He hasn't said a fucking WORD about any of the corruption we're seeing. That's weird, alright? I wonder if he's a government witness already.
Anyone else find it KIND OF WEIRD that Barack Obama isn't defending himself?
Other urls found in this thread:
did you forget about the construction at Guantanamo?
No, I did not.
But if you were watching your legacy get dragged through piss and shit, wouldn't you AT LEAST defend your name?
He's not doing ANYTHING.
That is fucking WEIRD.
He's cashed out, he doesn't need to.
What corruption fucknut?
MSM is covering for him.
That's the stupidest fucking thing ive ever heard.
Be lazier. You cant.
I sincerely hope he goes to jail. I can't stand that uppity nigger.
Watergate electric boogaloo remix
MSM credibility is in the toilet, so Im afraid that excuse doesn't hold up.
Why defend yourself when your fans o it for you?
Yeah. He has most definitely made a deal with the Justice Department.
He doesn't want any part of it. He doesn't even seem like he cares about the fact that his "legacy" is being destroyed.
>Be lazier. You cant.
Watch me:
>Who cares?
Exact same level of laziness.
Swing and miss more. you can't.
He did his part trying to normalize himself with the tranny bs.
He also cashed out by selling us out to the insurance lobby.
He's a nigger, he doesn't care, he was owed it.
Plus, the history books don't want it known that he's a pedo hotdog smoker president.
Bad optics
He used three words. I used two. 50% lazier, faggot. If anything, you're the lazy nigger because you keep forgetting
kys newfag
He is more egomaniacal than just that. Recall his quote about wishing to see "millions" of Barack Obamas running around planet earth. This is what the Epstein tier and above are up to. Finalizing advanced genetic offspring and then culling the world, restarting with just the progeny of the elite.
Of course Barack wants to be a generational conqueror like Genghis Khan.
now we're talking.
Apply that same effort to OP so you don't sound like an asshole clown farting up the board, idiot.
If you were the president for 8 years would you not have spent every day of them looking forward to the time when some total douchebag isnt sticking a camera in your face?
I mean I hate this fake american but seriously.
When have you ever seen a sitting president not dissapear after his term? It happens.
>Barack wants to be a generational conqueror
sooo shouldn't he be defending himself?
this thought dawned on me right around the time you posted this. just found this thread. get out of my brain, fren
>apply that same effort to OP
>is OP
nigger r u 4 real?
He gains nothing by exposing himself to scrutiny, he made a ton of money already, he's safe
why the fuck would you run your mouth in his situation? top commoner, do you even operate?
>When have you ever seen a sitting president not dissapear after his term?
GW Bush, by far, spent plenty of time in the limelight since leaving. He was also glad to weigh in on Trump during the 2016 election, which broke tradition of past presidents not shitting on new contenders.
He's too busy still directing the raiding and destruction, and that requires stealth.
MSM's credibility is just fine with plenty of libtards who, conveniently, are the ablative shield around lefty politicians - particularly Obongo.
When the next administration carries on all of your policies pretty much to the letter with the exception of getting punked like nobody's business by Iran, what on earth would make anyone feel like they need to "defend" themselves?
The way trumpniggers can ignore actual reality and just suck up narrative after the last two administrations is nothing short of breathtaking. It's hard to believe people could be this dumb.
Lmao. I spoke an ameribro that got gangstalked because he told everyone jokingly that Obama is the antichrist. Poor chap.
Bear in mind, if the good guys lose, the good guys will be who fills those new cells.
Carter, Clinton .... it's tradition for the modern libturd to be POTUS for life... so we know the nigger foreigner 2x unqualified not natural born fraud is still up to no good
>GW Bush, by far, spent plenty of time in the limelight since leaving.
what a fuckin joke - nearly a ghost
you're retarded
>What corruption
What year would you like to start in?
no shit he's not gonna defend himself he's gonna keep quite and then all the normies who know will forget about it in a week
Clinton playbook:
Ignore until you can't
deny until you cant
Dismiss as no big deal after public reaches conclusion you are guilty but will face no consequences
He busy spending money he never earned on mansions (1 in Chicago, in DC, and now (pic related) on Martha's Vineyard).
Note his bravery: he's totally unphased by the incoming rising sea levels. Such elan!
Yeah but Carter at least seemed to be actively helping people(H4H, etc). Clinton shut up for about 2 years before starting on his little rage tour of the media, throwing a fit about how people were daring to lay any blame for 9/11 on him. He's an amazing actor, I'll give him that.
Peter Jennings died very soon after this interview. Guess he shouldn't have gone there.
What if he already completed his goal?
>He hasn't said a fucking WORD about any of the corruption we're seeing.
Why would he? He's not president anymore.
>nearly a ghost
Explain how, faggot. We couldn't stop hearing about his damned paintings, he kept doing photo ops with soldiers, then of course palling around with his buddy Bill. Then he had the audacity to call out Trump, and Trump alone in the 2016 election. Second only to Carter in how high profile he was, and Carter was at least justified because he was a one-term disaster and wanted to secure a legacy. Bush should have shut up and gone away and he refused.
Keeping his mouth shut and staying out of politics is the smartest thing he's done. No need to comment on anything being said.
because his legacy matters to him you fucking heeb.
why else.
Obama is VERY active right now. Don't be fooled just because you don't see him interviewed on CNN every night.
>Why would Barack Obama shoot his mouth off about something?
After eight years of Obama spending more time on talk shows than in the Oval Office, anyone who legitimately asks this question is an automatic nigger.
What does imply?
I was slightly right of Obama 08 but a registered Democrat, by the standards used here. Now, in the same place as I was a decade ago... I am considered far right.
And it seems like 4chinz has swung as far right as reddit/twitter/facebook have swung left. It's weird to watch. This timeline is a trip.
Anyways... can I go with...
>Republicans were more right-wing in 2012 than in 2016
>Republicans were more right-wing voting for Romney than for Trump
Uh huh.
A letter lives in your head, rent-free.
Are you implying they weren't?
He's got his money. He doesn't give a fuck.
>Be retarded
>Get made fun of
>haha I live in your head
Youre a brainlet thats been pacified by the q psyop
If you think supporting Romney was a more right-wing position than voting Trump, you don't understand the political spectrum.
>get called on it
>lol i wuz makin fun of U, nigger
Kettle calling the pot...
>amnesty for illegals
>war with Russia
>wall being built
>individual mandate repealed
>no new wars
what's confusing you, faggot? the english language?
The DHS and DOJ have been weaponized against anyone that advocates for white people, and this has been carried out by trump appointees, but somehow patriots are in control.
Am I a shill? Do you think it's more likely that a shadowy network of good guys are operating behind the scenes despite everything getting worse, or that some glownigger realized that trump's base wanted blood but could be pacified until it was too late with a simple larp?
>Anyone else find it KIND OF WEIRD that Barack Obama isn't defending himself?
He's still cashing out. So of course, he won't sully his cashing-out process. The other thing about getting involved is that people will then attack him for all the things wrong in his administration such as the corruption. Right now, it's quiet and that helps him cash out.
The other thing is probably he is sick of the political backstabbing along with how certain problems get ignored or held hostage for the sake of politics. He's commented in an interview before about how the seriously bad things that were revealed to him once he took office made him feel like jumping out of the window. He had black hair when he started the job, and after one term, he started to have a lot of white hairs appear.
>Peter Jennings died very soon after this interview.
>Guess he shouldn't have gone there.
Noticing that I explicitly making fun of your larp and then repeating this observation is not getting called out you dumb boomer. I wish otherchan was still up so you could go be cancer somewhere else.
>not realizing trump is a business Democrat
>cherry picks issues
You'll have a better grasp for politics once you leave high school kiddo
>everything getting worse
>Obamacare insurance mandate gone
>tax cuts for all income groups
>VA gutted and veteran benefits improved
>planned parenthood defunded
>wall being built
>Dodd-Frank gutted
>Right-To-Try legislation passed
>transgender bathroom bullshit gone
>transgenders purged from military
>paris climate accord and iran deal gone
>NAFTA gone, new trade deals with China and Mexico
>economic policies favoring domestic manufacturing
>two supreme court justices, new judges in every level of the courts
>no new wars, korean war ended
>Fake it until you make it.
Best answer.
Also, as soon as he starts making statements, it could open himself up to more questions.
He hasn't really said shit about Spygate either, except a non-denial through a mediator.
>cherry picks issues
>immigration, health care, war
Yeah, I was really cherry picking, there.
he has spoken
Why do you think he wold say anything?
He’s not speaking because he was threatened by the king of the shadow people and as all of you know it takes the strongest of fairy magic to keep them away but evil people can’t be protected by fairy magic so he has no chance
>Wall being built
The secret wall?
Where the wall you fucking boomer, show me where the wall is. I know you're a goddamn boomer because you post from that old jew show designed to softsell the opening stages of the cancer that has taken over our country.
The supreme court justices are still cucks and our country is still being overrun by shitskin hordes, and as for the tranny shit it's being pushed more than ever
You ahve no idea what the fuck is going on
>noticing that I am continuing to perpetrate a LARP through shit-tier memes isn't calling me out
>Where the wall you fucking boomer, show me where the wall is
oh look, it's a 2017 shill
I notice you ignored every other point, because you're a shitty shill.
Ok retard
I bet you'll keep trusting the plan until your thridworld care provider smothers you with a pillow in the nursing home your children never visit
The first thing any defense attorney will tell you when you are guilty of a crime is for you to shut the fuck up.
He's lawyered up, and his lawyers are telling him to shut the fuck up.
Can't lose if you don't play. BA-Rock the vote is a sly one.
Cool, I like how he's walking next to refurbished wall.
You know he could have actually built the whole thing already right? Secured funds for all of it as the president has the right to secure any funding necessary for antional defense - but he didn't do that because he's a lying faggot
I don't give a fuck about your other talking points because I supported this guy to SAVE THE FUCKING COUNTRY FROM AN INVASION AND THAT ISN'T HAPPENING. I don't give a fuck about anything else.
I haven't spoken in favor of Q once, shitcunt. I think Q is a failed LARP and needs to go away. You're the one keeping that LARP relevant with your shit-tier meme. I called you out on that and all you can respond with
when I'm literally the opposite. holy shit. amazing how the king nigger threads bring the tards to the surface.
He's hoping all his sycophants clean up his mess before the trail leads back to him.
good points.
>no iran war
>no korean war
both are friggin huge, but i'll be honest, the wall isn't being built and more spics are coming in. things are good, but we are still heading toward calamity with the invasion of mexicans.
So you're not a qtard but you still think that something is happening to king nigger in the background?
Nothing is going to ahppen to any of these people, trump sold out. Go find a local community and get ready because there's nothing left here
>what wall
>refurbished wall
you get credit for not calling it a fence. guess you're a 2019 shill. kudos.
>I don't give a fuck about your other talking points because
You said
>everything getting worse
I showed you how you were wrong, and your response
That's fine. Everything, though, is not getting worse, and that's clear since you don't have an argument for the list of improvements I made.
Barack Obama is long gone. What you're watching is a deep fake.
Your whole life is a deep fake.
How is it weird...
He's manipulating from behind as usual... also... all the dirt against him is true... why dig a bigger hole?
>you still think that something is happening to king nigger in the background?
hey faggot, feel free to quote where I said anything like that. I called you out for your shit meme and you sperged out. take your meds, schizo.
>Haha everything isn't on fire therefore trump is great
As for the refurbished wall cope, do you not understand that NO NEW WALL HAS BEEN BUILT? They literally just walk around that shit, it doesn't matter how much better you make it when there are gaps in protection the size of entire countries
>It's fine that our country is becoming a third world shithole, bcus everything isn't getting worse. My stocks are doing good and I'll retire to thailand soon to fuck ladyboys
Obama has been around liberals enough to know to just shut the fuck up and not apologize
So you're not a qtard, you just get angry at people you attacking the q meme?
Ok retard
Too busy running netflix
Good point bump
Both parties want immigrants. Democrats for votes, Republicans for cheap labor. Democrats spoke of building a "barrier" multiple times. They just hate anything Trump does and are hypocritical just to oppose him
>Health Care
What has Trump done for health care? We still have niggercare and you're still fined if you aren't (((insured)))
Republicans generally like wars. Did we forget who put is the middle east after 9/11
>gay marriage
Romney is Mormon and wouldn't support gay marriage like Trump
Again, Romney is more right on this topic than Trump
Both are cucked on this Topic
Trump is more left leaning. He just seems "far right" because the Democrats have gone full throttle towards the left.
I suggest lurking more before posting. It's clear you don't understand the political atmosphere of this country
uh huh
You've talked about that LARP more than anyone in this thread. Clearly, the biggest Qtard is you. I'm making fun of that fact, as well as your hilarious denial.
OBama the snitch.