why are reporters so obsessed with places having "too many white people"?
Why are reporters so obsessed with places having "too many white people"?
fuck trump and fuck white "people"
kek to bad it's fake but still funny
what is extremely offensive
Because jews only hire people who are concerned that there are too many white people.
>why are jews so obsessed with places having "too many white people"?
cool it with the anti-semitism please
The fagcom was overwhelmed by math
How come they never count the number of Jews in their own studios? It shouldn’t be over 1%. There should be twelve niggers and twenty spics for every NPR kike.
I want to drop this guy off in the middle of Baltimore and make him walk out and see how it changes his worldview.
journalism as a field has been dead for decades
t. journalist
>I want to drop this guy off in the middle of Baltimore
counting down
We need moire of this. America needs to be reminded. Spread this pic everywhere.
I hope he was counting so he could kick some blacks out if they were overrepresented by % of population right?
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with places having "too few white people"?
Poc greatly outnumbering whites is good he says so the representation argument only holds if it's to many whites. Blatant anti white racism as always.
Because every country we created including your faggot ass country that will be raked, is currently being destroyed by brown hordes and the gibs they demand and kill to acquire.
you're the only user I consistently recognize because of the cringy newfaggotry
Hey OP, you write some funny shit. I'll pay you for stuff I can use, see pic.