Meet your new mascot, courtesy of /co/
Meet your new mascot, courtesy of /co/
>Meet your new mascot, courtesy of /co/
>Der CalArts
Make sure to vote for Spinel too in the annual Ms./co/ competition!
Voting Ends Tonight.
Ms. /co/ 2019: SemiFinals (Results):
Ms. /co/ 2019: Finals (Part 5):
Vote Here.
Match 1 (1st vs 2nd) Spinnel vs Raven
Match 2 (3rd vs 4th) Frankie vs Shego
>First started in 2018
Previous Winners
Ms. /co/ (2018-)
Jenny XJ9 (2018)
Mr. /co/ (2018-)
Johnny Bravo (2018)
I only bend the knee to Moon Man!
Our lovely mascot...
>new mascot
Not white.
That thing is hideous. Looks like it's from that queer Steven Universe cartoon
This. Fuck off back to your own boards OP you faggot.
Are you a tranny, a faggot, or both?
>it's one guy
>he doesn't know about post IDs
>The samefagging he does on /co/ doesn't work here
yknow shitposting about something you want people to hate doesn't really work when it's only you alone doing it.
>totalitarian environmentalist
Literally Hitler with slightly less autism
/co/ is shit, but Steven Universe is a masterpiece
Come on user we just need your votes on
any lewds?
I for one welcome our new flavor-of-the-month overlord.
Oh the character she's based on, yes? Of her? There's like one, I'd post it but I never saved it
Sorry lads, OP is samefagging falseflagger trying to give Steven Universe posters a bad name. He's been spamming /co/ with porn of this character for days on end in hopes that people will vote for his character in the popularity poll.