Thoughts on Mexico and Mexicans?
Thoughts on Mexico and Mexicans?
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The most powerful people in the world
No bueno
I realy dont understand from where cartel brutality comes from.
Other nations have mafia and shit but central American cartels take the cake
In Honduras there was 8000 murders in a year, thats about 20 every day that are reported, who knows how much unreported shit goes on.
For such a small nation so much blatant brutality and murder is off the charts.
it's just in their blood, the Aztecs were cannibals and practiced mass sacrifices just for shits and giggles.
Good luck, stay out.
Warrior gene
Thats terrible heritage.
A decade or two more and Honduras is no more, literally killed itself.
Rape genes from castile criminals
There isnt much fighting but rather mass executions everywhere around.
Some animalistic sadist nature prevalent for sure.
>castile criminals
The first thing Cortés did is banning cannibalism.
Also, "Malvinas" are actually called Falklands.
The lowest tier of the latino tier list. Pretty decent food though. I love Taco Bell.
I don't care "Malvinas" or whatever they are called, for my are a couple of shity islands, and the conquistadores where criminals from extremadura and la mancha, (cortez too)
ok, indio
I always thought latin americas are catholic the most, we say here that they are bigger catholics than pope and yet again biggest crime rates are happening. How so ?
they didn't have enough time to become truly civilized imho
Well, there are Christian niggers in Africa that literally eat Muslims if that tells you anything.
World is realy a fucked up place.
I like the mexibros here on Jow Forums, dont really care what Mexicans do in Mexico, not much of a fan of being surrounded and taken over by the beaner dregs of Mexican society in my own country.
The average Mexican can easily beat up the shit of the average Serbian in a street fight
Nuke Mexico.
Kill all Mexicans.
Gas them, shoot them, give them the rope -- just kill them all.
Just my humble opinion on the matter.
I don't know.
It's probably the Aztec and other Amerindian DNA.
Is Lee dead? usually hes the second or thrid guy to post on threads with a OP pic from horse stuff outside mulp
All of those guys fight for shit, that fat one just had w8 advantage to win.
Thats some highschool drama.
Fun place to visit and generally friendly people.
They mow my lawn real good then sell me some really good drugs.
Northern mexicans are OK. It’s the central and southern mexicans that are violent degenerates.
How come central americas lag so much behind in catholic numbers, less pilgremage ?
Why is that?
I've only been to Tijuana and Ensenada, both of which felt very safe.
Childhood is the only time in life when the fat kid has the upper hand in a fight. Fully developed adult fat fucks almost always lose.
They are pretty based. A lot of the migrants that come in are more traditional than liberal whites. Also, a lot of the second generation males voted for Trump in the last election. First generations votes left which is shit tho.
The northern mexicans are mostly castizo farmers, military members, business, capitalists who do business with the US; people with more Spanish blood and less Indian blood. The southern mexicans are mostly communist mestizos.
Generaly true but there are some fat blokes that hide some serious power under fat layers but they are very easy to destinguish from regular fat fuck that loses breath after 1 minute burst, then its over.
Where's Barneyfag when you need him?
Love a Mexican cock in my mouth. Lay the spicy bean burrito on my tongue, shoot that hot sauce down my throat.
Stop larping paco and go clean the white man's yard
You must think posting this makes you real epic
This, but just the ones in the United States.
But it doesn't
Why can't you just fuck off
What the hell's wrong with you
>Lay the spicy bean burrito on my tongue, shoot that hot sauce down my throat.
you got me
Why can't you just leave people alone
For fuck's sakes
Like at some point, you thought posting what you did would make you epic
GO back to honduras brayan and stop larping as huwite
But it really doesn't
Disgusting "people" desu. We should nuke Mexico.
What made you like this
Absolutely based
The fuck's wrong with you
I don't know what your goal is here
are you saying you recognize the OP pic from something pony related?
>generic Stone Age bullshit
>muh proud warrior ancestors
Yeah it's pretty obvious OP saw this thread
The "one post with this ID" marker doesn't help matters either.
Love em, they're great! The Best!
Wasn't asking you
>it's pretty obvious
No it isn't
The fuck is wrong with you
What are you even trying to prove
You're not superior to anyone here
How did you even think this would be constructive to your development
What the fuck is wrong with YOU?
hard workers, good worker bees
good at making food
cannot manage or run anything
to lead in mexico means to be entitled and lazy
What made you think doing this would make you look any better
just fuck off already
fuck off
>every user on Jow Forums who hates spics must be a spic larping as a white nationalist
you can trust me when I tell you I'm being serious.
don't you have some gangster in a rival cartel to mutilate?
Hard workers, but produce terrible crime-ridden countries.
just fuck off
Coming from someone who has been to Spain, Mexicans aren't that much darker or more POC looking than Spaniards. Amerimutts are just retards who buy the commodified dissent of Republican politicians.
Fuck all of the beaniggers. You're the same pest as blackies, only a better organized.
>Thoughts on Mexico and Mexicans?
Schools are full of them.
Politicians created this mess getting rich while the citizen/taxpayer got stuck with the bill.
my neighbor just told me her nephew got chopped into pieces. They took DNA samples from the parents and foresics started to arm the puzzle. He got killed along with his wife, who was pregnant, also mutilated.
Don't mess with cartels boys.
Plus, I had to talk to a cartel plaza boss because I got into a fight with one of them and tried to stab me. The problem wasn't that he was trying to kill me, the problem is that he mentioned he worked for the plaza, which I don't fucking give a damn about them because I don't consume neither distribute drugs. I'm still fucking scared shitless. The plaza boss told me they wouldn't be messing with me or my family. It's a fucking awful feeling you can't have a nice fist fight nowadays without cartels getting involved.
srsly fuck off
We've been killing and fighting each other ever since our settlement, we need to go extinct.
What's wrong with you
why are you like this
I bet they could pull off some serious shit if they would get their act together
Strong back weak mind. Just they way America likes it's slave labor force. Mow my lawn! Pick my Vegetables, Mob the floors. The illegals are nothing more that slave labor for the elites. The irony of the whole thing is funny.
>Strong back weak mind
agree, and I'm a mexican
like 1 of 100 of them is "gifted" with critical thinking and common sense
yes, like me.
the mere fact that you can actually even speak english puts you in the top 1%
and no, this is not a reason to be proud, its like being the smartest in a classroom full of retard children
The fuck is wrong with you
the one eyed man is king among the blind
You guys wouldn't believe how many fucking retarded people in here fall for the multi level marketing scam
"La red es la que te dara el dinero"
"The network is where the real profit is"
No matter how hard you try to explain to them the concept of a ponzi scheme, they all fall for it, because they are basically just some ugly brown human sized lemmings.
There is great talented people in Mexico, but they are very diluted inside this huge population of mental retardism
The country will never progress as long as the intelectual vote is worth the same as the retarded vote
Not a single political party could survive using sane and reasonable ideas, they need to give something to the lemming leaches out there
This is the real drag of any possible progress in Mexico
The fuck is wrong with you
fuck off
not really.
They kill blacks and aren't afraid of Jews.