Burger here, just visited Russia's Republic of Dagestan and I gotta say it was pretty amazing. Always heard negative things about the Kavkasians from Russians but they were hospitable and the scenery was fantastic. So the question is, even though they are muzzies do they get a white people pass? Some definitely look European, others more like Iranian or something. I know they are worshiping that black desert cardboard box but they may be the best hope for white people cuz they will never let their country be overrun by nogs, that I can guarantee. What do you think Pol?
>do they get a white people pass?
Never those roaches will get White peoples pass
No. Being a pale coon is not the same as being a white man.
Probably the most red pilled people on this Earth, god bless them.
looks turkish
>they may be the best hope for white people
kill yourself, unironically
Very beautiful people in that region. They are definitely white, Muslim or not.
All Europeans are white.
yes, they are washing their feet in a drinking fountain. Now I understand why there had to be separate drinking water fountains for niggers.
No, and you know it. They are turk/sandniggers.
They aren't even pale.
Ew. Well they’re still aesthetically perfect looking people.
>All Russians are European
No they aren’t. They’re Caucasians, not shitskins.
Tell that to your brothers in iranid armenoid raperoach genetic cluster with paternal J arab haplogroup
first you show the flag
then I'll tell you where you're wrong
only if you like excessive amounts of body hair
Correct. Non-Slavs are not Russians
never reply and talk to a georgian nigger
those black arse higglers are literal scum on earth.
Yes. North Caucasus is as white as Southern Europe.
>t. el Abominacion
J is not Arab you retarded vodkanigger.
Meanwhile the russians
Southern europe is way whiter than the caucasus region.
Yes it’s 1488% European Aryan
Russian degenerates like that are a far more rare sight than north caucasians that fuck goats lmao
0 = 0
Guys keep in mind they are obviously not Russians. Love and respect to Russia but... Dagestanis, Chechens, Kumyks, Laks... they look just as white as Italians and Iberians imo
Don’t you dare call my Kara Boğa brothers “wh*te”
Yeah, all Russians who aren’t mixed with Asian are. Chechens etc. are literally native to within the borders of Russia.
the girl is hot though, not gonna lie
I don’t like excessive, but I think this is an OK amount.
So, perfectly white. The women are quite ugly though.
who said that on average russians are degenerates? Everyone know that russians are the exact opposite.
Muslims aren't even people. How can they be white?
Those are Georgians you moron and why those “fellow Whites” can’t stick to living in their own shitholes?
You want a joke? There are like 200k+ Chechen scum in Germany and Austria and like 100k+ of Georgians in Poland. Areas far far removed from (Northern) Caucasus
These are Georgians. That guy is beautiful. But those groups are definitely Russians, and if they’re as white as Italians and Iberians, then they are perfectly white.
>they may be the best hope for white people
They are Muslims. The End.
if this
is not excessive, then I'm afraid to imagine what is. Bear fur?
Their skin might be white. But that's it.
White race is the race of creators and inventors.
>But those groups are definitely Russians
Are you retarded or what?
Caucasus wasn’t even a part of Russia just three hundred years ago. Russian = Northeastern Slavic-Baltic (sometimes some Finnic and Scandinavian) blood only
no internet, huh? you should have stayed.
Great bait
worse. much worse.
they are shitslams and literal chimps who act like niggers. and Im not even cherry picking
It’s more or less perfect IMO.
>bear fur
Yeah, ew.
They’re Russian citizens and racially European. 99% of the world considers them Russian.
>Guys keep in mind they are obviously not Russians. Love and respect to Russia but
I’m not baiting.
Pol is a board of retards
dagestanys and chtchens by pornhub stats have the biggest % of searching gay porn, far far above everything else
The ‘so-called “Russian”’ MMA fighters are all cute, except Rustam looks FAS.
They don't look like that.
They look like this.
What's the point of creating this thread, OP? You seem to know about them from fairy tales only.
what the fuck is wrong with you? Stop with your retarded homo fantasies.
Far left is a cutie.
Another groups with attractive men and ugly women.
>bricking the hamburger helper dude
I’m not a guy.
Now we need an explanation, dear italians
>never reply and talk to a georgian nigger
>those black arse higglers are literal scum on earth.
I think I should be proud of the utter horror that my tiny nation brings upon you.
Did you enjoy stalins repressions sweethurt?
Do your grandparents riddled with the stockhlm syndrome still miss him?
Why are they so poor? Why cannot they better their region?
then you should be branded and sent to africa to be with your monkey lovers
The point is to discuss; perhaps to discuss where the line is drawn.
Also I spent the last two days drinking Derbent Cognac with Dagestanis in Gunib so I think I know a thing or two about them. As for other Kavkasians I can't say.
I’m confused by your post. These are Europeans.
then show tiddies or btfo you know the rules
>Caucasian armenoid eat calling Russians mongols
Do tells us about your nogai roots
They are Russian citizens by mistake of history and the USSR not collapsing properly and racially iranid-armenoid
I mean, the point is, they are seen as Russians. Right or wrong, that’s what they’re considered.
>racially iranid-armenoid
No. The Russian thing might be debatable in Russia, but they’re undoubtedly European for sure.
>These are Europeans.
Then so are Turks, Tajiks, Iranians, Lebanese, Pakis etc.
please off yourself for trying to further mutt the race
They worship Satan.
That's actually worse than niggers, dumbass.
>then show tiddies or btfo you know the rules
Business was stated before vagene card.
You have to pull out dick because you are invoking the male identity whereas she didn't.
So out with your cock Yevgeni.
No because those ethnicities are literally not from European countries...?
>mutt the race
I’m not a racemixer. These groups are literally Caucasian from within the borders of Europe. And I wouldn’t marry one anyway since they’re Muslim, but it’s not ‘mutting.’
Is that his mother?
lol. It’s okay. He really doesn’t have to...
Mongoloid Rusnya fears a Bull from Sakartvelo
>the borders of Europe
no one cares about landmasses. It's about genetics.
In an ideal world with stronger, braver men, you would be tattood as a coal burner and sent to the congo.
how about you google it for yourself, huh?
Im just being precise, Sven. rules are rules.
Ahh, Islam is such a cutie!
tiddies, neow!
Ok. Even then, they’re Caucasians.
>coal burner
Please stop using words you don’t know the meaning of!
They're government is massively subsidized by Russia to keep them tame. These people aren't really capable of producing the civilization they live in themselves.
There is nothing "fantastic" in this shithole. And you are not a burger. Why don't you show your flag? You are a muslim shitskin and you shill for islam with a memeflag. Muslims are ready to do anything to spread islam, even lie. You pretend to insult the mecca so that people think you are not muslim. Your message simply means that islam is a hope for whites. Show your flag.
North and East Europe is where culture is at, and stayed away from typical political fuckery of today's "Europe"
Plz consider being my neighbor, I take good care of my lawn & im not nosey.
Lemme know.
>Im just being precise, Sven. rules are rules.
>lol. It’s okay. He really doesn’t have to...
I'm just trying to find the common ground here.
With that out of the way.
Have you guys been to the other side?
Ameribro in Russia or, since the thread is about Dagestan, Churka bro in USA?
The fact that gibs tame them makes them better than niggers, though.
is that woman his mom?
don't be so paranoid frog. You're acting butthurt. Sorry that your beau pays Fraaance is so full of shitskins these days.
Lying meme flag scum, fuck off.
I haven’t and don’t know how safe that’d be for an American woman desu. I’ve heard St. Petersburg is beautiful though.
>Even then, they’re Caucasians.
Which means non-white in terms of genetics.
Ukrainians are the true heirs to the KIEVIAN rus