube
Note that all ancient hair - humans, other mammals, doesn't matter - turns a reddish tint over time, so don't assume that's what he had in life. In fact he probably didn't.
Looks roman to me.
this argument is debunked in the wikipedia article about Ramses II
Probably was blond or light brown.
Apparently, the earliest actual red hair samples were in eastern Europe and an isolate in modern-day Jordan.
Looks like Swedish royal.
>Jow Forums: HuuR DUrr, canT FiguRE it OUt!
>be mummy
>Have your flesh contract around your bones
Da joos!
100% KANG.
I remember that guy. Didn't he used to sing for the Prodigy?
Egypt you fucking idiots
Clearly Dinaroid master race
He was Egyptian. A lot of them are blacks with straight hair. His hair was also not red but white(he died when he was 90).
Maybe some of those Pharaohs were white but not that one, those facial features are 100% African.
>He was a nigger with black straight hair
>But on the pic he is a ginger
>But he died having white hair
>But having straight hair, small nose and jaw not in line with nose like whites have are typical for niggers
Based mizri jew
North Africa has never been black.
Mmh straight hair... reddish blonde (maybe decoloured but maybe not), light to amber skin.
It must definitely have been a sub saharan african!
Look exactly like Reinhard Heydrich
Nigs have beaks
What if Nazi Germany was just a repeat of the Exodus?
Kick yourself out, blame somebody else, set up a new state.
Didn't Kalergi imply that Europe wouldn't be similar to Ancient Egypt in the future?
And that Jews are the spiritual nobility of Europe?
>*would be similar
Me on the bottom
Doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is how much cock you've sucked. Did you suck the balls as well? Swallow the hot load?
top kek. the canadian is a bottom
He has a very prominent mediterranean nose, that's for sure.
The ancient Egyptians were wiped out by race mixing with the Arabs. So yeah, that's the route Europe is going in
>In 2000 years the last remaining Whites will be the diaspora
Aren't red heads quite common in Berbers?
Berbers are indigenous to North Africa.
Go figure. Case closed
>It's just dye
You are conflating the "jew" with Israelites
Not one mention of the word Jew in Exodus or before 2 Kings.
None of you have actually read the bible
There's no way those beards are not artificially colored.
The descent
dying beard red is the only vanity a muslim is allowed.
the symbols given to the 12 tribes of israel only show up in european coat of arms
Beef jerky isn't an ethnic group
I didn't say he had black hair, I did say he was 90 years old so his hair was white and turned red in the mummification process.
They aren't "niggers" they're Egyptians classified as white in America. Pic related lol.
>the bible
fuck that, jews are jews. Remove kebab.
Egyptians of course. But Egyptians haven't been around for centuries, they are all Masrian Arabs now over there.
The mouth doesn't match very well, Nice find on the nose though. Still Egyptian.
Why are these low lifes always trying to get whites into their struggles. The Egyptian were never white, they were poo shade or semite shits even some up to arab brown.
Ukrainian, because that chin is feta AF.
Most Egyptians look distinctly African.
Typical leaf.
The baldspot. The light brown hair that's been bleached over time.
>Most 2019 Egyptians.
defiantly american
Egyptians haven't been displaced.
Hope these answer you question
There have been immigrants, new leadership, and changes in religion but the core ethnic group remains mostly unchanged.
>obvious wig
Fuck off, nigger.
>Comprising 60% of the Egyptian population,[9] the fellahin lead humble lives and continue to live in mud-brick houses like their ancient ancestors.[1] Their percentage was much higher in the early 20th century, before the large influx of Egyptian fellahin into urban towns and cities. In 1927, anthropologist Winifred Blackman, author of The Fellahin of Upper Egypt, conducted ethnographic research on the life of Upper Egyptian farmers and concluded that there were observable continuities between the cultural and religious beliefs and practices of the fellahin and those of ancient Egyptians.[10]
Some other groups that have been representing Egyptian demographics for all of known history.
Ancient Egypt also had more diversity in the distance past, with very sub-Saharan groups such as the Mangbetu(elongated skull instrument crafters) and Twa(Pygmy) peoples. Among others I don't know how to name whether from the west, south, north, or east. Egyptians were very generous with the artwork and heiroglyphs that they left us.
That's a worker, they didn't wear wigs.
Those are Arabs, not Egyptians.
>there are even leaf niggers
What a brave new world, T.B.H.
If the Egyptians are subsaharan, then pretty soon the Italians and even the Britons become subsaharan as well. KANGZ!
More generally, Levantine/Middle Eastern.
Ah how refreshing ; the politics of endless and pointless debates on the possible ethnicity of some damn old mummified corpse, you live in the past or what? Armchair scientist ? Necrophiliac ? Live now & OP sucks megacocks...
They came from Ethiopia.