He should have been president and all you Trumpfags know it. He would’ve done a far better job.
President Ted Cruz
Ain't no spic or nigger gonna end up pres' in MY country!!!!! You Reddit shills are making this board unstable.
America’s last hope
He's a Canadian, ineligable for that office. But definitely SCOTUS.
Na. Trump was needed as a gateway to Conservatism. He completely changed the 'image' of the right for me, and I know he did for others. A non-warmongering, small government politician is something new
he wasn't ready yet. it took getting defeated by Trump for him to level up to a presidential level.
Looks like a guy who quotes scripture while raping children.
I don't trust him.
Ted Cruz might be a bigger Zionist stooge than trump and that's saying something
>t. Obama voter
I doubt it. He'd probably be worse than Zion Don.
He's a huge nerd. Wouldn't be able to pull the Trump-north Korea thing if his life dependend on it.
How? He wanted to totally reform the immigration system, finally seal up your borders
There is nobody in texas that loves Israel more than ted cruz.
he puts Israel's interests first everytime, whether that means denying hurricane relief until people agree that boycotting any Israelli Business needs to be illegal, or just collecting our tax dollars to give directly to Israel.
cruz is seriously dedicated to Israel, far more than America or Texas
cruz loves israel
texans are not important, jewish people are what matter
did you not know this?
this is all he does.
cruz is the personification of a 'rat fink'
all he cares about is gutting texas to fund Israel
he is a leaf. canadian.
same can be said about trump
>hey you guys cruz is so redpilled /ourguy/ amirite
no, he SAID he wanted to do that.. if Trump has taught you anything, its that anyone who has anything positive to say about israel cannot be trusted.
you heard poland, thats /thread.
Sorry about this sped, America. Ted Cruz is a good argument for a Northern-Southern wall. All these boomers have such a hard on for Pisrael, it really is appalling. Do they even see themselves? Ours is the same situation as the USSR, all these old stodgy career bureaucrats in the grip of kike influence wasting our time and bleeding our nations dry in a perverted jew ritual. The Eternal Boomer.
He will be president in 2028 when Pence leaves office.
If 2 of Rubio,Cruz, and Kasich had dropped out Trump would have lost.
The dems have the same problem with Sanders and Warren. If one drops the other wins if they both stay they both lose.
Jeb would have been a great President unironically
He would not have created a surge in the far left movement like Trump did, and can't play the media like Trump can.
Trump was necessary. We can go back to a less bombastic president after 2024.
Drop the beaner name and we can talk.
more like 20Sixmillion
Cruz would've been a swamphog with all the rest of them if Trump hadn't brought the MAGA energy into Washington. Now that Cruz has been baptized by Americanism he's ready once 2024 comes around. He'll be better on guns for sure.
I hope a few of you learned something and will inform others. I can't figure out why people like him.
We need Ted for a far more important position: Supreme Court Justice. Soon.
yeah lets give RBG's spot to someone even more jewish and pro Israel and anti white.
OP I hope you learned a lesson about making ted cruz threads. someone will always expose the truth and show him for what he is.
someone that needs hung from a rope with the other corrupt officials and traitors to our people, he is an actual threat to the survival of your children and will be dealt with appropriately by real Texans.
Cruz would have likely got more done than Trump given that Cruz actually has some understanding of politics and doesn't turn every single issue into a giant meme.
>The wall
Wall has been getting built for over a decade by the army corp of engineers, hundreds of miles have gone up under Bush and Obama and Trump of replacement fencing. No one gave a fuck about this at all up till Mr Reality TV started shouting about it.
Meanwhile Trump hasn't even built any himself, it's the same project that went on under those other Presidents, but Trump being the loudmouth that he is takes credit for it anyway and has made immigration control a politically impossible thing from now on.
The overton window has moved left because of Trump.
I like Cruz for the depth of his understanding of Constitutional Law (his Harvard teacher Dershowitz called him the brightest mind on that matter) and his rationale for his political positions. But he seems to be unused to the dirty tricks and ridiculous slanders that the Dems have been willing to use, especially on Trump. I don’t think Cruz is a ‘street fighter’ and he is uncomfortable kicking back at another opponent’s balls. Which is fine for a judge on the Supreme Court but not for today’s desperate times.
>I don’t think Cruz is a ‘street fighter’ and he is uncomfortable kicking back at another opponent’s balls.
This translates to 'Cruz wouldn't tweet all day long to own le libs' in other words.
Trump is a master at blowing hot air and giving the illusion that he's doing something.
>He would’ve done a far better job.
A trained monkey would've done a far better job. Given the current occupant of the White House, that's a pretty low bar you've set.
show israel flag.
Ad hominem.
>Ad hominem
that you said that shows that you either do not understand my position (cruz is israel puppet)
or you do not understand what Ad hominem means. (attacking the person instead of the position)
you are a canard, charade you are.
I said it because your reply was an ad hominem.
your reply is an oxytocin.
see I can use words in the most retarded fashion where they do not fit too.
Attacking a poster for using a memeflag is an ad hom.
If Trump didn’t win we wouldn’t be able to laugh at liberals the same way.
those two things do not equate. you are Israeli.
only a kike would equate being called out as a jew to an attack. you ARE the proof of my argument, my post was a clear hyperbole.
go practice your pilpul elsewhere you fucking pseudo intellectual kike failure.
Wrong, you just failed everywhere: Syria, Venezuela, Best Corea, Afghanistan et cetera...
you dont like rand?
can you explain how venezuela fits in there please.
the others I see some argument that can be made, you call them failures but only NK still has a no central global bank out of those, and that was the point. same as iraq and Libya and sudan, and the others.
but how is south america our fault, aside from panama and chile... and Nicaragua... and honduras... and you know... grenada and cuba if you count the islands as 'south america'.
at least we didn't fuck up the galapagos... unless you think of it as part of Ecuador... shit.
well .... colombia too. but NOT mexico or brazil . argentina wasn't our fault either.
VZ was someone else's fuck up.
>can you explain how venezuela fits in there please.
Anti-Maduro coup backed by glowniggers failed, Bolton was fired while Russia and China emboldened their positions.
Pretty sure Ole ted would be on his knees to zog just like trump
Cruz met his wife when both were working on Bush campaigns.
At least Trump's background was doing semi-legit stuff, even if just as bag-man for Jews.
Trump has major hotel/resort operations in IIRC 5 Muslim nations, from FSU Slavic Muslims, to Sand Niggers in Dubai, to Swamp Monkeys in Indonesia.
When Trump was "in the trenches" renting 100s and 1000s of apts to Niggers and Whites in NYC, Cruz was fetching coffee for Bush family.
OP here
I think this is the kicker. Trump has brought a new level of political entertainment, and has enraged the left to the point of becoming a parody of themselves. I don’t think he’s a great politician (ties to Israel, shady dealings), but at least he hasn’t started any wars - rather worked towards peace. He may be a boomer, but at least he gave us something to believe in during our most hopeless nights.
Ted is a cuck. He let trump dis his wife on international tv and did nothing. He's got no ballz and certainly lacks any machismo.
>he gave us something to believe
What? If you believed anything trump said your a retard. The dude is an accomplished liar and fraud with 40 plus years of evidence to prove that.
that was mossad interfering with OPEC the exact same way they are doing to Iran using the saudi's as a proxy currently