The internet is still young but it's rituals are becoming old. Even those who've browsed pol in their early adolescence are full grown adults in their thirties. Moot has come and pass through Time itself. Jow Forums is not some obscure corner of the internet. No, this is wal-mart, and everyone's here including the fatties on their scooters.
What you call "meme magic" will become an old and weathered institution. Targeted Internet Marketing is what it's actually called, but you call it magic, because it seemed new. You will have children. They will have children. The internet will grow along them. Including Targeted Internet Marketing as it surpasses the media of old. The Stewarts of Obama and Clinton's reign. It will no longer be magic but boring stimulation through their future screens. Almost as if it's always been there.
The soul of meme magic is owning the libs. Triggering the normies and feminists and art degree baristas and CNN reporters. To it's credit, this impulse as taken your partisan efforts far. In fact, it seems to be singular driving component of your entire movement. Disturbing those who normally regulate the politically correct status quo. Liberals, most basic, in your vernacular. Swap out Democrats. Pedophiles. Mainstream Media. Whatever.
However, despite your genuine success, one wonders. All fuel is limited. The pendulum always swings back. Always. They got an articulate uppity nigger, and you got inarticulate trailer trash.
Eventually this internet cult of antagonizing the politically correct will become what it fears most. Mainstream. Inevitably, sure as death, meme magic will become the actual bonafide mainstream media. If it isn't already. Isn't Fox News the single most rated news channel? Owning the libs will actually be owning you. The pendulum will swing back.
Will it happen with Warren? Maybe.
Maybe she loses. Trump then ratifies his power until death. Maybe your dream comes true and he establishes a monarchy of Trumps.
Anyone who still supports Trump at this point clearly has a double-digit IQ, so yes, "owning da libruls" will still be an effective strategy. Send a funny tweet and make a snarky comment. The idiots clap like seals while business as usual continues.
Mason Wilson
>The pendulum always swings back. Always. Only true when fighting over the same thing, like who leads pop culture. Jow Forums is not being fought over for who directs the narritive. There is another place for that same fight, Tumblr. Tumblr and Jow Forums are in oppostie corners with differing narratives. They are a counter balance to each other. There is no pendulum to swing. Jow Forums and tumblr cancell eachother out .
Kevin Perez
I remember "memes", before christened, about bush and Cheney here. the patriot act. "climate change", then global warming, was actually the subversive joke. not denying it.
Noah Robinson
Could it not be argued this reply is yet another attempt to "own the lib", and I see it, and don't care?
How long until the normies catch on?
Brayden Rivera
>pol has existed for over a decade Can you not math or are you just a lying, faggot leaf?
Oliver Parker
It will last for at least as long as making fun of conservatives has lasted. You've mocked, on the open media, white people and those wishing to preserve their heritage, race, and culture for well nigh 40 years, and now you'll have to start taking your lumps too.
Tyler Adams
imagine arguing about how long Jow Forums has been around
actually it's been around for like a year, shh, don't tell anyone newfag. I've been here all summer.
Benjamin Hernandez
40 years? Lets try like... 16? Since the Iraq War at least. There was a cultural reprisal against conservatives led by Jon Stewart. It appears you forget Freedom Fries and the Dixie Chicks.
Are you saying sixteen years of Trump or am I obviously taking you too seriously fellow user?
Asher Moore
>How Long Can "Owning the Libs" Last?
forever, because we have the truth on our side
in contrast to the libs, who are the dead-inside cogs of an imperialist pyramid that has no truth within it. evil can never win because evil has no truth within it
Liam Lee
ITT: A retarded leaf says retarded things, and proves just exactly how fucking retarded leafs are.
I'd argue that casting that art degree barista as evil is part of the problem I'm directly talking about. That is you trying to "own" them. That person. Your sentiment will be echoed throughout the years through the "meme magic". That liberals are evil... Pedophiles, cabal, devil worshippers.
And that dirt poor however naieve art degree barista is going to learn how to deal with you better as meme magic becomes older. Because, obviously, Haièly is just trying to work on her collage and needs more shifts to cover rent and honestly just agrees the holocaust happened.
Obviously you don't care about her. But it adds to the problem of asking How Long Can This Last?
Gabriel Morales
oh someone called me a retarded leaf on pol wow so brave so controversial
Cooper Green
>if only to own the libs I thought this was a just a meme. Do people really rationalize MIGA this way?
Brandon Perry
Fpbp ás usual
Hunter Campbell
>"I'm a faggot leaf and I know it, so what?" Now this is some leaf meta here.
oh someone on pol is still calling me a retard leaf so brave so controversial
Ethan Ortiz
It isn't just a meme, friend. For some, all that matters is literally upsetting people they don't like. Trump could drop nukes on a country and they would cheer for it because it would upset liberals.
>problem, fellow user? problem is you're a fag and your thread is shitty bait -1/10
Dominic Bell
Fuck you gaynigger leaf you're right. You can see it manifesting in content creators like Jordan Benison, Tim Pool, Sargoy, ect. "Owning the libs" has become bread and circus already.
Eli Wright
so someone called me a fag on pol so brave so controversial
fag is easier to type than your feelings its okay
Christian Robinson
>browsed pol in their adolescence newfags leave
Jonathan Parker
>fag is easier to type than your feelings its okay my gut feeling tells me you're probably a homosexual given that you are a: the OP and b: a homosexual therefore i conclude (based on my feelings) that you enjoy sucking (feminine) penis and that's why i see you hanging around the park most nights and let you stay at my place that one time.
Ryan Hernandez
I can't wait to vote out the federal Liberals like we did Ontario liberals.
Gabriel Moore
just that one time though
Jack Roberts
I don't know if you're old enough to remember anything before W's administration, but the scorn for conservatives has gone on far longer than that. At least as far back as the Reagan administration, from what I can recall from my own memories, amd probably longer than that.
Cameron Myers
Didn't Regan get voted in a huge electoral win after the disappointment of the super liberal messiah Carter?
See? It's all a pendulum.
Justin Roberts
We'll lose once censorship is implemented
Brandon Harris
Jose Reyes
Aaron Martinez
>naieve art degree barista is going to learn HAHAHAHA > how to deal with you better AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Nathan White
Leaf/10 faggotry
Jaxson Martin
>How can you guys have so much stamina? I hate myself and the world around me, I couldn't imagine actually being that passionate for a cause.