What goes on here in this region?
Central Europe
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average-cost labour for german industry. Nothing more to it desu.
I really respect the Visegrad Group, and West Slavs and Magyars in general. The way I see it, you guys look like the bridge between EU imperialism and Russian post-commie sphere. Is this accurate description?
literally needs to become an actual state. those four countries plus lithuania and reannexing kalinigrad. buffer to keep out rusroaches and keep homos in germany at check.
Barbarianism. Civilization is here.
>Is this accurate description?
To a degree yeah.
This whole region after 1989 was organized by Germany really. In Poland additionally it was USA, until today is sort of.
>Actual Progress
That makes no sense since Poland and Hungary saw the east as being underdeveloped frontier that was uncivilized. Makes sense since the Pontic steppes are hell.
Nothing interesting at all, just make sure to fuck off
Meanie. I have no desire to migrate there, I’m a West Slavophile ffs
>central Europe
The funniest of the Polish copes. They are EasternEuropeans and everything that goes along with that.
>I have no desire to migrate there
to have 3-4 months of warm weather and sun, and then darkness and cold? North-Eastern Europe is for special people!
pierogi & bigos
>They are EasternEuropeans and everything that goes along with that.
means what? Here's a study of how often people were willing to return a lost wallet and Poland didn't do badly.
This. We have journalist's to kill. Or rather our post communistic politicians that are tied up with mafians and "our guy". For example Jan Kuciak.
Austria needs to join. So does Croatia and Slovenia. Then, just dig up an old Habsburg, and it'll be good to go.
Unfortunately no. It's the Rottenchilds' sandbox. No hope here.
cheap cigs
i am Slovak and i can genuinely tell you i am ashamed to be part of this godforsaken nation that actually knows that 70%+ of politicians are crooks of mafia and people don´t even trust each other, Bratislava is not Slovak city, tourist will come and go, yeah, but those who live there are either folk from east that just moves back home during weekend and or the "locals" who just preach how much of a plebs the rest of country is
i was once an Slavic idealist, because while studying history of our nation i see that we have ridiculous amount of untapped potential that is simply ignored and unnurtured
Slovakia has no culture, only cultural heritage that nobody really cares about
people are mean to each other
but will be nice when drinking with you
i want to go out but i watch the west, and the west is no better you should have civil war decade ago
Oh fuck, it appears I am actually a jew..
meat and potatoes
East Europeans are based because they've experienced fascism, nazism, communism, and capitalism one right after the other. They're under no illusions that capitalism translates to golden apples hanging from every tree. Most retired people in Hungary actually had it easier under Kadar and the communists.
Poles, Hungarians and Czechosolvaks have been invaded and "liberated" so many times that they're no longer easily fooled by words alone.
we are still dancing around EU cuck racial policies and trying to not get cucked ourselves
And yet the normies took the bait of a blonde woman and a (((liberal))) to add to it for fucking president
>The funniest of the Polish copes.
How is it specifically a Polish cope? Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, Slovak, etc. all her mad when their region is called Eastern Europe, because commie days are long gone. Why single out Poles, bong?
>They are EasternEuropeans and everything that goes along with that.
Define Eastern European. It’s a very broad term without a definitive description. If we’re talking from a geographical perspective, then all these countries are in the center of Europe, thus Central. If we’re talking from a cultural standpoint, these are Catholic/Latinate and Protestant/Hussite nations, so they’re Western. If we’re talking about genetics, they are Slavic so eastern
>Central Europe
What. The Baltics are northeast Europe, specifically Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Not Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary
Fuck no. Why would they want German and Balkan niggers in it?
Poland is North-Eastern. Even the Northern War in 18. century involved Sweden, Russia and Poland-Lithuania.
North = countries above Roman Empire, where there's little sun and where it's cold.
>Poland is North-Eastern.
Surely you can’t be this studid? Poland is geographically in the center of Europe. Literally textbook Central. The countries to the northeast of Poland are in northeast Europe, and those are the Baltic states. Poland is not in this category at all.
>Even the Northern War in 18. century involved Sweden, Russia and Poland-Lithuania.
Northern =/= Northeast
>North = countries above Roman Empire, where there's little sun and where it's cold.
So Romania is cold/north now?
>North = countries above Roman Empire, where there's little sun and where it's cold.
Since when is there little sun in the Visegrad nations? I just took a trip from Czechia, to Poland, to Slovakia, to Ukraine, then to Hungary. None of these countries were cold, let alone had little sun. Something tells me you’re a LARP.
Fucking hilarious, americans lecturing europeans about what is eastern europe and what isn't
>So Romania is cold/north now?
Lol this. His reasoning is beyond autistic. He dare LARPs under a Polish flag yet doesn’t know basic geography, let alone the climate of his own nation.
He’s def some Bong or Burger on a VPN who hasn’t been to Europe once in his life.
Brits and G*rmans lecturing anyone on anything is ironic
I'd say East European are those Europeans who lived behind the Iron Curtain or were part of the Warsaw Pact (Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus) or who lived in Romania and Yugoslavia. Honorary members also include the Baltic countries.
How do you know the user he is responding to is a European? Matter of fact, how do we know you’re a German and not just some LARP using a VPN?
U could be some fat slob from Minnesota for all we know
Romania was also part of the Warsaw Pact tho, and Baltic states were directly in the USSR. Why split/fragment them like that? I understand Yugoslavia since they weren’t part of the Pact however but still commie
Europe is a little older than America to put it mildly. Let alone older than the fucking warsaw pact.
>Since when is there little sun in the Visegrad nations?
>So Romania is cold/north now?
Romania was part of the RE.
>Northern =/= Northeast
Northern War involved Poland-Lithuania, Sweden and Russia. Which is why they called the war Northern.
Your pic doesn’t even have a source attached to it.
>Romania was part of the RE
Yes, and it was the northernmost part of the Empire. Judging by the logic you used, it should be “cold” and “with little sun”, despite the fact that is not true.
It's the badlands. You need at least 8 spell points and a golden suit of armour with an enchanted sword. The skies are filled with flying troglodytes and communists stalk the land at midnight. Now turn to page 75 to begin your adventure.
Romania was part of the Warsaw Pact but it had a "special relationship" with the group. For example, Ceaucescu did not send Romanian tanks to Prague in 1968 (neither did the DDR), but this didn't matter because he was firmly in control as a Stalinist. Even so, Romania had Most Favored Nation trading status with the US beginning with Nixon. Romania was to the Warsaw Pact what France was to NATO.
Poland is literally in the eastern part of Europe. I know they don’t like communist connection but it’s just geography.
For me, anything Slavic is Eastern European because Slavs are an eastern people. The German speaking countries are Central Europe.
Famine and black pox. Nothing to see there, carry on.
>Poland is literally in the eastern part of Europe.
Poland is literally in the center part of Europe. Look at a map, mate.. if you take the boundary of Urals all the way to Portugal, Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania become the contenders of having the geographic midpoint of Europe.
>I know they don’t like communist connection but it’s just geography.
It’s not though, since they never were called eastern until they were communist. They were referred to as eastern nexuses of the Iron Curtain and politics, not geography.
>For me, anything Slavic is Eastern European because Slavs are an eastern people.
It’s not about you though, it’s about facts. And the only Slavs that are eastern are East and South Slavs because they’re Eastern Christian/Orthodox. Poles, Czechs, Slovaks are West Slavs with Latinate/West Christian influence and cultural norms (eg. Magdeburg Rights)
>The German speaking countries are Central Europe.
These countries had large German speaking minorities in the past. And Nords like Swedes clearly aren’t in the Center of Europe..
Dude, just fuck type "sunlight europe" in Google. Why the fuck are you so stubborn?
>Poland is literally in the eastern part of Europe
Yes and the consequences are pic related.
Thats basically how everyone in Europe understands it. Historically, culturally, linguistically.
Burgers are fucking annoyingly ignorant.
Still more sunlight than Bongistan and Scandinavia. Your own map fucking proved his point, idiot.
Who’s everyone? You don’t speak for anyone, niemiec.
Maybe because we’re so far West but I don’t really consider that European.
Go from Dublin to Moscow and Poland is Eastern
Slabs are a tribe from the east. So they’re Eastern European genetically and geographically
He’ll be calling England a Med country next
>Still more sunlight than Bongistan and Scandinavia. Your own map fucking proved his point, idiot.
But Sweden has more sunlight than UK as well you cretin.
Northern Europe = non-Roman Europe, Germanic and Slavic