Anti-feminist ideologies treat their women poorly? Who could have seen this coming?
Anti-feminist ideologies treat their women poorly? Who could have seen this coming?
Lauren southern is a niggress
Jews aren't people.
Probably they are just being treated like equals, and they are not used to not being constantly cuddled and flirted to
yeah i'm thinking you're a jew
Once you out yourself as an elite you lose all common following
>HAHAHAH fuck you not lefties!
This is a Shill thread alert, please do not respond fags
That's what (((she))) gets for being a kanadian kike.
>(((Lauren Southern)))
Yup, it's shill time
>The only successful thing to come from the Hillary campaign.
Nice thread JIDF.
12\4\17. Cutting edge there memeflag cunt waffle.
old story.
Kill all women
Please fuck off.
Brevity is the soul of wit
So basically most men on the right hate because she has always been a thot from the beginning and a liar. And being "treated badly" how??? All the fucking gay fan boys of hers gave her money and some white nationalist simps probably too.
Is this a leftist meme or a parody of a leftist meme. I can't tell.
>alt-right women
>alt-right men
What a shit load of fake news this crap is.
Reminder that anyone can claim to be alt-right and then use that disguise to attack alt-right women.